If you are not indifferent to interior decoration andIf you pay special attention to textiles, you most likely have ever seen or even bought pillows, bedspreads, decorated with convex folds that make up complex relief patterns. Perhaps you thought that making such beauty with your own hands, and even a beginner, is impossible. In fact, the work uses a fairly simple scheme. Puffs easy to create using only a thread with a needle. Of course, you will need patience, accuracy, and the ability to strictly follow the instructions.

Beautiful decor
If you work a lot with a cloth, you sewtextile souvenirs, curtains, clothes, etc., then always there are extra pieces of cloth, not only very small, but also quite large. From them you can create amazingly beautiful accessories, for example, pillows with a relief surface consisting of figured folds. For their manufacture uses the same scheme. Poufs are created by tightening the fabric at points, which are arranged in accordance with the markup made on the template.

The result is a very spectacular air folds, going one after the other sequentially.
Types of folds
If you make puffs with your own hands, schemes can be takenready or, having understood the principle, develop independently. The meaning of the work is that on the fabric, usually from the inside, but sometimes from the front side, a matrix is drawn from the cells at the tops of which dots are arranged. They will need to be connected with a thread in a certain sequence and pattern. Patterns are very different:
- Concentric (going in a circle from the edges to the center).
- Linear (from left to right in one lane).
- Multi-row (usually used for pillows).
- Sophisticated ornamental (in the center of the pillow and in the corners there is a certain similar or different pattern).

As for the shape, the folds can be in the form of bows, flowers, waves, a system resembling weaving, scales.
Applications of puffs
Because to create such a beautiful decora simple scheme is used, puffs can be taken as the basis for any textile decoration. Such spectacular folds decorate the surface of the following things:
- Pillows (pillowcases).
- Covered and blankets.
- Curtains and pelmets.
- Puffs.
- Bags.
- Dresses, sundresses, blouses.
- Scarves and caps.
- Headbands for hair.
In fact, this technology can be applied on any textile product that has a flat plane to create folds.
Helpful Tips
Below will be presented various puffs (schemes). Step-by-step work is easy, but it will require perseverance and calculation. There are times to pay special attention to:
- The amount of fabric needed to createfolds, usually taken in double the size of the finished product, that is, if you have a cushion of 40 x 40, then you will take a square 80 x 80 (with a uniform filling of the entire surface) plus seam allowances when combining the pillowcase. In complex patterns, determine empirically, for example, by trying to make an element of the pattern on a small rag, the original size of which you measure, and then look at how much it has decreased and make calculations.
- Cell size can also be any. Naturally, it will be more for a bedspread than for a pillow, but it all depends on the pattern chosen. Usually the distance between adjacent points is 1.5-2.5 cm.
- To make puffs, schemes need step by stepTo transfer very carefully and carefully with a special marker for fabric, which can then be removed. It is better to designate not only the points, but also the guiding movements of the thread.
Here are the basic tips to consider when preparing and in the process.
What will be required
In fact, nothing complicated is needed. The main thing - your accuracy and patience. As for materials and devices, they are as follows:
- The fabric of the right size (preferably thin).
- Needle.
- Thread in the color of the material.
- Scissors.
- Fabric marker, washable or fading.
- Ruler.
- Pattern swatch on paper.
- Beads (to decorate places of viscosity and visible threads, for example, in a pattern with flowers).
As you can see, nothing complicated.If it is problematic to buy a special marker, use an ordinary simple pencil and eraser for cloth or just finely sharpened chalk or remnant to draw lines, although this is not so convenient.
Beautiful pillow: puffs (schemes)
The first illustration below shows one ofsimple patterns. The numbers indicate the sequence of points. Each element of the pattern is the same: a thread is threaded into the lower left point of the square, then diagonally, then into the next left and again diagonally in the opposite direction. The thread is fixed at the beginning, and then moves on to the next element.

The sequence of connecting dots is not necessarily pointing to the fabric. If you remember this, it suffices to draw only the guides for stitches.

The patterns, symmetrical and specular with respect to the center of the square, look very impressive, but according to the first scheme you can also create an interesting texture of the product surface.
DIY pillows: puffs
Schemes, as already mentioned, can be used any. Even the simplest options in assembled form look very impressive. The sequence of work will always be this:
- Cut a piece of fabric of the desired shape and size.
- Prepare a pattern scheme (draw it yourself or download a template from the Internet).
- Turn the fabric on the wrong side and draw a grid matrix there.
- Count the points in accordance with the pattern through which the needle will pass. Label them.
- Show the guides on which the fabric will be pinched (better with arrows as on the paper scheme).
- Proceed directly to the formation of folds, pulling the thread and securing it in the right places in accordance with the scheme.
- When all the folds are completed, you can use the item to make a pillow.
This simple technology is always the work. In each particular pattern, the direction of movement of the needle and the place of fixing the thread is its own.
So, you saw how to make gorgeousaccessories for your interior. For work any scheme can be used. Puffs always look spectacular, even the most simple. The main thing - to do the work exactly on the markup and carefully fasten the thread.