Now we will try to figure out how to send lighthouses to the MTS. We will specify the cost of the service and its capabilities, and also consider the question of how such functions work for other operators.
Description of the service
To begin with, this type of service is calledin different ways, for example, starting mobile users often hear a question about how to send a beggar to MTS. It must be said that the essence of this does not change. If you are a subscriber of the mentioned mobile operator, and suddenly you ran out of funds on the account, but you need to make an urgent call, you should not worry - the company gives customers the opportunity to use the convenient service called "Call me back", it is often called a "beacon". Providing this opportunity is completely free. In addition, you can always send a request to a friend with a request to replenish your mobile account. You will not have to pay for it either.
How to use
We bring to your attention detailed instructions,devoted to how to send MTS to the beacon. To use the service and send SMS with a request to call a specific subscriber, simply enter the following command on your mobile phone's display: * 110 * number #, then press the call button. You can dial the number of the subscriber using any convenient format for you. After the action is done, a SMS message will be sent to the specified number, asking you to call back to your mobile number. In addition to the number itself, the message will indicate the date and time of sending the "beacon".