"Mom, Mom, they saw how wonderful I had been!"A three-year-old creator with a craftsmanship at the ready to meet his mother, who has come after him, flies headlong from the group of kindergartens." How many joy and pride in the eyes of the baby. "Still: he himself made a new, something that did not exist before, and he did it! Children 2-3 years of hand-made production are very important: it is a way to declare yourself as a person, and knowledge of the world. And if something suddenly breaks (dismantled toys: dolls that are left without hands and cars without wheels ) - so this is also creation, because in order to You have to do something, you need to know how this is arranged, so the world is known, and with the participation of adults and first of all parents, it is learned faster.
Features of young children
Remember the song from the funny children's cartoon"Carefully, monkeys"? It perfectly characterizes the psychological characteristics of those who "got out of the diaper": two-three-year old men. Hyperactivity and inability to concentrate attention on a long period on something specific at this age is the norm. After all, the child's mental processes are still involuntary. Therefore, when planning a lesson with your baby, choose simple crafts. For children 2-3 years old, needlework should not exceed 15 minutes. Time is given with a margin, because the concentration of attention at this age is possible only for 3-5 minutes.
What crafts for a child 2-3 years is better to choose?
1. Do not require sitting in one place for more than 15 minutes: we must remember the line from the song, mentioned above, about half a kilogram of explosives.
2. Making it easy: a reference to the proverb about persistence and labor is premature.
3. Those that can be finished within 15 minutes. Choose the craft that you will have time to make in this time, so you can teach the child to bring the matter to the end.
4. Choose a work option that will surely be interesting, and the end result will impress the baby.
5. Developing crafts for children of 2-3 years is an ideal variant of the integrated occupation. Therefore, try to combine needlework with the development of speech, logic, self-service skills.
The main condition for engaging in creativity: to do the work should mostly baby, mom only prompts, directs.
Creation of masterpieces with the help of finger paints -An exciting lesson for a kid. When the child learns to not only smudge himself with paint, but also to drive with his finger along the paper, his hands will get stronger, give him a thick (for convenience) brush. By the age of 2, we are already an experienced artist, past the stage of the blight and came to the stage of Kalyak Malyak and lines. You can safely embark on drawing it with a pen of little people from the song "Point, point, comma - came out a face mug." By two and a half to three years, the baby will be able to draw his first cephalon.
All mothers know how important it is to develop a smallthe motor skills of the child's hands. Modeling is one of the ideal options for pursuing its development. It is best to start a child in modeling a year. First, introduce the child to the material for modeling. Yes, by the way, it is worth paying attention to the optimal choice of what you need to sculpt with the baby crafts. For a child of 2-3 years, the ideal material is dough. You can prepare it yourself, or you can buy it in shops that specialize in selling children's products. There you can also buy related products for modeling: rolling pin, stacks, stamps and molds for carving figurines.
So, we begin classes on modeling with simple tasks: stretch the dough, roll the bun, and pinch off small pieces from it.
Next, we teach the child to roll a flat cake out of the dough with a rolling pin, cut it out using molds from a flat cake figurines (you can combine the work with the application by gluing the figures on a sheet of cardboard).
Prepare for the pattern with a simple pattern. For example, a tree, and the child with pleasure will paste on it leaves.
By the age of three your baby will fully master the role of sculptor and will be able to sculpt simple figures from three to four separately made details.
For classes, you will need ready-made parts thatyou need to glue, the base and glue (ideally - starch or flour paste). It is possible to apply the leaves of trees, if you do autumn crafts. For children 2-3 years of classes should be conducted in order of increasing complexity.
The first stage is the acquaintance of the child with the glue, its properties and the algorithm of work: first we spread the glue with the glue, then apply it to the paper and press it.
It is important to immediately draw the child's attention to the fact that he holds the part with one hand, which is lubricated with glue.
When all the difficulties of the glue craft are passed, you can proceed to a more creative process: composing the compositions from the older elements cut beforehand.
The lesson is very useful, because, apart from the shallowmotility of the hands, develops the child's spatial thinking. Of course, the kid himself can not cope with the role of the designer. But there is always Mom, Dad, who will help to do something interesting. There are ready-made sets - handicrafts for a child of 2-3 years, allowing you to collect figurines from several large parts.
But you can do without them: to collect on a walk chestnuts and bumps and make a funny little man. Just take a walk on an unpredictable occupation.
For the construction of suitable and other handy things: tangles of thread, cardboard bases from rolls of toilet paper, all kinds of boxes and boxes. It is only necessary to show imagination.
At the age of 2 to 3 years, the thinking of childrendevelops visually-effectively, so creativity is important, in the process of which the child receives skills in handling objects, labor, self-service, and speech.
The main thing is not to forget the rule: the child should like what he does.