Folk doll Zernovushka has many names. It was also called Krupenichka, Pea, Buckwheat. Initially, dolls were made in the villages at the end of the harvest in the fields.
The practical and magical role of the doll
В начале осени отборную часть собранного зерна folded into a specially made bag. Especially carefully treated to capricious buckwheat. The bag was called "pussy." He was from the canvas, with ties on top. He was given the appearance of a pupa. The doll was placed in the Red Corner of the hut, in the spring the filling was carefully withdrawn. Mixed with another grain and sowed on the field with the wishes of a good harvest. Later, masters began to sew such dolls specially, decorating them with symbolic embroidery.
Modern attitude to the talisman
After a while, the dolls began to put sometypes of grain at once, as well as other things that were considered talismans. Charm began to give for Christmas and Christmas time. Each hostess was happy about such a gift as a grain doll. The craftswomen tried to sew them for all relatives with their own hands.
Preserved and today will be the perfect gift forpeople close to you for the New Year holidays or Christmas. The main thing is to present the gift with sincere wishes of good, health and good luck. Next, let's talk about how to make a doll Zernovushka with your own hands.
What was the name of the charm in different parts of the Russian land
Doll Zernovushka in different parts of Russia haddifferent names. It all depended on which cultures were most valued by the inhabitants. In the southern part, buckwheat was more loved, and a doll was stuffed with it. Accordingly, she had a name - Buckwheat. Where millet was most respected, it was called Krupenichka. In the northern regions, she was given the name Zernovushka and was filled with oats.
Master class number 1: how to make a doll Zernovushki do it yourself
It's worth noting that it's not so difficult to makeas it may seem at first glance. Making dolls Zernovushki start with the selection of beautiful fabrics, because the talisman should you like. Only in this case it will work.
For sewing dolls you will need:
- Fabric two-thread, to create a bag (10 x 12 cm).
- Cotton for skirts (5.5x10 cm), for sleeves (3.5x2 cm), for scarves (12x17 cm).
- Flax for apron (6x5.5 cm)
- Band.
Из двунитки сшейте обычный мешочек.Pour into it pre-cooked filler. It should not be very tight. Tie on top. Drag it to a thread just above the middle. The little body of the pupa is ready, you can proceed to the tailoring.
First make a skirt.Sew it out of cotton, sew a rectangle along the short side, and put it on the doll. From a piece of flax make an apron. You can pre-decorate it with embroidery, and then stretch the thread, thus creating a fringe. Tie the skirt and apron thread.
Next, sew the doll hands.To do this, take two cotton rectangle. Bend and smooth the edges so that it is not sprinkled. For this you need to take two squares of white calico. Fold it twice with a "scarf", and pull the corners to the middle.
Connect the sleeve and palm, winding them together with a thread. Similarly, make a second hand. Tighten both sleeves to the neck.
Decorate the head. Tie a piece of lace to it. Take the flap of the same cotton from which the skirt is sewn, and open the triangle. Tie it on your head like a kerchief.
How to sew a doll Zernovushka (very simple way)
Этот мастер–класс настолько прост, что с ним can handle even children of primary school age. Take two types of cotton: white and colored, knitting, and filler. From a colored fabric, cut a circle with a radius of 16.5 cm. Thread the needle and sew around the perimeter with simple stitches. Pull it off a bit and pour in the filler. Now it is possible to completely pull off the formed ball and sew it up.
Из белой ткани вырезаем второй круг радиусом 8 см.Similarly, we sew it around the perimeter with simple stitches. A little we tighten a thread, we fill a ball with cotton wool, a synthetic winterizer or a holofiber (at choice). Sew together the torso and head.
Making doll hair. Take a thick knitting thread, the right color. Wind them onto the can, making about 20 turns.
Remove them from the tank.Attach the folded threads to the head and fix with a back needle stitch. Make the doll tails, winding the ends of the "hair" with thin rubber bands. If you wish, you can decorate her outfit with an apron of lace, and your hairstyle with ribbons, an artificial flower or a small vest. Slavic coastal dolls have always been made without a face.
Male hypostasis Zernovushki - peasant-richer
A rich man appeared later than Zernovushka.He can be considered her younger relative. They made such a guardian with a specific goal - to attract money to the house, that is, so that it would be possible not only to live well, but also to save money. The amulet was filled not only with grain, but also with coins or bills. Clothes to the muzhik were sewed elegant, dapper. It should have been bright fabrics, beautiful braid, embroidery.
