/ / How to make a beautiful photo: 15 tips

How to make a beautiful photo: 15 tips

Every person, sooner or later, has totake a photo - on a passport or any other documents, for resumes, portfolios, or just to put them online. Perhaps someone does not know how to make a beautiful photo repair. In such cases, forums, social networks and sites are full of recommended articles on how to take a photo. In our article you will also find useful information.

What to photograph?

Nice pictures

The very first question that arises is whattake photos and how to make beautiful photos? The choice of modern youth, and not only, falls on simple smartphones. Although often people buy cameras to favorite moments remain in memory forever.

Cole Rice, a famous photographer, reveals little secrets of how to capture an event or a person in the mobile version.

Cole Rice Tips

Photography Tips

Photographer traveler has developed as many as 15Tips for those who can not afford to buy an expensive professional camera and can take photos only on a mobile phone. The information below will help you find answers to the question of how to make a beautiful photo:

  • Light and shadow.Cole is recommended to change their places - to replace the light with darker areas, and the shadow - with lighter ones. A lot of applications on smartphones have these functions, and they can be used to make a photo better. You can also use filters to add a warm tone to the image.
  • Vignette. This technique is one of Cole’s most beloved ones. Its meaning is that it obscures the photo on the borders, while lightening the middle, which makes the photo much brighter.
  • The effect is 50 percent.It is to edit the photo as you like, and then reduce all changes by 50%. The meaning is very simple: your photo will look more natural.
  • People. Photos of landscapes will look boring if there are no people or at least one person on it.
  • Scale.Pictures look very impressive, if they reflect the scale of architecture, natural beauty in relation to a person. The height of a person will show how huge something can be compared to him. How to make a beautiful photo is the next question that many people ask.
  • Car windowHave you ever tried to look out of the window during a trip and take a photo? Not? Try it, you can definitely like the result. You will never know what you get. It is best to use continuous shooting.
  • Отображение.Have you noticed how beautiful it is to watch the sunset sometimes, especially if it is displayed in a reservoir? Try using a mirror, the roof of the car - anything. This will give your photo a highlight. Even when asked how to make a beautiful photo at home, you will have a large number of things with which you can display an object.
  • Water.Beware, you can wet your smartphone in this experiment. But if you got a special waterproof case, then feel free to lower the phone to the surface of the water - this will create an unusual and spectacular frame.
  • Vertical photo. If you need to upload photos to Instagram, set up your smartphone on square images.
  • Volume button.If you are shooting horizontal shots, especially landscape shots, and you are not comfortable pressing a button, use the volume button. It is much more convenient. Thus, you guarantee to avoid the effect of "shaking hands".
  • Передний план.It happens that the object must be brought to the fore without distracting objects. This can be done by lowering the camera almost to the ground, which is guaranteed to give you a picture with an object in the foreground.
  • To attract attention.Although it is a bit away from our topic, but also very relevant. Many countries have divorced many thieves, and this is well known. It is not necessary to attract someone else's attention with huge backpacks full of gadgets. Also, do not shoot foreigners and people in principle without their permission.
  • Bad weather. Do not be afraid of rain or wind.This is an excellent reason to make the frame rare and unforgettable. In addition, on cloudy days, photographs are obtained that are superior to those that were taken on a sunny day in regular and uniform shades. How to make a beautiful photo in bad weather? This is no longer a problem!
    Bad weather
  • Hotkeys.There are moments in life when the camera is needed immediately. You saw a passing idol on the street, but now he is flying in an airplane above you. Use hotkeys on your smartphone.
  • Explore. You can not make new original pictures without exploring the world. Look for new places, new territories, landscapes, architecture. Go beyond your limits.

Thus, following all these tips, you can easily take photos using only your smartphone.


It is important to note that many photographersare in demand because they post their photos dosed. This means that their work does not sink into a sea of ​​spam and is not lost among other similar works from the same series. In this case, it will not be appreciated.

Не стоит увлекаться одними лишь «домашними» photos, because the forums are full of messages on the type of how to make a beautiful photo at home. This will not add originality to you, although some still do.

Share photos 1-2 per day and choose the most successful pictures.


Correct angle

Some photographers use the fingerprint effect - they put a finger on the camera. Thus, the picture is blurry, but this is exactly what the experts wanted.

It is worth considering the fact that the print does not fit all types of photos. For example, for a photo of a natural landscape, this effect would be extremely inappropriate.


You can take photos for yourself and for peoplePhotographing anything, but when you do it not only with a soul, but also correctly, you will find not only universal recognition, but also good self-esteem.

In addition, the development in the field of photography helps a person discover new and unknown things - this is one of the best creative choices of hobbies or even work that you can do.