/ / How to make a pompon out of yarn with your own hands

How to make a pompon out of yarn with your own hands

A pom-pon made from yarn can not be usedOnly as an element of decor in clothes. From pompoms of different sizes and colors, you can make a lot of original decorative elements, for example an amusing toy for children, used as an ornament for gift wrapping.

And if you involve children in this process, making pompoms will be their favorite occupation. The article describes in detail how to make a pompon out of yarn, and what is needed for this.

Today in the shops for needlework you can buyvarious devices for making pompoms, which greatly facilitate the process itself. But we will use the old "grandmother" method, which describes how to make a pompom out of yarn with your own hands.

What do we need to work?

  • Yarn.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil.
  • Thin cardboard or thick paper.
  • Crochet hook (as an assistant).
  • The compass, but it can easily be replaced with a cup or glass.
    how to make a pompon out of yarn

The first thing to do is to make a templatethe future pom-pon. A template is the main element in how to make a pompon out of yarn. Circumference do a little more than the supposed pompom, excess will be circumcised. Take a cardboard and draw a circle with a compass, and inside it - much smaller in diameter. If there is no circulation, use the improvised items: cups, jars, glasses. Cut out the outer (large) circle first along the contour, and then the inner circle - the middle. You should get a ring - a "bagel". To work, you need two identical blanks, to do this, circle the finished ring on the cardboard and cut it out.

The rings are ready, you can go to the yarn. In order to make it easier to reel it, the thread itself needs to be cut into pieces about 1.5 or 2 meters long and folded several times.

how to make pom-poms out of yarn
Two rings are stacked on top of each other and, holdingends of the thread, start wrapping them with the workpiece. Perhaps, the prepared thread will be small, then cut another piece and wrap it over it. Threads will need to be wrapped in a circle until the pattern allows you to do it. When the threads are difficult to pass, use the crochet hook.

Finish the winding process when the inner circle becomes very small.

Now take the scissors and cut the yarn in such a way that the scissors themselves fall between the rings. Cut all threads along the contour of the workpiece. At this point, you can already see your pompom.

In order that our work is not broken up, take a strong thread, pass it between the cardboard blank, strongly pull together and tie a knot. You can do this several times.

how to make pom-poms out of yarn

Then cut the paper rings and removethem from the pom-pom. Done! It remains only to put it in order. Take your pom-pom for tails and knock them on the table or on the palm of your hand (lightly). This must be done so that the threads are straightened and fluffed. All sticking out strings must be cut with scissors, giving the pompon a neat round shape.

Long threads with which you fixed a pompom, you can leave in order to hang it somewhere.

how to knit yarn with pom-poms
You may have a question about how to make a pompon out of yarn, so that it is multi-colored? In the same way, only use pieces of thread of different colors.

If you are fond of needlework, perhaps youknow how to knit yarn with pom-poms. Pompons in such a yarn are of different sizes, so you can give knitted things originality and exclusivity.

Now you know how to make pompons from yarn, and you can realize your fantasies in life. Do not forget to draw your children to the needlework, they will definitely like it.