In the house the richest man was supposed to find himselfa place. He was often rearranged and tried to understand whether he liked one or another corner. A sure sign was that the doll began to blend in with its surroundings.
Game rag doll Pea
After a while, the doll-amulet migrated to the nursery.Needlewomen began to sew a prototype of Zerovushka - Pea. Pupa for games stuffed with peas or beans. Our ancestors were wise, although they did not know that such a filler develops fine motor skills in children. They acted intuitively, and only after a while, scientists proved that the child’s intellect "lives" in their finger tips. After all, when massaging pads with filler, the brain lobes are used, which are responsible for the baby's speech.
Not only little girls were amused by such dolls. They were also played by boys up to 7–8 years old (while the child walked in a shirt). As soon as he began to dress up in his trousers, games with dolls stopped.
What can fill the grain cherries (filling value)
Each mistress filled the doll depending onfamily needs. For the amulet they took the largest and necessarily integral elements. Inside the talisman can not put chalked grain, flakes. Each filler had its own meaning:
- Corn - the health of the smallest inhabitants of the house (children and pets).
- Peas symbolize friendship and peace in the family.
- Millet - protection from the evil eye.
- Pumpkin seeds put those who want to replenish the family.
- Sunflower seeds are a symbol of solar energy. Bring health to all inhabitants of the house.
- Buckwheat symbolized wealth.
- Beans - to replenish the family.
- Rice - for monetary gain.
- Pearl barley - a symbol of satiety.
- Oats laid for the health of all family members (horsepower).
Grain Charm Additions
In addition to cereals, you can put in a charm:
- Rose petals - for passionate love between spouses.
- Nuts and acorns - to prolong youth.
- Money - only the largest bill.
- Garlic for health and protection from the evil eye.
- Wormwood for protection from evil forces. Helps from nightmares.
- Rowan - protects the family.
- Hypericum, chamomile - for health.
- Clover and cumin for good luck in business.
- So that the family carried the money - bay leaf.
- Children's amulet - sunflower root and wild rose berries.
- Mac - brings good luck and success in all matters.
- You can put three, five or seven pieces of coins.
- Lavender - for those who want growth in the family.
- Birch leaves - to get married next year.
Secret ingredient
Существует еще один волшебный ингредиент, о which they know far from all. This ash from the fireplace, taken from the house, in which everything is safe. If you have such friends, ask them for a little ash. In return, be sure to leave some small gift. With this ingredient you can improve your financial situation.
Внутрь оберега нельзя класть воск.It is used in black magic and is sealed to them only the bad. Also, the Zernovushka doll should not be filled with earth, do not put nails or hair into it. Some people believe that black soil is suitable for a talisman as a symbol of fertility, but this should not be done in any way. One more thing, which in no case was put inside such a talisman, like the Zernovushka doll - a photo.
How to strengthen the charm
In order to enhance the action of the talisman,take the salt. Pinch to squeeze between your palms and read any prayer you know. You can also, in your own words, ask her to help with what you need. Pour the salt inside the amulet.
Other folk amulet dolls
Талисманам в форме куклы–мотанки уже сотни лет.Most often, the basis was taken the image of a woman. Dolls were divided into charms, games, rituals. Last did not play. They were sewn especially for girls on the issue and kept in chests. Then he was given on the wedding day with the wishes of love and peace in the family.
While the children were small, the toys they sewed mothers,sisters, grandmothers. A girl at the age of 5 herself could already make a doll of a diaper. It was a piece of cloth rolled up. It was covered with linen fabric. Breasts were made of tightly packed balls. She was made a braid from threads and sewed clothes from motley matter.
Gradually, the pupae became more complex.By their appearance judged on the skills of the girl as a needlewoman. Adolescents often took a cart with dolls with them to gatherings with friends. These toys are treated very carefully. In the hut they were kept in caskets, chests, boxes. Children were forbidden to throw them around the house and leave on the street.
Using the technique of motanka, they also created puppets, who walked around the house from harm and disease. They were thirteen:
- Shaking.
- Otpey.
- Eyes.
- Avvareusha.
- Chubby.
- Yellowing.
- Getting old
- Karkusha.
- Nemea
- Avea.
- Deaf
- Snore
- Kumoha.
The amulets were hung near the stove, and burned in the spring.Such dolls were made from old clothes or bedding. They took the one in which they were happy. The traditional colors for these amulets are red (the color of life) and white (the color of order).
Wherever the doll was made and whatever was filled with the grain guard Zernovushka, everywhere it was a symbol of full life, fertility and well-being.