/ Jim Collins: biography and books.

Jim Collins: biography and books.

The article is about who Jim Collins is.The books of the author are masterpieces in the field of management. This American writer, in addition to his main activity, is actively engaged in business consulting and economic research. Published in various major publications.


Jim Collins was born in 1958.He began research and teaching activities at the Graduate School of Business, which belongs to Stanford University. He received the teaching prize in 1992. Jim Collins in 1995 in the city of Boulder created a laboratory of management. There he still conducts research and also trains managers from the private and public sectors. He served as director of CNN International. Collaborated with the Marine Corps, the American Association of School Inspectors, Church Leaders, Girl Scouts and the John Hopkins Medical Institute. Collins' wife - Joan Ernst - winner of the Ironman competition in 1985.

Jim Collins

First book

Jim Collins is the author of books that werecreated on the basis of research that he conducted. Some works are written together with his colleagues. His first book, “Built to last” (co-author Jerry Porras), tells why companies with a vision are usually doomed to success. She made the list of Business Week's bestsellers. The work is published in 25 languages.

Jim Collins books


In 1995, Jim Collins, in collaboration with William Leizer, published The Beyond Business. It tells you how to make a company indestructible. The following steel work "From good to great" and "How great ones perish." The book "The Great On Your Own Choice" can also be called a bestseller. Its circulation is 4,000,000 copies. Presented in 35 languages.

how great jim collins die

Content of work

Jim Collins book “From Good to Great”talks about how to make one of the best of an average company. For this work, the author conducted a six-year study and shares his results with readers. He analyzed the companies that made the breakthrough and compared them with those that did not succeed. All major projects showed some similar elements of success. We are talking about discipline in the team, thinking and acting, as well as the effect of the flywheel. Thanks to this approach, companies have achieved amazing results that exceed the industry average many times over. This work will be of interest to students who are studying in the specialty “management”, consultants, development managers, directors of companies, and business owners.

The book "How to die the great" Jim CollinsIt is devoted to the analysis of the collapse of companies that seemed indestructible, which are now decaying. The author is trying to figure out whether a catastrophe really happens unexpectedly, or the company, not knowing what it is doing, is preparing the ground for it with its own hands. It also addresses the question whether it is possible to see signs of decline from the very beginning and thereby avoid it. The author shows, for some reason, some companies remain at a height when a difficult period occurs, while others (equal in basic indicators) fall to the bottom. It also raised the question of how large-scale various crisis phenomena must be in order for the movement towards collapse to become inevitable. It describes the possibility of a turn in the right direction. The author shows managers how to detect, stop the decline, and then resume growth. This work is aimed, first of all, at business owners, as well as top managers who are striving to achieve success and keep a place at the top for a long time - to build a company that will exist for many years.

jim collins book from good to great
Книга под названием «Построенные навечно» has been researching the reasons for the long-term success of various US corporations. Jerry Porras and Jim Collins present their own view on the features of the work of the 18 largest companies. As part of a six-year study, which was conducted under the auspices of the Stanford University School of Business, the authors studied eminent corporations in comparison with competitors. They wondered what makes the best companies different from all the others. The work is filled with hundreds of examples presented as harmonious models of concepts that are available for use by entrepreneurs and managers. This book can be a brilliant guide for building organizations that can flourish throughout the 21st century, or even longer.