/ / We create a suit for belly dancing with our own hands

Create a costume for belly dancing with your own hands

Almost every modern woman is looking fora hobby of your own. Someone with pleasure embroider, someone bakes pies, and someone goes to dances. In this article, I want to tell women who master oriental culture how to sew a suit for belly dancing with their own hands.

costume for belly dancing with your own hands


First of all, it is necessary to determine the detailssuit. It will definitely be a long skirt and bodice. However, if there is no way to make all the details beautiful, you can safely do just one belt. From the accessories you can prepare a veil, you will also need a huge number of different ornaments on your hands, ears, legs - earrings, rings, chains, bracelets, etc.


If a woman is going to make a costume for a dancebelly with their own hands, work can begin with the preparation of the bodice. For this, a normal opaque bra (better foam) can be used. If it is already the right color, it will just have to be decorated. However, it is better to pre-trim with the desired fabric beforehand, so that the view is not ordinary. It will not be possible to create an integral part of the skin, so it will consist of several parts. The first is a detail for cups. It is cut out in a rectangular shape and bent over the finished product. To do this, you will need to make several folds of the fabric on the principle of creating a dart. Also need a fabric strap. To do this, you need to cut out long rectangles that just wrap these parts around on all sides. Pieces are stitched already on the bra, you can sew them even with decorative stitching. "Tails" hide under the details for the cups of the bodice, which are sewn in the last turn. We go further, creating separate details on a suit for belly dancing with our own hands. When the bra is completely wrapped with a new cloth, you need to start decorating the product. Here everything that only a lady will like is useful. It can be just a beautiful embroidery thread or beads, and maybe glued sequins in the form of fish scales, etc. Here the woman herself decides what she wants to get as a result. However, we must remember that everything should be fairly securely attached, because in this suit you will have to dance, that is, actively move.

oriental costumes for belly dancing


Sewing costume for belly dancing includesmaking of a long skirt. To do this, take a thin enough transparent fabric, which is perfectly draped, for example chiffon or crepe-chiffon. Now you need to decide which skirt you want to make. You can consider two options. The first is an ordinary straight skirt with cuts on the sides, the second is a sun-skirt.

In any case, you need to preparedress patterns for belly dancing. So, for a straight skirt you will need to take two pieces of fabric that will be sewn on the sides approximately to the end of the thigh. The non-sewn areas and the bottom are simply hemmed in. From the top you can provide an ordinary wide belt, which must be made of elastic fabric, because it will most likely be on the hips, rather than at the waist. To do this, you need a piece of cloth twice as wide as the belt itself. The fabric for the belt is folded in width with the wrong side inward. Then the belt is sewn to the skirt. To do this, first the internal part of the belt (which is adjacent to the body) is stitched together with the skirt, then the fabric allowances are filled in, covered with the front part of the belt, and everything is swept. If everything turned out neatly, an ornamental line starts up on the belt. Oriental costumes for belly dancing also suggest the possibility of creating a skirt-the sun. You can sew it the same way as the previous, but the fabric will go a little more, about 2.5 times. After all, the skirt-sun is a circle with a cut for the waist in the center. The top of the skirt, along the waist line, can be collected. The bottom is hemmed with a narrow scar, and a wide belt is sewn to the top. That's all, skirt ready.

Patterns of a costume for belly dancing


Preparing a suit for belly dancing with hishands, it is important not to forget about the moment, like the design of the belt. It is this detail that gives the costume a special appeal. How to make it? To do this, it is better to pre-prepare a full-size pattern. The top will necessarily be straight, and the bottom of the belt can be triangular, figured, rounded - any for your taste. The length of the product is calculated: it is the waist circumference plus about 4 cm per clasp. You can make a dart so that the product perfectly sits on the figure.

Also selected fabric:on the basis of the belt - dense, you can clap, and on the top - something light and beautiful, for example supplex, satin, crepe-satin. You will also need a dense fleece to glue the product, it will be attached from the inside to the front of the product. When the parts are ready, they need to be folded inwards, sewed, unscrewed, through the hole left, swept and inserted in the buckle (the belt can simply be tied). Now it is necessary to decorate it in the same way as the bodice.

dressmaking for belly dancing


What other details can the easterncostumes for belly dancing? Of course, these are special ornaments. Necessarily need earrings, bracelets on the hands and ankles - the more, the better, because when a woman dances, they are pleasantly ringing. By the way, you can also make them yourself from beads or beads. You need to decorate your neck with chains or rough beads, and your fingers with rings. However, it is important not to overdo it with decorations, so that the figure is not too cumbersome. Of course, we must not forget about the bright make-up, where the eyes should stand out.