/ / Electronic money: types, classification, concept, characteristic

Electronic money: types, classification, concept, characteristic

Electronic money - a qualitatively newdirection in the conduct of commercial activities. Today, electronic wallets all over the world allow you to quickly pay and receive payment for purchases, pay bills, earn, invest, and all this through the Internet, without leaving home. Conveniently? Certainly. What is this, and what kinds of electronic money in Russia are the most popular? All this in this article.

electronic money types

What is electronic money and electronic wallet?

Electronic money is the same as yoursin a purse and on a bank card, the only difference is that the calculation takes place on the Internet. Here, as well as on the card, you can pay for goods through the Internet (and in different countries), exchange them for another currency, pay bills, utility bills and mobile communications, buy air and railway tickets, transfer from purse on the wallet, deduce them for real money. The list is almost limitless.

Electronic wallets are especially liked by those who prefer freelance earnings, since in the majority they are anonymous and do not require identification of passport data.

Расчет электронными деньгами – быстрый и удобный, not requiring filling in the papers, going to shops and banks and standing in lines. All payments can be made at the computer monitor, without leaving home, it is enough to choose the appropriate payment system.

types of electronic money in Russia

What is EPS?

The concept of electronic money and their types are inseparableare connected with the concept of "electronic payment system". This is the organization that deals with your wallet after its opening, just as the bank is engaged in your financial operations after opening a card account in it.

In Russia there are different types of systemselectronic money, each of which has its own functionality, different levels of development and popularity, different degrees of coverage, different goals. Some of them interact with each other and allow you to transfer funds from the purse of one OPS to the purse of another, of course, with the charging of a certain commission. What is this for?

Each payment system has its own money.Suppose you want to order some goods online, and you have an open purse from OPS number 1, where your electronic money lies. The online store where you want to make a purchase accepts payments only for TSO number 2. Then you will have a choice - to open a purse in OPS No. 2 and again invest money there or simply transfer money to it from the purse of OPS No. 1.

classification and types of electronic money

How to put money on a wallet?

Electronic money, the types of which will beare further considered, as a rule, assigned to a certain bank, so you can transfer cash into electronic funds through the bank cash desk. There is such a function through mobile or Internet banking. You just need to specify which payment system you use and how much you want to transfer.

By the way, some types of electronic new moneyallow you to create plastic cards, which you can use to calculate through the terminal. With them, you can also withdraw cash, as with conventional bank cards.

electronic money essence types and forms of use

Types of electronic money and their characteristics

As mentioned above, the right choicepurse will largely avoid problems with commissions and delays in payment in the future. This decision depends on which country and what types of settlements you are going to make. For example, in Belarus electronic purses with the Belarusian currency are active only after a difficult identification, so here you can hardly pay an electronic purse. Of course, not everywhere there are such complex nuances, customers are further offered a choice of popular electronic money, the types of which are used in calculations throughout the world.


One of the most popular and convenient paymentsystems in the world - owned by the world auction eBay. Electronic money PayPal can be calculated by them in 203 countries of the world. A special advantage of PayPal are numerous types of financial transactions and methods of withdrawing cash.

This payment system allows:

  • transfer any funds from your personal account;
  • carry out payment transactions using a mobile version;
  • perform simultaneous operations with several persons;
  • send an invoice for payment by mail;
  • carry out daily withdrawal of money to your account and much more.

concept of electronic money and their types

"Yandex money"

The second most popular electronic money, typeswhich are allowed to perform calculations mainly in Russia and CIS countries, is "Yandex.Money". Although they have the ability to transfer dollars, Ukrainian hryvnia, Belarusian rubles, their main currency is the Russian ruble.

In this system is also all quick and simple, you can conduct a huge number of instant operations:

  • payment of receipts and services;
  • payment for goods;
  • acceptance of payments;
  • withdraw money to a plastic card;
  • transfer from card to card of another user.

For these services, the FSO removes 0.5% of the commission from the amount. In the withdrawal of funds - 3%.

A big advantage "Yandex.Money "is the ability to connect your wallet directly to your own site so your customers can instantly pay for the goods on another purse, bank account or card directly on your website.

types of electronic money and their characteristics


One of the very first SEOs, WebMoney Transfer,It is widely used by many users of the Russian-speaking part of the Internet and some Western European countries. However, one should be cautious and clearly understand where the calculations will be carried out by connecting these electronic money, whose types are prohibited, for example, in Germany.

The WebMoney system uses 4 currencies - the dollar,hryvnia, Belarusian and Russian ruble. With their help, you can also carry out a huge list of operations - from payment of commodity and financial payments to acceptance of payment for the goods on your own site.

A huge advantage of WebMoney can be considered numerous opportunities for its replenishment:

  • through the cashier of Sberbank;
  • through the map;
  • through the mail;
  • through exchange offices;
  • with the help of Western Union and many others.

types of e-money systems


Another Russian payment system,used more in calculations between the CIS countries. Unfortunately, despite a fairly wide range of operations, it is not often found in online stores. But it is quite convenient and quickly you can pay receipts for the apartment, television, internet and phone.

Especially the Qiwi system fell in love with those who are not particularly friendly with the Internet. The task is simplified due to the numerous terminals that help to carry out operations.

In addition to the above, classification and typeselectronic money includes systems RUpay, Stormpay, Moneybookers, Liqpay, "One purse", "Money Mail" and many others. Their use is not so common, as for example, WebMoney or Yandex.Money. If you want to make payments on the territory of the CIS countries for goods in online stores or, conversely, receive payment on the site, it is better to connect a more popular purse.

How to start using electronic money

The principle of working with an electronic purse is usually the same for all payment systems, so let's give a general algorithm for action.

  1. Choose an electronic wallet, which suits you best, and go to its official website.
  2. Pass free registration, fill innecessary data about yourself, if necessary, specify passport data, depending on how you will use this purse. In some systems it is recommended to go through the verification and identification process. To do this, you will most likely need to send a scan of your passport or come to the OPS office (to the bank branch) to confirm your identity. Such a complex identification system is needed if, for example, you are a private entrepreneur or plan to enter / withdraw large sums in your wallet. After the passage, there will be more opportunities to work with the account. Many wallets, on the contrary, allow you to open your wallet anonymously. This option is suitable for freelancers who do not want to advertise their income.
  3. Some SEOs offer to download a mobile offer, with which it is more convenient to make transactions, for example, WebMoney.
  4. The last step is to replenish the purse with cash or electronic money.


The promotion of electronic money does notonly quick payments through the Internet, but also to rapidly evolving fraud. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose and trust your funds to reliable trusted companies. If you have not previously heard about a particular payment system, you should not enter your personal data into the registration form, let alone transfer funds without knowing where. Beware of fraud!


So, now you know what electronicmoney - essence, types, and forms of use, as well as the fact that it is a convenient, fast and reliable way to carry out monetary transactions directly at the monitor of your computer. Trust only proven payment systems. Firstly, today they are available in virtually any online store, railway ticket and air tickets, cinemas, service centers. They allow you to pay any receipts - from fines to loans and payments for an apartment. Secondly, these systems are reliably protected from fraudsters, and you can trust them completely without fear. Thirdly, they have a huge number of ways they are convenient to replenish and withdraw cash if necessary.