/ How to make a bed for dolls? Practical tips

How to make a bed for dolls? Practical tips

All girls like to play dolls, and each of themthey, for sure, dream of furniture for their beloved. One of the main subjects is a crib. After all, no matter how pleasant it was to put your girlfriend to sleep next to you, you want her to have her own place to sleep. This piece of furniture can be bought, but it is more interesting to make it yourself. To do this, you need to stock up on some materials and knowledge about how to make a bed for dolls.

how to make a bed for dolls

Choose a model and material

Not every parent can affordto purchase an expensive high-quality set of toy furniture for a child, but a cardboard, plywood or wooden bed for a doll made by own hands - the idea is quite realizable. And to the creative process you can attract and baby. To begin with, you need to decide what exactly the girl needs, it can be a single, double or even a two-story bed for dolls. There are a lot of options for creating such a toy, any material that can be used here can be used: cardboard, foam rubber, wooden plaques and even matchboxes.

wooden bed for a doll

Bed made of wood

Perhaps, this is the most standard variant.How to make a bed for dolls made of wood? In fact, there is nothing complicated here. It will take a thin board, glue for wood, jigsaw and waterproof paint. According to the length of the pupa, a plate of suitable width is measured and sawed off. Next is the turn of the legs and the back of the bed. Here you can use a wooden dowel, from which it is necessary to saw off 4 identical parts and glue them at the corners to the main plank. For the backrest, you can take a suitable piece of plywood. The final stage is decorating. The toy must be painted, so that the child does not drive a splinter into his fingers.

two-story bed for dolls

Bed of cardboard

How to make a bed for dolls using cardboard?Here you can take ordinary cardboard boxes from under shoes or equipment or simple matchboxes. Work with the latter can even a child. The cot in this case is made up of parts, like puzzles, all glued together and pasted papier-mache. After complete drying, it is stained. If you use cardboard boxes, you need to cut the bottom of the bed along the length of the doll, it is better if it will consist of several layers. Next, cut out and glue the back, and as the legs fit pressed wine bottle plugs, which are cut and fastened with hot glue to the bottom. This bed can also be strengthened with papier-mache or immediately painted with gouache with PVA.


As already mentioned, the blanks should be painted,However, using improvised materials, you can create a real masterpiece. How to make a bed for dolls with a soft back or canopy? Here you need a little fantasy. On the back, you can glue foam rubber, covered with fabric and sewed with rhombs, in the corners of which to paste beads. Such a glamorous option like any girl. For the canopy will need either wooden dowels, or culinary long skewers, which will act as the legs for the roof. The basis of the canopy is made of cardboard, covered with a cloth, with beautiful hanging curtains or threads with beads.