/ / Crafts from the "Kinder Surprise" with children. What can be made of plastic eggs from the "Kinder surprise"?

Crafts from the "Kinder Surprise" with children. What can be made of plastic eggs from the "Kinder surprise"?

Такое лакомство, как "Киндер-сюрприз", нравится all children. And it is not surprising, because the child immediately receives both sweetness and a souvenir, a present of itself 2 in 1. Small figures of heroes of fairy tales and cartoons that fall into a chocolate egg become favorite toys. But what to do with plastic containers from under them? Sometimes they are going to a lot. Do not rush to throw them away. In this article we will tell all moms and dads how to make interesting items from such boxes. Making crafts from Kinder Surprise is very exciting. Attract to this activity kids, they really like to "turn" with their own hands the usual trinket into an interesting toy. So what can be done from Kinder Surprise? We learn this from the following sections of the article.

crafts from kinder surprise


If you have about a dozen containers fromchocolate eggs, use them to make a toy in the form of a caterpillar or a snake. It can serve not only as an attribute for entertainment, but also as a decorative element that adorns a large pot with a potted plant. To perform such a handicraft of eggs from "Kinder-surprise" we need plastic boxes (at least 5 pieces), a narrow ribbon or string (1 meter), wooden or acrylic beads and an awl.

Приступаем к изготовлению игрушки.With an awl in containers we pierce holes on the end sides. Remember that in the two boxes that will serve as the head and tail of the caterpillar, you need to make only one hole. Next, we collect all the individual parts of the crafts from the "Kinder Surprise" into a single structure. Pull the ribbon into the first container (head), tie the knot, close the box. Next, string the bead on the ribbon. Then fasten another plastic part. Thus we catch all the containers, placing beads between them. Put the last box (tail) on the ribbon and tie a knot inside, close it. Now you need to arrange the caterpillar face. We cut eyes and a mouth out of colored paper, glue the elements with transparent scotch tape. You can also decorate the body with an appliqué (paint spots or stripes). The craft turns out well bending, it can be twisted and bent. The baby will love to play it.

egg crafts from kinder surprise

Puppet show

Reflect on what to make of"Kinder surprise"? Why not use boxes from under sweet eggs to make heroes of puppet theater? Such toys will always be relevant. The whole family will be able to play the whole theatrical performances. Consider examples of the performance of such toys on the theme of "Halloween". For the creative process we prepare such materials: containers from under chocolate eggs, wooden skewers, awl, acrylic paints or markers, plasticine, pieces of braid, ribbons, laces.

Pumpkin - a toy on the theme of "Halloween"

For the manufacture of crafts from "Kinder Surprise" inIn the form of a pumpkin, choose a container from under a chocolate egg of yellow or orange color. We pierce a hole in its lower part and insert a wooden stick into it. Inside on its tip we string a piece of clay. He will serve as a holder and will not allow the skewer to fall out. If you want to make the mount more durable, use hot melt glue. Close the container. Paint the face pumpkin. Make a hat from plasticine and glue it onto the upper part of the plastic container. In the place where the skewer comes out of the box, we tie a ribbon or ribbon bow. The handicraft is ready.

what to make of kinder surprise


We continue to study ideas on the theme "Crafts from eggsfrom Kinder Surprise. From the following description we learn how to make a spider. He can also serve as a puppet theater hero, be a decorative adornment of pots with potted flowers or the walls of an aquarium.

Plastic egg is completely painted in blackcolor permanent marker. Then we pierce the hole in its lower part with a hot awl, approximately in the middle (on the long side). Insert the skewer into the hole and fix it with hot melt or clay. Now proceed to the manufacture of legs. To do this, we pierce the holes in parallel with the awl from both sides at the bottom of the product. There should be six (three from each edge). Through these holes stretch lace cuts. Their length should be 7-8 centimeters. We tie knots on the tips of the laces. On the front side of the container we make the muzzle of a spider. Acrylic paints or proofreader draw eyes and mouth.

By the same principle, you can make other crafts from the "Kinder Surprise" for the puppet theater.

crafts from kinder surprise do it yourself

Christmas toys

Chocolate egg containers - the bestmaterial for making Christmas decorations. In our master class we will talk about how to make a toy pendant in the form of a fish with your own hands. For the work will need the following materials:

  • plastic container from a sweet egg;
  • thin decorative ribbon for decorating gifts;
  • beads of golden or yellow color;
  • accessories "eyes" or two small buttons;
  • golden braid with sequins - 50 centimeters;
  • heat gun or glue "Dragon", "Titan";
  • thin fishing line;
  • needle;
  • awl.

Making a fish (decoration for a New Year tree) byfollowing instruction. To make the tail, cut the decorative tape into pieces of 8 centimeters. We impose these preparations one on another. With a needle with a line stretched into it, we pierce a stack of tapes from one edge. On one end side of the container with an awl we make two holes, placing them close to one another. We stretch the ends of the fishing line in them and tie them to the knot from the inside. To secure the mount, drip glue on it. Box close. Next, the entire surface of the plastic container paste tape with sequins, placing it in a spiral. On the back of the beads form a fin, after stretching a piece of fishing line through them, which will serve as a loop. In the right place glue eyes. Tie sticking out of the fin, tie a knot. Christmas toy is ready. Similarly, you can perform other crafts from the "Kinder Surprise." With your own hands, you can make a whole set of toys to decorate the Christmas tree.

crafts from toys Kinder surprise

Original crafts from toys "Kinder surprise": a box

What to make of empty containers from underchocolate eggs, you already know. But where to determine the toys themselves, if they are tired of the child and just lying in a box? They can be used to make a box. How? We tell.

For work we prepare:a wide plastic container from under the cream, a toy from "Kinder", glue "Second" or "Moment", spray paint of silver or gold color. Attach the toy to the middle of the lid. Let the glue dry. Decorate the box paint from a can. That's all. Handmade casket is ready! The figurine of a sweet egg in it serves both as a pen and as an ornament.

crafts from kinder surprise photo


Master with your kids crafts from"Kinder surprise"! Photos of similar products presented in this article demonstrate that there are no borders for fantasy. Let them bring you a portion of inspiration and a charge of creative mood. Enjoy your minutes of needlework!