/ / How to decorate a postcard with your own hands: original ideas

How to decorate a postcard with your own hands: original ideas

Beautiful card is a constant attributeany holiday. After all, with the help of it, you can tell a person about your feelings for him and congratulate you on your triumph with all your heart. In the world there is a huge variety of postcards for every taste and any subject. But the best of them is considered to be hand-made. To make a presentable congratulatory craft, you need only creative thinking and suitable materials. And how to decorate a postcard correctly, so that it has all the necessary parameters, our article will tell.

Spring dripping

Speaking of postcards for such a lightholiday, as March 8, we can say that they should all look sunny, as they symbolize the arrival of spring. Therefore, each product dedicated to this holiday is obliged to fill with light, warmth and tenderness of colors. In such cards it is best to use a combination of light green, pink and yellow tones, because they inspire and saturate the sun with energy after a long cold winter. An example of what homemade postcards can be from March 8 will be the photos below and a master-class on making crafts. For this you will need the following materials: colorful cardboard with an ornament, pearl beads of different colors, double-sided colored paper, glue and scissors.

postcards from March 8


  1. A sheet of colorful colored cardboard should be bent in half and form the desired size of the future cards. If necessary, cut off the edges on it, making them slightly rounded.
  2. On a sheet of pink paper to draw an oval withopenwork edges and with a special knife cut all the necessary details. The result should be a figure with a solid middle and lace edges. The oval should be glued in the center of the postcard in a horizontal position.
  3. Seven small flowers with carved edges (preferably of different shapes) should be cut out of white and pink paper. In order for all the flowers to be beautiful, they must first be drawn and then cut out.
  4. From green and light green colored paper you need to cut a lot of leaves of different shapes and sizes. The more openwork the edges of the finished leaves will be, the more beautiful the postcard will look.
  5. Далее следует приступить к изготовлению деталей for a big flower. It will consist of several parts. To do this, draw on a sheet of white paper 15 petals of elongated shape and cut them. Then you need to bend each petal in half (vertically) and press the edges with your fingers. After that, it is necessary to cut out 10 petals of pink paper, but of a different shape (as indicated in the photo). It is not necessary to bend pink details.
  6. When all the details for decorating a postcard are ready,need to glue them. In the lower right corner of the postcard, you must glue the white petals in the shape of a flower. Details should be placed close to each other, sharp bends down. Next, you need to proceed to the formation of the middle of the flower, sticking pink petals so that they have a cup shape. In the center of the resulting flower you need with glue, attach a lot of small white beads.
  7. To the left and to the right of a large flower it is necessary to glue pink flowers with centers of pearl beads.
  8. In the upper left corner you need to fix 3 white flowers with pearl centers.
  9. Now it remains to decorate the crafts with carved leaves, and it is almost ready to use.

Similar postcards "On the 8th of March!" can be made in absolutely any color and have other petal shapes for flowers. And in the center of the lace oval, you can write a beautiful wish.

Friendly Greetings

Especially popular are original postcards forcongratulations friends and girlfriends. To make an unusual postcard for a teenager, you can use the fashion trends. Namely, the image of outfits on paper products. Consider how to decorate a postcard with your own hands, using design methods.

Initially, you should choose the basis for crafts,using a sheet of rolled cardboard. Then on it you need to draw a girl with a refined figure. Next, you need to cut out a thin fabric and glue the clothes on the girl. The skirt or dress should be made very lush, so that the fabric is blown out of the postcard. This craft can be decorated with sparkles or beads, as well as ribbons.

Beloved mommy!

For the closest person in the world, for mom,You always want to make the best and unique surprise. Therefore, we consider how to decorate a card for mom, which is suitable for any occasion. The following materials will be required for its manufacture: double-sided cardboard of violet color, a sheet of white paper, satin ribbon (lilac).

how to decorate a card for mom

You will also need: 2 sheets of white paper, rhinestones, printing in the form of a butterfly, glue, scissors and any paint.


  1. Cardboard sheet bend in half.
  2. On a sheet of white paper border figured edges with scissors.
  3. Next on the same sheet to make prints of butterflies of different colors.
  4. From a satin ribbon cut a piece the size of a white openwork sheet.
  5. Затем необходимо приклеить лист белой бумаги с curly edges in the middle of the cardboard. At the same time, you need to stick a piece of the cut tape on this sheet, bending its edges under the paper. The tape should be placed at a height of 3-4 centimeters from the bottom of a white sheet.
  6. Make a bow with beautiful edges from another piece of tape and fix it on the glued tape.
  7. Leave some on another piece of white paper.prints of butterflies in different colors. Then they need to cut, bend in half and flatten. The resulting butterflies must be stuck on a postcard, putting glue on sharp bends of parts.
  8. The final step in decorating the product is sticking rhinestones on the open edge of white paper.

If for the manufacture of such crafts do not have the necessary stamps, butterflies can be drawn independently. They will look no worse than printed.

Citrus pleasure

In the process of creating a unique postcard, all means and materials are good. After all, for their decoration, you can use organic things, for example, slices of dried citrus, coffee beans and dry herbs.

If you beautifully arrange these decor particles onpostcard surfaces, they will give the subject a completely different, more interesting look. To do this, it is not necessary to know how to decorate a card with citrus correctly. The main thing is to follow the feelings and create your own vision of the beautiful world. If desired, pieces of burlap and lace can be glued to the postcard. Also, using cinnamon sticks and dried mint leaves, a person will create not just a paper product, but a whole fragrant complex that will refresh the room and please the eye.

