Actors of the film "Shadows disappear at noon" stripbefore the viewer all the details of the life of Siberian people in the difficult years of the Civil War, collectivization and the Great Patriotic War. The painting was shot by Vladimir Krasnopolsky in 1971. Who entered its main executive staff?
"Shadows disappear at noon": actors and roles. Petr Velyaminov as Zakhar Bolshakov
In the center of the picture "Shadows disappear at noon"the fate of an aristocratic family, which is forced to hide under fictitious names in one of the Siberian villages. The history of the life of family members, as well as other Siberian inhabitants, has been covered since the beginning of the 20th century. and until the 1970s.
In the movie "Shadows disappear at noon" actors playmainly the role of residents of the village of Zeleny Dol. Petr Velyaminov played one of such roles - the chairman of the collective farm Zahar Bolshakov. For the actor it was the debut in the movie.
In part, Veliaminov "on his own skin" experienced thoseevents, which are mentioned in the picture Krasnopolsky. Peter was a descendant of an ancient noble family. And although his father voluntarily joined the Red Army, he failed in the 30's to avoid camps. The same fate befell Peter in 1943-m. After 9 years spent in the camp, Velyaminov worked for 3 years on the rafting. Also, the man devoted much time to amateur performance. His successes were noticed, and Petr Sergeevich changed the rafting to the Abakan Drama Theater.
The actor changed many theaters.Only when he got to Sverdlovsk, luck smiled at him: the filmmakers Krasnopolsky and Uskov noticed a colorful Siberian and were invited to appear in his film "Shadows disappear at noon."
Actors "Shadows disappear at noon": photo by Nina Ruslanova
Nina Ruslanova in the tape Krasnopolsky played a representative of the communist government Marya Voronova, who brutally murder bandits brothers Men'shov.
In general, we can say that the actress sent fatea lot of tests, like Peter Veliyaminov. And if after watching the movie "Shadows disappear at noon", actors and roles make such an indelible impression on the viewer, this is largely due to the artists who were able to invest their entire life experience and all their destiny into images of screen heroes.
A small two-month-old Nina was found in the winter on the streetand identified in the orphanage. So until she came of age, she wandered around the "official" houses. Then the girl had to finish the construction school, because she did not dare to think about the career of the actress. And then there was an understanding of what one really wants to do, and the intention to achieve this. Nina got courage and went to Moscow to go to the Shchukin school. Thus began the story of a successful and popular Soviet actress.
Sergey Yakovlev as Konstantin Zhukov
In the film "Shadows disappear at noon" actors SergeiYakovlev and Alexandra Zavyalova played those very rich aristocratic heirs, whom fate forced to hide under fictitious names in the village of Zeleny Dol.
Konstantin Zhukov performed by Sergei Yakovlevhides his true surname and takes a new name - Ustin Morozov. However, Zhukov is not going to abandon his ideals: he believes that soon the Soviet power will collapse, and with all his might tries to promote this. However, the attention of the man is eluded by the fact that his children are growing up in a new state and consider the Soviet Union to be their homeland. So the protagonist has to survive not only political and social conflicts, but also the intrafamily.
Alexandra Zavyalova as Seraphima Klychkova
In the film "Shadows disappear at noon" the actorsZavyalova and Yakovlev play heroes with similar destinies. The heroine Zavyalova also of noble origin and makes a decision to fight the power of the Soviets from the inside, supporting the bandits of the Men'shov brothers and building all sorts of intrigues against the collective farm chairman Zakhar Bolshakov.
Alexandra Zavyalova very quickly began heracting career: in 1959, the actress immediately received a major role in the drama "People on the Bridge" and then every year she starred in 2-3 films, playing exclusively central characters. But the role of the aristocrat Serfima Klychkova, who was hiding in the Green Stake under the name of Pistimei Morozova, turned out to be fatal for Zavyalova.
It is not known whether the Soviet authorities do notlike the bright European beauty of the actress, or the fact that her photo was printed in foreign magazines, or maybe the realism with which she played the underground, but Alexander blocked the road to the cinema. Immediately after the release of the film Krasnopolsky actress forever disappeared from the screens.
Other performers of roles
Many more famous people can be seen in the film"The shadows disappear at noon": actors Boris Novikov (The Quiet Don), Valery Gataev (Daughter of Stration), Eleonora Shashkova ("Seventeen Moments of Spring") flashed before the audience in the image of Siberians, who in one way or another try to adapt to new times and difficult changes.