/ / Do-it-yourself leather pictures - how to find ideas

Pictures from the skin with their own hands - how to find ideas

Genuine leather is one of those materialswho accompanies man in his life from time immemorial. He served as clothing that protects against cold and wind, shoes that protect the feet from cuts and injuries. It was used for the production of numerous household items - from bags to flasks, from the sheath to jewelry. As soon as man learned to make leather, the era of leather needlework in a broad sense began.

Do-it-yourself leather pictures
Now we no longer need to do independently, toFor example, shoes - although there are amateurs who make real masterpieces, and in addition, custom-made shoes or boots can not be compared in convenience to those produced on an industrial scale. However, leather goods are durable, practical things. Both craftsmen and professional designers are engaged in this kind of needlework - and, one might even say, art. In the traditions of many nations, not only furriers were made of leather by hand, but also craftsmen.
leather products
This material - although, of course, environmentalists may not agree - is very pleasant for people, natural, natural.

Many artists make paintings with enthusiasm.from the skin with your own hands. It is worth noting that such an interior decoration can be a great gift. Elegance is combined with natural materials, the manual exquisite work - with a unique pattern. Landscapes, portraits, still lifes - paintings made from leather are hand-made in a wide variety of genres and styles. It is very effective to use this material for collages. Creative abilities are expressed here in a variety of techniques. It can be embossed and engraved, weaving and appliqué. Often, different techniques are combined in one work -

imitation leather
so leather paintings do it yourselfto translate the creative idea of ​​the artist. Only some other material allows you to create volumetric compositions. Depending on the project and design, the most diverse leather can be used for manufacturing: from hard and thick to soft and thinnest.

Often the material for the work does not even needspecially purchased. In each house there are old leather jackets, boots, bags, which in the hands of the master will acquire a new life. If at home the choice is limited, you can go shopping second-hand. Many craftsmen acquire trimming and remnants of material in special tanneries. Color solutions are also achieved by various means. Please note that often the paintings of the skin with their own hands are performed in the same range - usually brown and beige. The choice in this case is dictated by the desire to preserve the natural beauty of the materials. However, color leather is often used, as well as painting of the finished product. Most often used for this purpose paints in spray cans, spray guns, but you can use stained glass and acrylic paints. Real masters make volumetric paintings of leather with their own hands. After all, this material is plastic, allows you to form any bends and waves. On the basis of the background, leather parts are fixed, most often with the help of a special glue that leaves no traces. For voluminous paintings, it is best to choose a soft, easily draped skin, from which you can make a very peculiar texture - the "blind man's buff." And if you decide to try yourself in this new kind of needlework and stock up on materials - it remains for the small. Inspirations can be searched both on sites intended for needlewomen, and in galleries, online shops of souvenirs and handicrafts, as well ... in painting and sculpture. After all, it is important to feel the material yourself, its ability to express what you want to say to the world.