Cases for phones currently enjoyvery popular, because they not only decorate the mobile phone, but also protect it from dirt, water and scratches. But, unfortunately, today it is difficult to find a high-quality and convenient case that will meet all the requirements of the owner. Therefore, to make your dream come true, you can try to make a case yourself, for example, from small colored rubber bands. By sticking to the scheme, you can get beautiful "clothes" for the phone, which will be soft and pleasant to the touch. But how to weave a phone case of gum? Our hundredTyt in all sorted outtsya
What are the colored rubber bands
Thinking how to weave a rubber phone caseon the fingers, you need to understand what is the desired material and how to choose it correctly. Small rubber bands are thin colored rings with a smooth or embossed coating that stretch well without losing integrity. Such elastic bands are made of silicone.
How to weave a phone case of gum?To make it smooth, without grooves and crevices, it is recommended to use thin and even elastic bands. In order to get the same color and pattern, at first it is better to choose monochrome gum. Today, the case can be woven with a hook or machine - in each case, the design of the product will be different, as different weaving techniques are used.
What you need to prepare for weaving the cover on the machine
How to weave a phone case made of gum onmachine tool? This manipulation is carried out quickly and easily. But before you start, it is necessary to prepare the necessary supplies in advance. These include the following:
- hook;
- machine not containing the central (main) row;
- elastic bands of any color (it is desirable to use 3 colors).
After preparing the necessary materials you can begin to weave the cover.
How is weaving a colorful cover
The first step is to install correctly.machine to make the product smooth and dense. Its front notches should look forward and the rear hooks back. Then it is necessary to make a base of monophonic rubber bands: for this we fasten them obliquely, after which we grab it with a hook - this should be done in 3 pieces at once. After that, fasten the base with a loop so that the middle is a little tight. If the manipulation was carried out correctly, there should be gaps on each column that must be filled. To do this, use a different color elastic bands, fixed "eight".
Now should be strung around a layer of guma different color and then place the bottom layer in the center. After that, alternate any 2 colors until weaving reaches the 18th row. As soon as it is completed, we repeat the manipulation until the 11th row, which is formed on the other side.
This case is woven strictly according to the scheme, whereweave gum necessarily located on one side. As soon as the product is ready, it is necessary to unscrew it and fix the pendant, rope or key chain on it.
Always read the charts carefully beforeweave a phone case made of gum. Photos of finished work performed in the same technique can also be a good help. They will help to present the final result clearly.
How can we weave a case without a machine with a hook
Если у вас нет в наличии станка, сделать яркий и Attractive case will succeed without it. To do this, use a hook, with which you can also conduct high-quality and accurate weaving.
To make your own cover of bright rubber bands, you will need:
- hook (it is desirable to choose a small, so as not to tear the thin gum);
- gum of several colors.
How to weave a phone case of gum? To do this, follow the pattern of weaving, so as not to make mistakes in the loops.
Crochet weaving technique
How to weave a phone case out of gum without a machine? To do this, you need to prepare everything you need for work, and then be patient and have a good attitude for creativity.
Берем в руки крючок и накручиваем на его The base is the first gum in 2 turns. Then we take another one (you can have a different color) and also hook the elastic through the loop made earlier. With this scheme you need to make as many loops as you need for your mobile phone. In order not to be mistaken with the number of loops, the base of the cover should be attached to the phone. The length is excellent if the loops fit the base of the gadget tightly.
The last loop is also fixed 3 times.If the scheme was executed correctly, you will have one side of the cover (lower or upper). Now in the same way we braid the second side, using the same colors of the elastic bands. To round the corners of the product should be the same as the creation of a series.
As soon as both blanks for the cover are ready,they can be fastened with similar chains, only in this case the side loop is not fastened 3 times to make the product even. Bind the links between themselves should be rubber bands, threaded as a lifting fastening.
How to understand that the case gossip correctly
To do this, consider the following nuances:
- gum outside do not stick out;
- the product turned out smooth;
- silicone material does not bulge and does not create sagging;
- the resulting product looks beautiful, the result pleases;
- the case is slightly stretched, however, cracks do not appear on its base.
Such a cover will serve faithfully for a long time, so you can not be afraid that silicone gum will quickly tear.