/ / A bridal bouquet of satin ribbons with their own hands. How to make an original bouquet of ribbons

A bridal bouquet of satin ribbons. How to make an original bouquet of ribbons

A wedding bouquet of satin ribbons appeared only recently, but has already gained popularity among brides. He has significant advantages over his vegetable colleague:

  • He will calmly endure the whole ceremony and celebration and will remain as beautiful.
  • You can not be afraid to smear the dress with pollen.
  • It can be stored for a long time to memory.

How to make a bouquet of brides from satin ribbons by yourself? With the help of these step-by-step lessons you can create your own unique composition.

A budget option

This bridal bouquet of satin ribbons, made by your own hands, will not strike at the purse, but with due diligence will look no less spectacular.

For production you need:

  • tapes;
  • wire,
  • floristic ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • decorative hairpins with pearls;
  • tulip.

First we will prepare flowers.To do this, take a tape 1 m long, cut the edges at an angle. Thread the thread into the needle and set it aside, it will be needed later. Back off 20 cm and fold the tape with the letter "G". Fold the long piece of ribbon parallel to the short one, then bend it to make a square. Repeat this operation until at least 3 layers of fabric are obtained. Gently lift the squares and slide the long end of the tape into the gap between the layers of fabric. Pull it out on the wrong side of the flower. While holding the construction, pull lightly at the long end of the tape. The petals will begin to curl. When the first layer gets the desired shape, release the second one and twist it slightly. When the flower is ready, take a thread with a needle and sew it so it does not crumble. Surplus of tapes is not cut off.

bridal bouquet of satin ribbons by own hands

Assembling a bouquet

  • Screws the wire to the flowers. We close it with the remainder of the ribbon and wrap it around the floral tape.
  • We collect flowers in a bouquet, it will be easier to work with them if we tie them together with an elastic band. We wrap all the stems with floral tape, then with decorative satin. The bottom of the stems can be zadekroirovat hairpin.
  • Now tie the tulle with a knot around the bottom of the bouquet and wrap around it a few times. Secure it with decorative studs.

how to make a bouquet

A bridal bouquet of satin ribbons. Master Class

Безусловно, эта работа потребует от вас много patience and accuracy. But you will not only get a beautiful bouquet ball from satin ribbons, but you will also gain skills with which you can decorate any other wedding attributes or simply make beautiful things.

bouquet double

You will need:

  • ribbons of different colors;
  • the basis for a bouquet with lace;
  • beads;
  • artificial stamens;
  • ball of foam plastic;
  • wooden sticks (ordinary chopsticks are used here);
  • wire;
  • needles and threads;
  • tailor needles;
  • scissors;
  • nippers;
  • pins;
  • glue gun.

Operating procedure

Here's how to make bouquets of ribbons (MK with photos, see below):

  • We make a skeleton: we glue the base leg with laces with wooden rods for stability and close it with a satin ribbon. Inside we glue the ball of foam.
    bouquet double
    wedding bouquet of satin ribbons
  • We make a flower-rosette as shown in the photo: first we make 4 curved corners, sew them together and fasten them.

bouquet ball of satin ribbons

  • We make a lush center of the flower on the basis of a simple knot, wind it with wire, leave a long tail. Excess tissue is cut off.
  • We take artificial stamens, bend them in half and we wind. Also leave the tail of the wire.

bouquet ball of satin ribbons

  • We collect flowers: in the first two rows there will be a middle of a ribbon, and on the upper colors in the middle - stamens. Glue the wire so that the sockets are not scattered.
  • We collect a bouquet.Stick the flowers in rows, leaving no space. Large pearls can be added between them, and from the green ribbon fold small petals to give the composition a natural look.

Decorating the feet of the bouquet

  • Sew a large white ribbon bow. Trim the tips and lightly burn with a flame from a lighter so that the fabric does not fall out.
  • Now make 6 rectangles from the ribbon, stitch them on the cut and to the side of it, then pull it off. Combine the resulting petals into one large flower, sew a large pearl in the center.
  • Glue both elements to the leg of the bouquet.

bouquets of ribbons mk

Luxurious roses

What else can make a bridal bouquet of satin ribbons with your own hands?

In this bouquet, the main role is assigned to roses. They look volumetric due to the fact that they are made on the basis of a cone.

For the bouquet will need:

  • tapes;
  • a base for a bouquet and a foam ball;
  • beads and rhinestones;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • non-woven fabric;
  • pencil, ruler, compass.

Step-by-step instruction

bouquets of ribbons mk

How to make a bouquet of satin roses:

  1. We glue the ball of foam and the base with the leg, if necessary, strengthen the last wooden sticks, decorate with ribbons.
  2. We turn to the manufacture of roses.For them, we need to cut a circle of non-woven with a radius equal to the width of the ribbon for the flower. Then we cut a sector of a circle (1/6 part) and sew a blank with a pair of stitches into a cone.
  3. Fold the tip of the ribbon in a square, sew onthe center of the cone. Then bend the tape at an angle and stitch to the base (see photo). So we continue to move in a circle, making the bends bigger. When they begin to go beyond the edges of the base, cut the tape, fasten the end on the wrong side. Bend the edges of the petals and sew to the flizelinu.
  4. Decorate the flowers with beads and rhinestones - they can be scattered like dew drops or sewn into the middle of the flower.
  5. Glue the roses to the foam ball, close the empty spaces between them with large beads.

Sweet tradition

At the wedding every single girl involuntarilythinks about when this happy day comes for her. Probably, this is the reason why the western tradition has taken root: the bride throws a bouquet-doubler in her girlfriends, and the one that catches him should be married soon.

But modern wedding floristicCompositions are often not built in the form of a bunch of flowers with stalks, but in the form of a plastic frame with a sponge and a leg where the liquid is poured. Such a bouquet will crumble in flight and shower the girls. The composition of soft artificial flowers will not hit anyone and will remain as a pleasant reminder of the wedding.

How is a doubler bouquet made in a few hours?


  • Ready flowers from ribbons. They can be purchased at sewing stores.
  • Cheap large shiny brooches.
  • Thick wire (on thin flowers will look drooping).
  • Wooden sticks (round beadings).
  • Satin ribbon.
  • Decorative ribbon with rhinestones.
  • The glue gun.
    bouquets of ribbons mk
  1. First screw each flower to the wire, collect them in a bouquet.
  2. Glue all the stems with a glue gun, and around them stick wooden round beadings - this will give the handle hardness and make it evenly rounded.
  3. Wrap the bouquet handle with satin ribbon to completely hide the wire.
  4. Attach brooches.
  5. Cut a piece of ribbon with rhinestones, glue it into several strips.
  6. By the same principle, you can make the same bouquet for friends. It looks very nice on the photos.

Wedding trivia
bridal bouquet of satin ribbons by own hands

Bridal bouquet is one of the key elementswedding decoration It corresponds to the entire design, and sometimes even sets the palette and style. Therefore, if you made it from ribbons, then you also need to make a buttonhole for the groom from ribbons. Of course, it is much easier than a whole bunch, you only need to purchase a special pin. Druzhkov also should not be deprived, make them a boutonniere to match the colors of the buddies. A ring cushion, flowers in vases on tables and even invitations - everything can be decorated with ribbons. But keep in mind that time for all this creativity will take a lot, and sensibly evaluate your capabilities. Preparing for the wedding should be a joy, and the bride - fresh and full of strength.