/ / "The owner of the taiga": actors and roles

"Master of the taiga": actors and roles

Today we will discuss the film "The Master of the Taiga".Actors and roles will be given below. This is a Soviet, artistic detective film. The script of the painting was created by Boris Mozhaev on the basis of his own work "The Power of the Taiga". Subsequently, the continuation of the tape entitled "The Departure of a Witness" and "Preliminary Investigation" appeared on the screens. Valery Zolotukhin participates in all these paintings.


master taiga actors
First, we discuss the plot of the film "The Master of the Taiga".Actors and roles will be presented below. The film tells of an emergency that occurs in a taiga village, in which everything is in sight. It's about nightly theft in the store. In complicity, Nikolai Ipatov is recognized as a rafter. He was detained. However, the sergeant-major Seryozhkin-the young precinct-is not allowed to quibble contradictions in the materials of the criminal case. He assumes that Ipatov is innocent. Under suspicion there is an artel of shabashnikov-timber-cutters, and also their foreman Ivan Ryaboy. On the night, when a likely attacker is going to leave the village with his beloved woman, the policeman decides to arrest him and conduct a search.

Main actors

actors of the film host of the taiga
Sergeant Sergeev Seryozhkin Vasily Fokich and foremanrafters Ivan Ryaboy - the main characters of the movie "Master of the Taiga". Actors Valery Zolotukhin and Vladimir Vysotsky embodied these images on the screen. Let's talk more about the first of them.

Valery Zolotukhin is a Russian andSoviet actor of cinema and theater. He was the head of the Taganka Theater. He was born in the Altai Territory, in a village called Fast Istok. He came from a family of peasants - Matryona Fedoseevna and Sergei Illarionovich Zolotukhin. Father was chairman. Valery Sergeyevich dreamed of becoming an actor from childhood. Entered GITIS. Chose the branch of musical comedy. After graduation, he was invited to the Moscow City Council Theater. There he worked for a year. Then I changed the scene. Joined the Taganka Theater. Here he made his debut in the production of "The Good Man from Sezuan", played the role of Wang Water.

Among his embodied images - Grushnitsky from"The Hero of Our Time," Fyodor of The Living, Alzest of Misanthrope, Faust and Mephistopheles from The Feast of the Time of the Plague. He worked on poetic performances: "Vladimir Vysotsky", "Comrade, Believe", "Listen", "Fallen and Alive". In the movie, he made his debut in the film "Package" of Vladimir Nazarov, based on L. Panteleev's novel. In this picture, he played the main role - the role of Petit Trofimov. Actively acted in films. He was best known for his roles in the trilogy "The Master of the Taiga", the films "The Passing of a Witness", "The Preliminary Investigation" and the image created in the picture "Bumbarash".

Valery Zolotukhin together with Galina Volina(human rights activist), organized the Charity Public Foundation for Creativity. After the death of the actor, the organization received his name. Was an art director in the youth theater of Altai. He became a deputy of the State Duma as a representative of "Fair Russia". Prior to assuming this post, he delegated his mandate to Konstantin Beschetnov.

Mikhail Kokshenov played the rafter Nikolai Ipatov.

Other heroes

the owner of taiga actors and roles
Seryozhkin's wife Tanya and the cook Nyurka - twomemorable female image, which are present in the film "Master of the Taiga". The cast was complemented by Alla Mescheryakova and Lionella Pyrieva, who performed these roles. Dmitry Masanov played the store's director Nikolai Noskov. The groom Lubnikov and raftsman Genya Varlashkin also appear in the plot of the film "The Master of the Taiga". Actors Leonid Kmit and Edward Bredun embodied these images. Vladimir Lippart played the role of Fomkin's rafter. The actors of the movie "The Master of the Taiga" Peter Savin and Pavel Shpringfeld played the chairman of the village council and Stepan. Ivan Kosykh embodied the image of a skinhead rafter. Ekaterina Mazurova played Semenovna - the grandmother Noskov. Vladimir Rudyi played the role of rafting Anton.

Interesting Facts

film host taiga actors and roles
Further we will result some interesting information aboutthe film "Master of the taiga". The actors were represented above. Full-scale surveys of the painting took place on the Mana River in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in a village called Vyzheshy Log, in the Mansky District. While working on the film Zolotukhin, according to him, Vysotsky "haggled" and allowed the local residents to look at the actor for milk. The film took the twentieth place at the box office and gathered 26.8 million spectators. Vysotsky liked to joke while speaking about the lack of his character in the continuation of the film.