/ / Flowers from plastic bottles: master class with step by step description

Flowers from plastic bottles: a master class with a step-by-step description

Recently, lawns and house parks inThe city is decorated with plastic handicrafts. When the snow only melts, and buds appear on the trees, flowers from plastic bottles adorn the lawns. A master class on field, indoor and garden plants from this material will be discussed in the article.

Basic rules when working with plastic bottles

It is better to work with plastic for adults or olderchildren under the supervision of a mentor. The fact is that in this work one has to work with prickly tools (scissors, awl, knife, cutter), spray paints, and fire, which can lead to carelessness due to inattention.

The technique of making flowers is simple:draw a pattern, transfer it to a plastic base. Next, cut the leaves, petals or flower ready. Pierce a hole in the middle of the flower blanks with an awl or a soldering iron and give them the shape of petals with the help of fire. First, the edges are seared, then from the seamy side of the petal under the flame you create a bend in almost the same way as when creating flowers from satin ribbons. Use the tweezers for this procedure.

You can make flowers out of a plastic bottle from hertop. In this case, the hole is pierced in the lid itself, which fixes the position of the stamens and pistils. Leaves are attached with fire or green tape. The stem can also be wrapped with fused plastic or tape. To make plants look like real ones, it is advisable to paint them with rain-resistant alkyd aerosol or acrylic paints.

Ornaments for wicker fences and trees

From the branches weave a variety of fences for flower beds.In the interlacing of the branches there are different flowers for beauty. Trees are also decorated with flowers and other plastic crafts with the help of a rope or wire, without deforming the trunks.

flowers from plastic bottles master class

Consider how to make small five-petal flowers from plastic bottles. The master class is very simple.

  • Draw on paper five-petalled flower.
  • Transfer this template marker on the bottle.
  • Cut out the blanks.
  • Hands pry petals apart.
  • Flame process all edges of the flower so that the cuts become smooth.
  • Then walk the flames under the petals to give them a bend or a slope.
  • Try on the blanks to each other.
  • Determine the middle of the flowers and pierce with an awl in two places.
  • Connect the workpiece with a wire, which pass two or three beads.
  • From the seamy side of the wire twist and cut off the excess ends.
  • Now flowers can be fastened to the hedge. If you do not want to make holes, then the first blanks can be made from the top of the bottle, where the mount goes through the cap.

Roses for the street and home

For the manufacture of roses you need to draw patternsdifferent sizes. The more elements, the richer the flowers from the plastic bottle (photo of roses confirms that due to the petals of different sizes creates a multi-layer).

make flowers from a plastic bottle

Draw on paper seven patterns fromrectangles and squares (these will be elements for a single rose). Within their boundaries, display a flower of four petals, in which the margin has a concave cut. Now transfer the rectangular and square blanks to the bottle. Cut them into floral patterns.

With the help of sewing in the middle of the rose, make a hole.Now burn all the flowers over the candle, lifting the petals up. Remember that molten plastic can be badly burned, so use tweezers.

Next, cut the sepal from four petals with three sharp corners. Also make a hole in the middle and burn with fire. For the stem, cut the bottle in a spiral into a one centimeter wide strip.

Rose formation

Wrap a thick wire with a plastic stripwhich melt over the flame. Leave one edge of the wire for blanks of flowers and sepals (you will wear them in a descending order). The middle of the rose can be decorated with a bead and fastened with wire. Or cut a small circle out of the bottle, cut it into strips, sing it on the fire, forming stamens, and attach it in the middle of the flower.

Next, cut out the leaf pattern from the green bottle.on a 3-stalk stalk. Prepare singe over the candle. Twist the leaf stalks under the flame and attach the leaf to the base of the stem of the rose, wrapping it in a molten plastic edge. Under this scheme, make yourself a whole bunch.

Цветы, сделанные из пластиковых бутылок, будут more realistic, if you tint them with paints. For example, veins or dark parts can be drawn in the leaves; in the petals to enhance the color or add an additional shade. To simplify work, you can wrap the stems with green tape to match the color of the leaves.

Unusual flowers from plastic bottles

The master class is a very interesting way to transfer experience, as it shows how to make real flowers from plastic.

