/ / "Count of the Eagles" - LCD on Moskovsky Prospekt. Address, reviews, photos

"Count of the Eagles" - LCD on Moskovsky Prospekt. Address, reviews, photos

People who plan to acquire their ownliving space, have two options. Most people habitually pay attention to the secondary market. But the younger generation still prefers to buy apartments in new buildings. Khrushchevka and apartments in the new house will cost almost the same. But the difference will be huge. Those who for at least a few years will live in apartments with high ceilings and large kitchens, will never return to the homes of the 60s.

Earl of the Eagles
Today, a huge number of construction companiesoffer their services. The most popular in St. Petersburg is the company "L1". And one of its greatest achievements is the complex of the Earls of Orlov. LCD is built in accordance with all European requirements in the prestigious district of the Northern capital.

History of the construction company

Before deciding to purchase housing innew building, be sure to study all the information about the construction company. The company "L1" can be called truly reliable. Thanks to the efforts of qualified engineers, many families have already managed to find comfortable housing. Company "L1" was founded in 1992. Already at the initial stages, the main area of ​​activity was chosen housing construction. The firm began to develop at an accelerated pace. And all because the services were provided at a high level. The first houses built have no complaints to this day. Not surprisingly, the LC "Graf Orlov" interested many already at the initial stages.

the Count of the Eagles
In 1997 the construction company becamethe investor of the resettlement program for residents from the extreme regions of the North. Many were able on a loyal basis to buy comfortable accommodation in one of the most prestigious areas. Within the framework of this project, 14 high-rise buildings were built.

Since 2003, construction has beenonly in St. Petersburg, but also in other cities of Russia. The largest projects were realized in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Sochi, and also in Kiev. Management plans to conclude deals with other regions. However, the main attention for today is given to the grandiose complex "Graf Orlov". LCD in St. Petersburg is considered one of the greatest achievements of the construction company.

How does the company work?

The construction firm acts asinvestor, general contractor, as well as the developer. Specialists work on the design of individual buildings, develop energy-saving strategies. Apartments in LCD «Graf Orlov» will help residents to save on utilities. This is especially important in winter, when the heating season comes.

Zhk Orlov reviews
The construction company adheres to the principle ofopenness. Clients can specify how the work is progressing at any stage. "L1" is one of the first companies to open a thematic blog on the web based on a live magazine. Users can ask a question to a representative of the company at any time in real time. In addition, the main points of construction installed web cameras. With their help, the work of specialists can be controlled not only by management, but also by people planning to purchase housing in the "Graf Orlov" LCD. The reviews show that such a move can significantly increase the productivity of ordinary workers. In addition, potential customers develop more trust in the company.

Today the company "L1" can be called unconditionalleaders in the Northern capital. And the biggest achievement by right is the complex "Graf Orlov". LCD offers a huge number of apartments to choose from. Each family will be able to choose the option based on their financial capabilities.

Residential complex "Graf Orlov". Basic information

The complex occupies a vast territory andis located in one of the most prestigious districts of the Northern capital - on Moskovsky Prospekt. In the immediate vicinity are two metro stations - "Moskovskaya" and "Park Pobedy". Despite the relatively low cost of apartments, it can be attributed to the category of elite LCDs "Graf Eagles". Customer feedback can only be heard positive. And this is due not only to the successful location of houses. Pleases also the unique architecture, which fits well in the overall picture of St. Petersburg. Representatives of the construction firm confidently declare that the Earl of Orlov has no analogues not only in the city, but all over the country.

People who paid attention to residentialcomplex, note that such a huge range of apartments can not be offered by every developer. There are also one-room apartments, and neat two-bedroom and chic penthouses. Everyone will be able to choose the option to their liking and their financial capabilities. The construction company was able to provide everything for the owners of the apartments to live in joy and comfort. The territory of the complex is fenced and is guarded around the clock. Each apartment is provided with two parking spaces. The car can be left in a convenient two-storey parking lot, which is also heated.

Also distinguished by its prices is the complex "CountOrlov. " LCD is not only for customers with high incomes. To get quality housing can also an ordinary citizen. In addition, there are various payment options. It is possible to arrange an installment plan or a mortgage.

What kind of apartments are offered?

