Rewrite to order

Users of many sites are often integratedcommon interests: they are looking for the same or similar information on the network. For example, it could be news or scientific data (medical, legal, historical articles, etc.).

In what cases is rewriting necessary?

For all the similarity in content, almost allTexts (with a small percentage of exceptions) are unique. It's not just copies of each other, because copying is a measure not allowed by search engines. Non-unique texts are useless from the perspective of promotion, because they do not fall into the search engine rankings and do not bring new visitors to the untwisted resources.

How to create such texts - similar in meaning, butdifferent in form? This is rewrite to order. Not in all cases for the content of the site copywriting is necessary, in some cases it can be successfully replaced with quality rewriting. This is a completely normal and successful practice. Redesigning the source material with the preservation of the original meaning is a very good solution for creating unique Internet materials for sites.

Most often,news, information, descriptive, less often - selling and image texts. The main advantages, which has a rewrite to order, are much lower prices than copywriting. The quality of the materials is very high, the uniqueness does not suffer at all.

Rewrite to order: where to look for good performers

You can order rewriting on copywriting exchanges,at freelancers, in special agencies or on separate resources offering similar services. Their cost varies considerably depending on many factors. The more professional and experienced authors take on the performance, the higher the prices are set for work.

To order a rewrite to order, for example, it is possible on - a project successfully developing in the network for more than two years, whose audience exceeds one million readers a week.

What kind of rewriting is better

It is possible to perform rewritingmachine way: with the help of special programs - synonyms. They change the text, the quality of which at the output is rather low. In this case, manual completion is mandatory for obtaining adequate material.

This way of rewriting in terms of qualityincomparable with manual rewriting of the text, but allows you to perform work much faster. Software processing of texts is usually allowed only with the consent of the customer and is cheaper than manual. Currently, very few site owners resort to computer rewriting, because the search engines make very high demands on the quality of the text, and such texts may not correspond to them. In this case, there is a risk of getting with the "black index".

How much does a rewrite cost?

The price is determined by the author individually.On the exchanges, you can find offers for the price of 1-2 $ for a thousand signs, in authoritative agencies the prices are higher - approximately 6-10 $. The cost of services depends not only on the artist's professionalism, but also on the nature and complexity of the text.

Perform a quality rewrite is not as easy asseems at first sight. From the artist, he requires no less skill, literacy, the ability to express thoughts and submit material in accordance with stylistic requirements than when performing a full copywriting.

Рерайт на заказ предусматривает работу нескольких varieties. The first one is from one source of the customer, the second from several sources, the information of which must be combined and compressed to a certain volume, the third one - without a source, when the author is supposed to search independently for writing. As a rule, the cost of work differs slightly depending on the species.