/ / How many Star Wars parts are in total and in what order to watch them?

How many parts of the "Star Wars" total and in what order to watch them?

Space saga about the opposition of good and evillong ago won the hearts of millions of fans around the world. But there are people who have not watched it yet. And some have seen the first parts so long ago that they have forgotten a lot, and before starting to get acquainted with a new, recently released film, they want to review all the episodes again. When watching this epic, fans of the genre will surely get real pleasure, just first you need to find out how many parts of Star Wars and how to watch them in the correct order. Since the film contains a certain philosophy, you need to understand what is involved in each of the episodes.

How was the movie made?

The first part of the film appeared on the screens in 1977year and made a real revolution in cinema, as well as in the minds and hearts of many television viewers. This picture was a huge success and, in fact, it was only thanks to her box office that the studio of XXth Century Fox was saved from bankruptcy that threatened her then.

how many parts of star wars
After such a breakthrough, one by one beganto release new episodes of this wonderful saga, which were no less popular than the very first film. According to many critics, they are considered to be among the best films in the science fiction genre, therefore they have found their continuation in many games, books, comics and various toys.

Итак, сколько всего частей "Звёздных войн"?In reality, the space saga consists of three trilogies. The first and the second included 3 episodes, and in the third sequel there is only one film at the present time, but they are already working on a sequel. Therefore, it turns out that this star series consists, for the moment, of 7 full-length films.

The first trilogy (1977-1983)

How many parts of Star Wars are included in this cyclethe film, it’s clear from the title itself, is 3 episodes: Episode 4: New Hope, Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back, and Episode 6: The Return of the Jedi.

They tell about Luke's love triangle.Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia Organo, who appeared in the very first series, and resolved only in the third. Also at the beginning of the film, intrigue arises, connected with Darth Vader, but if you look at the second series first, everything will become clear, and the desire to watch the first one will immediately disappear.

In the center of the whole saga is the story of anotherhero: Luke's father, Anakin Skywalker, appearing in the film initially at the age of nine. Also, there are such heroes as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, as well as the Emperor and the robots C-3PO and R2-D2. So, it is clear how many parts of the movie "Star Wars" in the very first original trilogy and what they tell the audience.

how many parts of star wars

The second prequel (1999-2005)

In the period from 1999 to 2005, George Lucas shot notless interesting and exciting series about the mythical universe and about the adventures of heroes already loved by the audience. How many parts of "Star Wars" came out on screens during this time span and what are they called? The data in the series are presented as follows: "Episode 1: The Phantom Menace", "Episode 2: Attack of the Clones" and "Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith".

They tell the story of Anakin Skywalker andabout how the Emperor was able to get his title. In the second trilogy, it shows how the empire itself was born, and why Darth Vader decided to go to the side of dark forces. This part of the space saga is more cruel than the first. It is in these series that it turns out that thousands of planets are part of the Star Wars universe, but its center is considered to be the desert planet Tatooine.

how many parts of star wars and how to watch

New Movie (2015)

And now, finally, in December 2015, the first series of the third trilogy “Awakening of Power” will be released. And how many parts of Star Wars? Этот вопрос интересует всех тех, кто не был ранее familiar with this saga and planned to visit this film in cinemas. Indeed, without understanding this, it will be difficult to build in my head a storyline of a new series. After all, it will not be Darth Werder and the Emperor, but the Galaxy will still be in danger. The first order and its mysterious leader Snook are trying to seize all power, and only the Jedi can stop them.

Несомненно, такую интересную сагу смотреть очень it is fascinating, therefore, how much all the parts of Star Wars go are not so important, since you will not be bored for sure. But it will not be an effort to calculate it, each episode is about 130 minutes, respectively, it will take about 15 hours to watch all the episodes.

how much are all parts of star wars

Options for viewing the saga

Questions "how to watch a movie epic" and"How many parts of Star Wars" has already been filmed "cause a heated debate and debate in the forums of fans of this space series. There are two ways to view.

1. View the saga in the order in which it was filmed: episode 4, 5, 6, and then - 1, 2, 3, and 7.

2. In the correct plot chronology, in this case, the numbering changes and begins with the first part, and ends the seventh.

But it is better, of course, to watch movies, as theyare indicated in the first version, since here the aesthetic fact also plays its role. Naturally, the first episodes have more primitive graphics and a weaker acting game, so after getting acquainted with the Sith and Jedi in modern processing, it is no longer possible to get maximum pleasure from the initial episodes of this saga. Also, fans of the film claim that age can play in the choice of options. Thus, for those who are younger than 25 years old, the second method of viewing is suitable, and who is older, the closer the first one.

When will the new episode appear?

How many parts of Star Wars would not have come out, thisThe legendary saga will always be popular with its fans, whose number over the years has become incredible. That is why it was decided to shoot its continuation. The release date of the new, eighth series, which is scheduled for May 2017, has already been made public, but what name it will have is not known yet.

As the director of this episode shouldspeak Ryan Johnson, and the screenwriter, who shot the previous part, will take on the duties of a producer. Fans are already in anticipation and look forward to the release of a new film.

how many parts of the movie star wars
How many parts of Star Wars has already been shot, andinterest in this space saga does not disappear completely. In the entire history of its rental, this film epic has collected about 4,500,000,000 US dollars, which is considered the fifth grossing figure among all existing film franchises.