/ / Knit a scarf-collar with knitting needles

We knit a scarf-collar with knitting needles

Scarf-yoke has gained popularity not only as aa practical component of the wardrobe, but also as an original accessory, giving a zest to sports and classic outfits. Light and airy or warm woolen, it is almost every fashionista. How to wear a scarf yoke, today there is no need to explain. Men and children are more suited tight and elastic models, tight neck and reliably protect from the cold, women prefer the option of the whip, loosely falling over the shoulders and, if necessary, covering the head.

If you are interested in scarf-yoke, tie italone will not be very difficult. For those who are still mastering the knitting skill, the appropriate option will be a model bound by an English rubber band, which we will consider in more detail.

Scarf Clamp

For work we will need:

- semi-woolen yarn of length 250-300 m per 100 g - 400 g,

- knitting needles, a number more than indicated on the yarn label,

- needle sewing with a large eye.

Performance of English gum:

In the first row, remove the edge, 1p. facial, 1p. we remove on the right needle with a crochet, we repeat to the end of the row.

In the second row we remove the edge band, we sew the loop with the cap over the front one, and take it off on the right knitting needle with the crochet, repeat to the end of the row. We repeat to knit according to the scheme the necessary number of rows.

Scarf-band - knitting with an elastic band

Набираем на спицы 20 петель и вяжем образец free viscous. Based on the size of the resulting fabric, calculate the desired number of loops, which will be approximately 120-130 pcs. We knit an English rubber band with a height of 50 cm. If such a width of the scarf is enough for you, we close the loops, trying not to tighten them. Gently join the seam, after which the scarf is slightly moistened and stretched.

How to Wear a Scarf Scarf

Второй вариант вязания хомута так же прост в but for him we need circular knitting needles. We type on the spokes the number of loops, calculated according to the pattern, and knit around the 10 rows of viscous, then the same purl. Continue the work until the product reaches the desired length. If you want to extend the scarf so that it freely covers the shoulders, evenly add loops in the first and last of the purl rows. Loops are closed freely, ready to pull the scarf. Such a yoke can be knit at the same time from two tangles, changing the color of the strips alternately.

Scarf yoke tie

For the child, you can tie a scarf-yoke, whichwill tightly fit the neck, and protect the throat, as well as descend on the shoulders. The sample of the product is connected with an elastic band 2x2, and already on it we calculate the necessary number of loops in operation. The scarf is knitted with an elastic band of 15-20 cm, after which we extend it by adding 4 purl loops at regular intervals in each row. For example, the work is designed for 80 loops, of which 20 are strips made of purl and 20 - facial loops. We send an additional crossed purl in the 1st, 6th, 11th and 16th strips from the napkin, in the next row we move and add loops in the 2nd, 7th, 12th and 17th bands, etc., We knit with the addition until the web reaches the desired length.

Now that we have thoroughly disassembled the principle itself,on which the scarf-yoke is knitted, you can execute this model with any favorite volumetric or relief pattern. A scarf made of mohair yarn, bound with ruffles, will require more time and patience, but with certain perseverance you can become the owner of a real fluffy masterpiece.