For the joy of love

Bright holiday Valentine's Day hasmillions of fans across the globe. Therefore, lovers are trying to give each other the most beautiful cards and valentines. And how to decorate a homemade postcard in the style of lovers, consider below.

how to decorate a postcard

As you can see from the photo crafts, make it completelynot difficult. For this you will need: a sheet of cardboard folded in half, hearts of paper of different colors, a bow of satin ribbons, white dense threads, a sheet of gray cardboard. Do all the work in the following order:

  1. On a folded sheet of cardboard paste a rectangle made of gray cardboard.
  2. Paste hearts with balloons on the rectangle.
  3. Glue a satin ribbon bow at the bottom of the threads collected in a bundle.

The card is completely ready, but if you wish, you can stick many colored hearts of various sizes inside it.

And the tape winds ...

The use of ribbons in the manufacture of cardshelps to make crafts more refined and delicate thing. Therefore, this material is so popular in this type of creativity. Consider the original idea of ​​how to decorate a postcard with a ribbon so that it looks great.

how to decorate a postcard with a ribbon

This handicraft can be given on the birthdayany person, but most of all it will suit men. To make this postcard, you need to cut out the car parts from any suitable materials and stick them on a sheet of cardboard folded in half. You also need to make boxes with gifts from corrugated paper and tie them with ribbons. Such a postcard can be on the edges, pasted over with a thin satin ribbon. In order to betray the craft of greater color, it must be made on a sheet of cardboard of lime or pink color.

Photo for the beloved

Sometimes it happens that you want to make a cardloved one for no reason. Just do not always have enough creative thinking to create such things. Not knowing how to decorate a postcard so that it evokes bright feelings, and not vice versa, some risk to be in an awkward position. Therefore, in this case, it is better to use ready-made ideas for the manufacture of such handicrafts.

One of the interesting ideas is consideredthe use of photographs in the manufacture of postcards. It is necessary to take pictures of both lovers (faces) and beautifully stick them on a cardboard base. It is advisable to use for the decoration of crafts colored hearts, rhinestones and lace. The result will be not just a postcard, but a frame that will stand in a prominent place.

Strong defenders

Men by nature do not particularly lovetake a variety of souvenirs. But the only time, not counting the birthday on which all men wait for them, is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, it is extremely important to prepare an appropriate craft for husbands and sons. Knowing how to decorate a postcard on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland creatively, you can please your husbands with an unusual souvenir. It is not necessary to depict weapons and other attributes of military life on such handicrafts. It is best to depict peace and love in all the land that men protect.

how to decorate a postcard on Defender of the Fatherland Day

This card takes a lot of time toto make a large number of butterflies and glue them. But creating beautiful things is worth it. They can be pasted not only on the front, but also on the whole postcard, as a symbol of freedom and joy. If someone does not suit white background crafts, then it can be replaced by any other.

For the youngest

Children adore when they are given colorful cards.To do this, they need to do using a lot of decorative details. Not every mother knows how to beautifully decorate a postcard for her crumb, so you need to use a good example or recommendations for its production.

As a rule, little boys and girlslike toys. This should take advantage and create a card with different game elements. For example, cut a bunny out of fabric and stick it on cardboard. Bunny should be in clothes, preferably colorful tones. Also need to use lace details and bows of ribbons. Inside the postcard must look bright and colorful too.

Hidden magnificence

Any self-made postcard shouldhave a beautiful view not only outside but also inside. There are such self-made crafts that when opened are transformed into interesting details. We will understand how to decorate a postcard inside an unusual way.

how to decorate a postcard inside

As seen in the photo, the creation of interesting crafts is notwill require a lot of time and materials, but despite this, the greeting card looks great. All that is required is to cut a few balloons and stick them onto the cardboard, connecting the threads in the bundle. On this card there is a congratulatory inscription in honor of the birthday, but you can write any wishes on the flags. It is also necessary to take into account that in order to give volume to the balls they are glued on small pieces of foam plastic.

Breath of the sea

Original ideas for creating postcards exista large number of. Especially unique are crafts with a marine theme. To understand how to beautifully decorate a postcard for lovers of sea travel, you should use this product description.

So, initially you need to prepare the necessary materials. These are sand, blue cardboard, shells, blue cardboard, glue and scissors.

  1. You should take a sheet of blue cardboard and bend it in half.
  2. From a blue cardboard cut a rectangle that is smaller in size than the postcard itself. Then you need to stick it in the center of crafts.
  3. Sand and shells should be stuck on the rectangle.

In principle, the card is ready, but if you wish, you can additionally decorate it with sparkles and small glass pieces.

Drawing joy

Сделать красивую открытку можно не только using a lot of decorative details, but also by drawing it. Many people do not know how to decorate a card with pencils beautifully, while not possessing the talent of the artist. Using only pencils and colorful buttons, in the process, you can create an interesting congratulatory element. For example, as in the photo below.

how to decorate a card with pencils

Применение пуговиц в данном случае является unexpected and unusual. Along with framing them with colored pencils, they began to play in a new way. The brighter and more colorful the buttons and pencils will be used to design the card, the more original it will look. You should not dwell on this type of product, because to the buttons you can draw stalks and leaves. And also to depict the sun and blue clouds in the sky.

For grandparents

У некоторых возникает вопрос, как украсить postcard for the elderly so that they like it. After all, many modern ideas they do not like. But in this case, you can come up with an interesting way out, using the appliqué to decorate the product.

Such an application can be made frompaper, as in quilling, or from magazine clippings. If all these elements are skillfully arranged on a bent cardboard, then you get quite interesting greeting card models. Do not forget that not only flat objects, but also having three-dimensional forms will look great in this craft. For example, a house with open shutters and a flower bed. Surely it will please the elderly.