/ / Threads mulina - the choice of the best craftsmen

Threads of a mulina - the choice of the best craftsmen

Embroidery is as creative a process aswriting poems or drawing pictures. It's no wonder that every craftswoman wants to use only the best materials for embroidery: the most beautiful canvas, a comfortable needle and high-quality threads. It is thanks to the excellent quality, the thread of the floss among embroiderers are very popular.

The main thing about a moulin

string of dolly dmc
Threads of a moulinet consist entirely ofmercerized, i.e. chemically processed, natural material - cotton, flax, so they are not only bright and shiny, but also durable. On the canvas, they lie even stitches, without making knots and unnecessary seals, so the products, embroidered with threads of mulina, always differed with accuracy. The paint used for the mulina, resistant, threads in the sun practically do not burn out, preserving its original, bright color. Pleasant is the fact that the color scheme of the moulin is huge. For example, threads floss dmc have a color map of 495 different colors! The thickness of the thread is obtained by means of six thin strings, which, if necessary, can be disconnected and combined with another thread color.

Varieties of materials for making floss

floss string
The modern market offers a huge number ofvarieties of thread mulina, which produce a completely different company. Today, there are several basic types of material from which these threads are made. The most common are cotton floss. These are very strong, silky threads that do not lose color when washed. A huge plus is the wide variety of colors of cotton floss. Linen mulina usually has pastel tones, but they are also durable and reliable in use. It is customary to use a woolly moulin to produce more voluminous paintings, rather than using cotton floss. Woolen threads floss perfect for embroidering pillows, rugs, tapestry napkins or bedding. Acrylic on structure are similar to woolen. The only nuance, the material for manufacturing is obtained by chemical, and not by natural means. Melange moulinis are used if you need a different spectrum of colors in one thread, and fluorescent ones give a picture of brightness and light.

Rules of work with a moulin

floss embroidery
In order to avoid undesirable surprises,It is worth sticking to simple, but very important rules when working with threads. Before starting work, they should be checked for firmness - a bundle of threads should be moistened in warm water and wrapped in a white cloth. If the threads do not leave a trace, they are qualitative, and they can be operated without problems. Ready-made embroidery should not be washed in a washing machine or with bleach, so the product may lose color or brightness of paints. Also, do not iron the damp embroidered product with a hot iron, the threads are finely polished, the embroidery will be irreparably damaged. Keep the threads of the mulina better separately from each other, dividing them by the colors and signing the color number with a bobbin or kulechek. So it will be easy to determine the availability of the right thread when ready to begin a new embroidery.

Calculation of a floss for embroidery

Вышивка нитками мулине требует специального calculation in order that the foreman could previously stock up with the necessary amount of work. For embroidering in two threads to create one cross, you need 1 centimeter of thread. It's very easy to remember: one cross requires one centimeter. But to manually count the crosses before work hardly anyone will. You can use the following information: 1 sq. Cm. embroidery hits about 50 crosses. The area of ​​the future picture can be counted, because a lot of embroidery schemes come with information about the size of the embroidered product. And after it is very easy to calculate the number of skeins of threads, knowing that one hank usually consists of 8 meters.