/ / Popular game - short backgammon

Popular game - short backgammon

Board games not only allow a personDistracted from the routine, but also stimulate the brain. After all, most of them have rules and order according to the laws of logic and mathematics. Among the board games, short backgammons are becoming increasingly popular. The appearance of a computer version, which can be played online, further widened the audience.

Historical reference

short backgammon

This oriental game for severalmillennia was popular in the upper classes of the Asian nobility. Many padishahs and viziers spent their time behind this "boring", as they called it, occupation. Uninteresting short backgammon was considered due to the fact that the outcome of the game can not be foreseen.

The prototype of backgammon was known for more than 5,000 yearsback. There is a version according to which short backgammons came up with Persian in response to the challenge of the Indian ruler who sent chess as a riddle. Scientists not only failed to unravel the rules of "gift", but also invented their game, which was sent as an answer. And, according to this version, the solution of the puzzle for the inhabitants of India took 12 years.

In European countries, short backgammon came withwave of the Crusades around the 12th century AD. e. In this case, different peoples and at different times there were different names for this game. For example, in the Middle Ages backgammon was called "backgammon", in Russia they were known as "backgammon-tavlei", and in Turks - "tavla". It is interesting that in the countries of Western Europe, where Latin dominated, the name of the game had almost the same root and sound. Compare: "tabula" (Romans), "tables reales" (Spaniards), "tavola reale" (Italians), "tavli" (Greeks) and "tables" (Englishmen).

Description of the game

backgammon game short

Originally backgammon was used in astrologyfor the prediction of the future. There is a theory according to which the principles of our universe were laid down in game rules. Backgammon, short and long, is a logically constructed, interesting game, if you consider their order from this point of view, you can draw the following parallels:

  • The number of items - 24 - corresponds to the number of hours in a day. At the same time on each side there are 12 points, symbolizing the months of the year.
  • The number of checkers - 30 - is equal to the number of days in a month.
  • The board is divided into 4 zones corresponding to the periods of the year.
  • The course of the playing elements is carried out in a circle, like the motion of heavenly bodies.

The goal of the game is to have all checkersremoved from the board, but before that they need to be moved to a zone called "your home". The player who first removes his playing elements is considered the winner. Short backgammon is an occupation for two, here each participant has two identical zones: the house and the yard. They share the bar - bar. Movement of checkers is carried out by the number of dropped bones, and each player has his own set of dice.


backgammon rules are short

Despite the simplicity of the order, how canseem at first glance, this game, backgammon is short, has many concepts and special terms, the study of which takes some time. For example, if two identical values ​​appear on the bones, the moves increase. Also, when playing backgammon, it is not superfluous to find out the meaning of the following concepts:

  • Даве - the offer to the opponent, when he is in a non-winning position, to double the stakes.
  • AutoDouble - doubles the values ​​of bets when the same values ​​on dice are lost for both players.
  • Beaver - when announcing a dawn, the player can respond with this counter doubling of bets.

Logical entertainment and gamesdevelop memory and stimulate the brain. At the same time you can play online or register in a special club and participate in tournaments, while finding new friends or just good friends.