/ / The herald's costume: how to make yourself

Herald's costume: how to make yourself

Modern New Year's performances differcomplex scenarios in which any animals, people, objects, etc. can be used as heroes. That is why any mother should be ready that one day a son or daughter will report that they are entrusted with the role of an alien monster, a forest sorcerer, a test or fairy mountains. In such cases, you have to break your head over what to put on a boy or girl, since no one has seen how these characters should look on stage. This can serve as a comfort to the parents of a child who needs a New Year's suit as a herald. After all, the idea of ​​a dress can be spied on in any collection of fairy tales.

a herald's suit

What the herald suit consists of

If we are not talking about a particular era, then we can make a dress in a medieval European style. It should consist of:

  • blouses;
  • trousers below knee length;
  • waistcoat;
  • hats with wide margins;
  • shoe or shoes;
  • stockings;
  • belt with a large buckle.

What fabrics and accessories to choose

To make a beautiful herald suit (photo above) you will need different textiles.

For the costume, one can take an emerald gabardine,slanting blue bake, the same atlas, thin lace braid white and satin - dark blue. In addition, you will need a cloth made of cotton, shoes, a magnificent feather and a brooch. You will also need to buy a hat with wide margins of suitable color and white tights.


The crier's costume can not be imagined without this wardrobe thing. It is sewn from a blue satin, using the simplest pattern that can be found in any fashion magazine. Further:

  • the neck of the blouse, which is fastened on the back with an air loop, is trimmed with white lace;
  • of white cotton they sew cuffs;
  • trim them with a thin white lace;
  • sewn to the sleeves.

herald's suit for the new year


The crier's costume will be incomplete without this wardrobe thing. For its manufacture:

  • take any suitable pattern from the fashion magazine;
  • cut out the light emerald gabardine;
  • sewing parts on a sewing machine;
  • decorate patch pockets and armholes with an oblique beam, it also processes the beads and the bottom of the waistcoat;
  • sew on the neck of a large collar, trimmed with a thin lace and made of white cotton.


Cut and sew from emerald gabardinetrousers. For this purpose, fit a pattern of free shorts. When they are ready, the bottom is bent and stitched, decorated with a thin satin ribbon. Pass the elastic and lightly tighten.

herald's suit for the new year


It is not necessary to make such an accessory yourself. Instead, you can take a finished hat of a dark color, bend the field from the front up and attach a brooch and a lush feather.


Of course, some boys will resistwearing a girl's wardrobe. In this case, show them a portrait of some formidable medieval king and explain that many centuries ago, everyone dressed like that, from the craftsmen to the brave knights. As a supplement to the suit, white translucent tights of the appropriate size will do.


It can also be purchased in ready-made form.However, making such an accessory also does not require much time and effort. In particular, you can take the buckle from some old belt. It must be pasted on both sides with a thin two-sided adhesive tape and wound on it with satin tape. The belt itself is sewn from the remnants of fabric in the form of a band reinforced with non-woven fleece. Then the belt is sewn to the buckle.

beautiful costume crier photo


Surely, your son will have a pair of boots of dark color. Just make big bows of gabardine and fasten them on the shoes.


As you know, the heralds in the old days notified the peopleabout the royal decrees. In order to collect the people and read them a letter with news from the palace, these employees had to be hummed into the pipe. To make this accessory is not difficult. To do this, you need to roll a cylinder from a thick cardboard, with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of about 30 cm, as well as a cone 10 cm high and a base radius of 5 cm. Then:

  • The second blank is inserted into the first and glued from the outside with a thermo-gun;
  • take a piece of thick, difficult-bending wire;
  • make two holes on the pipe;
  • insert the handle into the pipe;
  • glue the resulting design of gold foil and get an accessory that will successfully complement the herald's suit.

If all these manipulations seem complicated to you, then you can look for an old pioneer horn or buy a toy horn. In the latter case, it may have to be painted with bronze paint.

Herald's own costume

Many mothers store photos from children's matinees for many years, like dear memories of their children's childhood, so you always want the child to be dressed vividly and ingeniously.

If the herald appears in the folk tale aboutking-father and boyars, the European outfit will look rather strange. It is better to try to make a crier's suit for the New Year in Russian style. To do this, you can rent a boy's folk costume with pants that are tucked into red boots, and a shirt with a shirtsleeve.

Однако для получения нужного результата его will have to be supplemented. To suit the herald for the New Year was a success, make a pipe to it as described above and a hat. To do this, sew something like a soldier's pilot's cap from a fabric of bright color, for example, red and add a fur rim along the bottom edge. You can also make a sash and give the boy a large scroll with the inscription "Decree" in his hands.

New Year's suit herald

Now you know how to make a herald costume with your own hands. The photos above will help you choose the option that best suits your child.