/ / How to create a "bot" in "VK" independently and without special programs?

How to create a "bot" in "VK" independently and without special programs?

"Bots" is a new trend in social networks.This topic interests many users. What is a "bot", why is it needed, how to create a "bot" in "VK", its page, independently and without using any programming elements? Answers to these questions can be found in this article.

What is a bot?

how to create a bot in vk
In fact, everything is very simple.A "bot" on social networks is a non-existent person, which in fact is simply not there. It's fake. They are also called "dead souls", just like in the story of Gogol, non-existent people, but listed in some structures. In this case, fakes will be considered in the social network "VKontakte". The "live" display of the "bot" is presented in the form of a questionnaire of those people who actually do not exist, or it is abandoned user pages, and perhaps even copies, but the real owners do not know about it. What can do such a "bot"? Nothing, he just is and everything. He can not read or write and nothing at all.

What is the "bot" for?

As mentioned above, all such fakesThey do absolutely nothing unless, of course, you install a special program for them. So why is he even needed then? Its main function is to increase the number of the desired group with the help of such "bots". To promote any community in VKontakte subscribers or members are required. This is the function that bots perform.

Search in a social network in "VKontakte" at firstpositions is given precisely by the community in which there are more numbers. This is a very important point, the more participants, the higher they are in the ranking. It turns out a kind of paradox. To invite real people, you need to unwind the community with bots. Gradually, real, existing users will come to the group. The “live activity” of the community will evolve and become a natural process.

How to create a page "bot" in "VK" independently?

how to create bot page in vk

1. In any search engine we find the registration page in "VK". In the column "name" we write any name. In the line "last name" any, best common, last name. Click "register".

2. Next you need to enter the phone number and click "get code".

3. After confirmation, a clean page will open for you to fill out.

Now, after registration, go to the main question, namely "How to create a bot in the" VK "?". On the page of the new user you need to fill in all the required fields. Specifically, the following:

1. Basic: you have already filled in the name and surname.So, you need to specify the gender, marital status, date of birth, city, language. Next - grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren - add the necessary. Click "save".

2. Contacts: you need to add a country, Skype, personal website. You can not add the last items.

3. Interests: need to enter activities.Specify the largest possible number of interests (books, travel, humor, etc.). Next, fill in - your favorite music, then movies, TV shows, books, games, quotes and write something about yourself, and then save.

4. The next is education, indicate the school, educational institutions and save.

5. Career: you need to enter the place of study and work, you can have several, and also save.

6. Service: male only.

7Position in life: it is necessary to fill in - political preferences, worldview, the main thing in life, the main thing in people, attitudes towards smoking, attitudes towards alcohol, a source of inspiration, and all this is also preserved.

So, the basic data is filled, go to the next stage.

The second stage - adding photos

how to create a bot page in VK without programs
So, go to the second stage of the decision of the question "How to create a bot in the" VK "?". Now you need to add an avatar and photos.

1. Find the appropriate photos on the Internet in the "pictures" section. Download them to your computer and save.

2. It is advisable to find photos of several pieces of one person. In this case, you can create the appearance of "live and real user."

3We select the photo for the avatar of medium size, it should be clearly visible face of our "bot". You can not take animals or any extravagant pictures. Everything should be brought closer to reality. We load on the page "VK" and save.

four.Now add photos, the more of them, the better. They can be any. "Bot" can be captured on them in the singular, and with the company and with a group of people. You need to upload at least 4-5 photos. Go to the next stage and learn how to create a "bot" in the "VK", the final steps.

The revival of the "bot"

Now you need to add more vitality fake.

how to create a chat bot in VK
The third stage of solving the problem "How to create a" bot "in"VK"? "Implies the most active actions. On the page of the new fake you need to upload several videos, any audio recordings. And also add friends. How to create a" bot "in" VK "without programs, so to speak, in manual mode? spending your personal time. The point is that you’ll have to add friends manually. You’ll need to create friend requests and receive daily. For a false user to appear even more alive, you need him to communicate. How to create a bot chat in VK? do in two ways: install a special program th or every day to write their own chat and interact with other users on his behalf.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. However, it is necessary to take into account, to create a full-fledged "bot", you need to spend your free time.