/ / Embroidery ribbons "Tutelka in the thread": starting with the basics

Embroidery with ribbons "Tyutelka v tyutelku": we begin with the basics

Embroidery ribbons "Tutelka in the thread" is a seriesvideo of Tatiana Ulanova's master classes, in which she step by step teaches one of the most beautiful kinds of needlework. We also suggest that you begin the initial lesson, so to speak, to start from scratch. As you know, everything new is well forgotten old. This includes embroidery satin ribbons.

Today, this type of needlework is once again gainingpopularity. Performed in this technique, the work is volumetric, amazing beauty! It is only necessary to acquire a certain skill, and real masterpieces will come out from under your hands. In addition, you can develop a taste and a sense of color.

embroidery ribbons on the thread

Materials and tools for the lesson "Embroidery ribbons" Tutka in the thread ""

For sewing ribbon need sharp needles thatshould pass freely through the fabric, without the formation of puffs. The eye of the needle must always be elongated, since the tape must pass easily through it, slide and not curl. If you are working with a tape of 3 mm width, then you will need needles No. 24. And for a width of 7-12 mm, numbers 18-22 will do. Well, if you find a gold-plated needle, which is coated with electroplating - it protects it from oxidation and rust.

The most popular with domestic embroiderersare satin ribbons. They can be smooth, pleated, or pleated. They have different colors and widths. The narrowest tape is 0.3 mm, and the widest is up to 6 cm. For solemn and special occasions in the decoration of clothes, lace bands with beads or gathered ones are used.

embroidery satin ribbons

As the basis for embroidery are used the mostdifferent fabrics. This is a batiste, and a muslin, and a matting, and a satin - they refer to cotton fabrics. Linen fabrics are made from coarse canvas, a stern canvas, a fabric with a uniform base, or a thin canvas. Applied for embroidery such different materials as tweed, crepe, jersey, silk fabrics. In principle, you can embroider on any surface, as long as the stitches are kept on it.

A few stitches from the lesson "Embroidery ribbons" Tutka in the thread ""

With traditional embroidery at the beginning of work onthread knot not tied. But when sewing ribbons is a flat knot for fastening. Take 50 cm of ribbon, insert it into the needle, twisting the tip, insert the needle into its center, then supporting the ribbon with one hand and tightening it with the other hand, tie the knot. Now consider a couple of stitches.

embroidery ribbons roses

"Loops in a circle."Stretch the needle from the inside out on the face and stick it near the point from which it came out, pull it out to the inside out. Appeared loop, which you want to fasten with a pin. And then continue the manipulation, moving in a circle. 5 steps - 5 petals, and you can fill the center of the flower with beads or beads.

"Semi-heels with attachment".We draw a needle with a ribbon on our face. Make a loop and hold it with your thumb. We make a puncture near the former place on the right side and stretch it on the wrong side. Now back pierce the fabric in the center of the eyelet and pull out the needle. Through the loop we stretch the ribbon and immediately pull the needle from the inside out, thus starting a new stitch.

embroidery ribbons

There are other types of seams with whichembroidery ribbons. Roses, tulips, lilies of the valley, daffodils, butterflies, trees and much more can be created using a unique technique. This is real art, as the flat picture becomes volumetric and lively. And to learn all this, use the master classes of Ulanova, united by one name - "Embroidery ribbons" Tutelka in the thread "."