  • From the seven plastic transparent bottles, cut off the top with a cap.
  • Cut 6 strips, form petals and sing them over the flame. At the same time, first bend each petal. Then scorch around the edges and again walk in the middle of the petal.

flowers from a plastic bottle photo

  • Paint the workpiece red spray paint.
  • As soon as the surface of the petals dries, apply yellow paint on the middle of the flowers.
  • With the help of sewing and scissors make a hole of such diameter in the lid of each flower so that the pistil and stamens, which will be made of beads, crawl through.
  • Paint it green (it will be sepal).
  • To pestle strung on a wire a large bead, which will be its stigma, twist the ends of the wire. Only then dial 22 pcs. beads green.
  • Make the stamens similarly from glass beads and 19 pcs. blue beads.

For one flower, you need to collect a pistil and 6 stamens in a bunch, wrap them with thread and insert them into the lid with glue.

Putting flowers in a bouquet

Our flowers are like clivia, soconsider their location on the stem on any photo. Flowers from plastic bottles for one plant need to make seven pieces. While the stamens dry, make a green bottle of 8 large leaves, four medium and small oval leaves.

photos of flowers from plastic bottles

Process each petal over the flame andstraighten a little. At the base of the leaflet, make a hole and attach a wire. Now, for the stem, take a meter thick wire or cable and begin to arrange the flowers in the desired position: one flower from above, then, after 20 centimeters, 3 flowers, and the same distance - 3 flowers that look in different directions, as their stems bent 90 degrees.

Then, after 10 centimeters, is mountleaves of 2-3 pieces, starting and ending with the smallest. That is, the arrangement will be as follows: two small, four rows of large leaves, two rows of medium and two small leaves. The stems are attached with green tape. These flowers can be installed in a flower bed.

Palms - interesting crafts from plastic bottles

The flower is often made from transparent bottles, but wheredo brown tara? And let's make a palm tree out of them! We will need brown and green bottles. For a palm trunk, you insert a cable into the ground that must resist a strong wind. Brown bottles will need to be cut from one edge with 8 pointed teeth. If you leave the bottom, then make a hole in it, but if you use the top of the bottle, then unscrew the cap.

Wearing a toothed brown on the cableworkpieces, while the leaves are straightened to the sides with your hands or with the help of a flame, creating the effect of tree bark. As soon as you reach the desired length of the palm tree, attach the leaves, which are made from green packaging.

crafts from plastic bottles flower

For the foliage of the bottles, the bottom is cut and cutlong stripes to the top. Covers in this case are not needed. Next, the cable is put on the leaves of the desired length and attached to the trunk of a palm tree. The more branches you make, the more magnificent the tree will be, but then take a thick cable.

Yellow Elegant Flowers

Consider how to make elegant flowers from plastic bottles. The master class is as follows.

  • From transparent bottles, cut up and down.
  • Next, you draw on them the usual petals that look like a rose: narrow at the base and with wide edges.
  • Every petal burns over a candle.

flowers made from plastic bottles

  • From a transparent or green bottle, cut out individual leaflets without petioles and sepals with 10 teeth, which you also melt over a flame.
  • Paint blanks with acrylic paints: the petals are yellow, and the edges are red, the leaves and sepals are green.
  • In the leaves make two holes, then to attach them to the stalk.
  • Now cut the foam ball in half.
  • Paint it yellow and the bottom green.
  • In the middle, make an incision to insert a petal that you twist into a bud with the help of fire.
  • The remaining petals are inserted with a point, if necessary, creating a particular slope.
  • Once the flower is collected, turn it over.
  • Insert a kebab stick colored in green into it.
  • Stringing on it a sepal and a leaf.

Create under this scheme a whole bunch.

Curly flowers

Now consider the climbing plantsMaster Class. Plastic bottles (flowers - from transparent, leaves - from green) are prepared according to the standard scheme, cutting off the tops and bottoms. For leaves, cut the bottle in a spiral 10 centimeters wide. Draw leaves on it on the length of a branch, cut and melt over the candle, twisting in some places petioles.

master class plastic bottles flowers

Then make two-color patterns with fivepetals: large and small. Also burn a candle and paint with paints. In the middle of the flowers, you make holes and with wire you connect two patterns, taking several beads for stamens.

Следующим шагом протыкаете на лиане в нужных places the holes in the leaves and strengthen the harvested flowers, cutting off the excess ends and hiding the wire in the foliage. Further, all winding branches are combined into one bundle, fastened and hung on a nail or in a cache-pot.

As you can see, from plastic bottles you can make a variety of flowers for garden and home. And the naturalness and naturalness can be given to them with the help of paints.