/ / How to weave Shambhala: practical recommendations

How to weave shamballa: practical recommendations

In our world, there is often a lack of balance,feelings of calm, goodwill, inner warmth and peace. All this, according to Tibetan legends, could be found in the mythical kingdom of Shambhala. Brave travelers went in search of him, but only the monks of Tibet knew the real secret of this country. They told people the secret of how to weave Shambala - jewelry of the same name. These bracelets and beads consist of alternately woven knots and beads and, according to legend, help Shambala to find where she always has been, is and will be - inside herself.

In order to become the owner of his personalShambhala, we need: about 2.5 meters of waxed cord, 5-6 large beads, a small board and two nails. And also scissors. To begin, we will prepare a kind of machine on which we will mount the bracelet when weaving. At a distance of about 20 centimeters from each other we drive nails - this will be the “machine”. Now let's get down to the process itself, how to make Shambala.

how to weave shamballa
Cut off 50 centimeters of cord.Fasten it between two nails, tied at the knots so that on both sides there are 10-15 centimeters of free cord. They will serve us as strings for Shambhala. When one of the ends of the cord is fixed on the nail, we string all the beads on the cord, and only after that we fasten it on the other side. On the resulting blank, which should be well stretched between the nails, we will practice how to weave Shamballa. We stretch the remaining cord of about two meters length under the taut base and tie it onto a simple knot so that we get two symmetrical ends - right and left. To distinguish them, tie a knot on one of them, for example, a left, stunted knot. We start weaving.
how to make shambhala

By themselves the techniques of weaving knots on Shambalasimilar to macrame weaving, which means that if you have mastered this skill at school, it will be easy for you to understand how to weave Shambhala. Making the first node. To do this, hold the left end of the cord under the base, and then impose on top of the right end and hold with your finger. Enter the right end into the resulting wide loop and tighten both - the node is ready. We repeat the procedure this time from right to left - the lead thread has now become right - we can easily identify it, because we made a bundle on it!

how to weave shambhala
So we weave as many knots as we want,before crossing with the first bead. After that, we take a bead, tighten tightly to the already knotted knots and make another knot so that the bead is in its middle. After you tighten the ends, it will be seen that now the bead is tightly fixed on the bracelet. Thus, alternating knots and beads in the order you need, you will learn how to weave Shambhala. When you finish the base of your bracelet, it’s left to come up with a clasp. Remove the bracelet from the machine, take his ends in his hands and put one on top of the other crosswise. Now continue to tie the standard knots, but not one thread-base, but two. It will be difficult at first, but only at first. Having made 5-6 pieces of such knots, tie up both threads of the cord with a strong knot and cut them. You will have a bracelet with loosely stretching and tightening ends. Hang the beads on the ends of the cord so that they are not frayed, enjoy the finished shambhala.

We hope that our master class "How to weave Shamballa" you liked, and you will easily weave yourself an island of peace and harmony with yourself in our mortal world - this amazing bracelet.