/ / How to make a shark out of paper - a detailed description

How to make a shark from paper - a detailed description

Today we will tell how to make a paper shark.The scheme of this animal refers to the average level of complexity. This topic will be of particular interest to people who love the sea and unusual origami types. Of the numerous predators that live on the planet, a shark is especially frightening of a person. We begin work with the preparation of a sheet of paper.


how to make paper shark
We turn to the practical part of solving the issue,how to make paper shark. A square sheet of paper with a side of 15 cm is best for us. If you are new to origami, you can use a larger blank. In the latter case, the question of how to make a shark out of paper will be much easier. The fact is that the fish will end up in large sizes, but it will be easier to fold it. To make the figure as realistic as possible, one should carefully select the color of the paper. Do not be afraid to experiment by creating your own marine inhabitant.


how to make a paper shark scheme
Once the desired gray option is selected,We proceed to the next stage of solving the question of how to make a shark out of paper. First we fold the fish, giving it a basic shape. Next, bend the workpiece in half. Turn it over. In the next step, bend the origami corner. We do it in a special way. The angle should go a bit beyond the limits of the figure. At the next stage, we bend it along the outlined lines. Next, go to the left side. There we bend the corner-tail. We perform a similar operation with the right side. Next, bend the corner in place of the future fins. We flatten the place where the pocket is located. In this case, the obtained parts must be unequal.

Final touches

At this stage of the work, the question is how out of papermake a shark will be completely resolved. Next, take the scissors. At the corner make an incision. Bend away from the bottom pocket. It is important to remember one subtlety. In the lower part you need to bend a little lower compared to the top. In the next step, we open the figure. Go to the top corner. We open it. In the next step, go to the left side of the corner. Make a cut. Pull the corner. Leave one paper layer. Close the figure. We remove the corners on the head of our shark. Go to the next step. Now we are interested in the corners that are under the tail. At the same time bend them with all layers of paper. After that, reveal the tail. It remains to deal with fins. They are set on the side of our fish, while maintaining a right angle.