/ / Arina Vintovkina - one who, without feeling embarrassed, speaks about the secret

Arina Vintovkina - one who, without feeling embarrassed, speaks about the secret

At all times, sex was perceived by people assomething personal and inviolable, something that could be talked about only by being alone with a partner. Most likely, the upbringing and culture of human society did not allow us to discuss intimate moments and make them public. In some cases, people who have experienced certain problems of an intimate nature have sought advice and advice from psychologists or sexologists.

Now the topic of sex has lost its secrecy.It is openly spoken about, flaunting the joyful moments and sharing problems left and right. This position of the society has led many "knowledgeable" in the matter of personalities to become a kind of experts for all occasions. According to their assurances, they have a remarkable experience and give advice to all without exception.

One of those who positions themselves asa correspondence sexologist and gives recommendations, answering the questions of those interested, is a young woman named Arina Vintovkina. Surname is very biting, is not it?

arina of the rifle

Some details about Arina

It is generally accepted that if a person has acquiredfans and became popular in a certain area, then you can find enough plausible information about him, for example, learn something about his family, childhood and the like. But recently media people are trying not to spread about their personal lives, so as not to provoke fans to rash acts: meetings at the entrances or, worse, a settlement on the staircase of a lover in the imaginary image of an immature boy. It is necessary to be content only with what the object of worship itself shares.

Arina Vintovkina in this aspect also receivedreasonably well. Considering the topics that she broadcasts, one should be afraid of persistence of the public because, as is known, love and sex are the strongest stimulators of the human brain. The biography of Arina Vintovkina is shrouded in mystery. About herself the girl lets know the following: the age is little more than thirty, married, loves coffee, does not like snow, that's why she spends the winter season in countries where it's warm and snowless. Journalist and psychologist by education, and has been dealing with journalism for more than 10 years. Can not tolerate dogs and be disappointed both in people and in life circumstances.

photo of arina rifle

Cooperation with a popular men's magazine

The Russian edition of Men's Health is known for the fact thaton its pages those who are interested in the topic of sex, will certainly find the information they need, well, or at least qualitative content, after reading which the person will be satisfied. Male magazine began its cooperation with Arina Vintovkina in the distant 2009. During this time the girl was covered with a huge number of scrupulous topics, given a lot of advice and answers to questions of interest to readers.

Columns of Arina Vintovkina exclusively on the topicsex are called "Colonists MH" and "M + F". They are claimed by the reader and have a fairly high rating rating - 9.1 out of the possible 10 points. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the young woman highlights the problem of the relationship of the opposite sex from a woman's point of view, based on her own experience and the experience of her numerous friends, whom she repeatedly mentions.

arina column


Some rancor argue that ArinaVintovkina takes all the information from her head or shares what she read from others, exposing her own judgments. They confidently declare that a married lady is simply physically unable to try on her experience all that she tells with such confidence to her numerous army of fans, let alone advise how right or wrong. By the way, critics of Arina Vintovkina declare that her fans are just insecure young guys or lost men's hope for a successful acquaintance, after all, as it is known, after 30 chances to create a strong pair gradually come to naught. How to know?

arina rifle biography

Live Chat

Arina Vintovkina, whose photo is very rareon her official pages in social networks, organized an open group in public "Vaibera". Here live live live communication of a young woman with all who joined and wants to talk. The group "Sex chat with Arina Vintovkin" is called. In conclusion, I would like to note that everyone can criticize, but not many people can truly become interesting people. Arina Vintovkina did it, so she deserves respect.