Learning a foreign language, striving to comprehendunfamiliar culture or just a desire to successfully marry - all this and more pushes us to communicate with foreigners. However, the question immediately arises: how and where to get acquainted with a representative of a distant country? From this article you will learn about the most popular sites for dating and communicating with foreigners.
How to get acquainted with a foreigner?
In the age of information technology, when the realcommunication began to gradually fade into the background, it became easy to get acquainted through the Internet. This method allows you not only to overcome the embarrassment, but also to choose the most interesting and suitable interlocutor of thousands of applicants.
Numerous websites for communicating with foreignersoffer thousands of user profiles from around the world. This allows you to find the most interesting interlocutor with whom there is always a common theme for conversation. And unmarried women such resources, perhaps, will help find their destiny.

Romantic or friendly communication?
Before you start looking for an interlocutor andto choose popular sites, it is necessary to be defined, for what you need a foreigner. As a rule, there are two reasons for acquaintance with foreign residents:
- Learning a foreign language and speaking practice.
- Romantic communication to create a family.
Choose paid and free international sitesDating is based on the goal. Find an interlocutor for the practice of a foreign language can be in any foreign social network. While the search for a chosen one is much more difficult.

Paid sites for communicating with foreigners
Popular paid resource Bridesandloverfrom offers romantic acquaintances withAmericans, British, Germans and other representatives of the near and far abroad. All forms on the site are carefully selected, which increases the chances of finding your soul mate.
International dating site VivaLove alsooffers communication with residents of different countries. On the resource you can find both friends for correspondence, and those who are ready for a serious relationship. You can go through the registration process on the site through the account of any social network. Payment on the site is made for additional functions, such as VIP status, gifts and so on.
It is accepted that paid sites for communication withforeigners enjoy a good reputation. However, the risk of meeting a fraudster is great both on free and on commercial sites. After all, it is they who are wealthy and solvent women and men.
Free international dating sites
Communication resources that do not require anyfinancial investments, are as popular as commercial ones. For example, the famous site Pen4Pals offers to pick up an interlocutor anywhere in the world. This resource is a favorite among students of foreign culture, because you can practice here not only English, but even Chinese, Spanish or French.
Site for correspondence with foreigners Livemochaallows you to find not only a friend in communication, but also a mentor who will help tighten conversation. The resource is a kind of social network, where each user has his own page with achievements and a list of friends.

International dating site Worldatingoffers hundreds of thousands of profiles of free men and women from around the world, ready to create a family. Here, almost everyone has the opportunity to meet their soul mate anywhere in the world. In addition, the resource allows you to communicate online video, which makes the process of acquaintance more interesting.
The Bride site is very popular withRussian-speaking users, and foreigners. The main purpose of the resource is to find a partner for the relationship. Here you can find a huge number of profiles of men and women from around the world. High site rating and positive reviews on the Web only confirm its reliability.
Russian dating site Mamba
Пожалуй, самый популярный русский сайт знакомств with foreigners - Mamba. Here, in addition to their compatriots, you can find many foreigners who are learning Russian and are ready for virtual communication.
Registration on the site is absolutely free.The only thing that is required is a complete questionnaire and the presence of at least one photo. To date, the Mamba site is the most visited resource for communication after the social network "VKontakte".

The most reliable site for dating with foreigners - LoveMage
One of the most reliable sites for dating andcommunication with foreigners can rightly be considered LoveMage. The resource not only carefully checks the profiles of all users, but also protects all confidential information well. For example, any part of a personal profile can be read by another user only with the consent of its author. In addition, the site can get a free consultation of psychologists and professional lawyers for any questions. Users also note the great advantage of the service is the presence of a built-in online translator and a forum where you can communicate with several interlocutors at once and discuss issues of concern. Registration on the site takes only a few minutes, while opening up many opportunities for its visitors.
How not to fall into the trap?
Many women dream of marrying a foreigner.and fly abroad in the hope of a beautiful life. However, expectations do not always have much in common with reality. That is why, before you take a serious step, you should carefully examine your second virtual half.
First, the interviewee must be open and notafraid to discuss any topic relating to even the most personal problems. If a foreigner hides any aspects of his life, then this is another reason to think about his honesty.
Secondly, from written communication is worth as much as possibleswitch to Skype before. This will help to better understand the habits and character of a person and determine how it suits you. Popular sites, such as Worldating, allow you to chat in video mode right in your account.

Thirdly, look for information about a foreigner inNetwork. Very often, women who fall into the trap of a lovelace or just a deceiver publish his photos and data on the Internet so that other users do not fall under his love spell.
If you still doubt the correctnessof your choice, then entrust it to professionals. Numerous marriage agencies offer search services for foreigners with serious intentions who are ready for marriage and family life.
Dating in real life
With the advent of the Internet, real communication,Unfortunately, it has become increasingly retreat into the background. But in reality it is possible to get to know a person like never before. You can get acquainted without using sites to communicate with foreigners. For example, there are special linguistic centers where language learners turn. At such centers, a conversational club is organized, where anyone can come to communicate.

If the purpose of dating is not friendlycommunication, and the creation of a family, it is better to trust the professionals and contact the marriage agency. Workers, who are usually called matchmakers, organize a real meeting with a candidate that is suitable in all respects. And to continue the communication further or not is up to you. The main thing is to take the first step towards your destiny.