The residential complex is built on individualproject, which has no analogues. The whole territory is represented by houses with different floors. The most popular are 7-level houses. There are also several buildings on 24 floors. People with small financial resources can purchase a small studio apartment for 32 square meters. This option is perfect for guys and girls who have not yet found a soul mate. There are also one-bedroom apartments of up to 47 square meters. m, kopeck piece area of ​​up to 107 square meters. m, three-room and four-bedroom apartments up to 180 square meters. m.

Count of the Eagles
In the apartments all engineering communications were carried out.Energy-saving technologies are used. Tenants will have to pay much less for light, water and other utilities. The apartment already has internet and satellite TV. People who purchase housing in the "Graf Orlov" LCD do not have to do any repairs at all. Apartments are fully prepared for living. Perhaps, someone will want to make only a small cosmetic decoration.

В холлах предусмотрены скоростные бесшумные elevators, as well as cabins for concierge. Reviews of people who have already purchased housing, show that the service is carried out at a high level. Already in the rented houses only employees with relevant experience are recruited. The possibility of hacking the apartment is completely absent. The concierge will never miss a suspicious person. And every guest has to report to which apartment he wants to get.


Located in a place with a well-developedthe infrastructure of LCD Graf Orlov. Reviews show that there is everything for normal life and recreation. In the immediate vicinity there are several kindergartens and a school. There is a polyclinic, where they serve both adult patients and children. Just a few blocks there is a huge number of boutiques, beauty salons, cafes, bars and restaurants. People who do not yet have their own car can get to any point of the city by public transport. Near the residential complex, trams, buses, and fixed-route taxis stop. And very close to there are just two metro stations.

Along the LCD "Count of the Eagles" in St. Petersburg are twomajor automobile highways - Lenskaya and Moscow. However, it should be borne in mind that these roads are also the busiest in rush hour. People who work at the other end of the city have to leave in two or three hours. An alternative is a trip by metro. Moreover, the nearest station can be reached on foot in 10 minutes.

earl graph
Perfectly landscaped residential complex "Graf Orlov".Photos of the finished objects are impressive with their beauty. Young mothers with children can have a great time near home. Near the buildings that have already been commissioned, there are safe playgrounds. Pleases and the fact that in the immediate vicinity there are no industrial facilities and plants. The zone in which the residential complex is located can be called ecologically clean without exaggeration.

Apartment prices

The cost of housing may depend on severalfactors. The Earl of Eagles (LC) has not yet been completely settled. The delivery of some objects is planned for 2017. Apartments in houses that are under construction are the cheapest. The price of one square meter in such apartments is 80 000 rubles.

Предлагаются готовые апартаменты с различной planning. For the finished studio apartment with a total area of ​​32 square meters will have to pay 3,200,000 rubles. For a two-room apartment with an area of ​​about 60 squares it will be necessary to pay at least 7 million. The most sought-after are the two-bedroom apartments. Apartments with a total area of ​​up to 85 squares will cost at least 9 million rubles.

On sale there are more spacious rooms.Less demand for large apartments with an area of ​​200 square meters. Calculate the cost of such housing is simple enough, given that the price for 1 square meter is 120,000 rubles. People who are ready to pay the whole amount immediately, are offered additional discounts. And if you can make a deal to purchase an apartment before the construction of the house, the cost of housing will decrease by 30%. It is not by chance that many people have already planned to settle in the new building "Graf Orlov" (LCD). The delivery of houses is planned for the second half of 2016, and almost all the apartments in them have already been sold.

What other payment options are available?

A good living space is necessary for everyone, but hereNot everyone has the appropriate financial resources. On a loyal basis, you can buy real estate in the "Graf Orlov" complex. LCD provides apartments on a mortgage and installments. If the buyer does not have the full amount to buy housing, the developer will be able to meet. Installments are provided to those customers who are ready to pay 50% or more of the value at a time. The term of installments may depend on the amount deposited, as well as the time remaining before the object is put into operation. Payments under the contract can be made both monthly and quarterly. The contract of installments is notarized.

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Additional discounts are offered to families,who provide a certificate for maternity capital. Plus a discount of 5% of the cost of the certificate can be given. A significant advantage is the fact that there is no need for the child to reach the age of those years.

Also popular is the service "Delayedpayment". It consists that the builder can conclude the preliminary contract with the buyer, allowing not at once to bring all sum for жиль. This is convenient for those people who sell real estate in order to buy an apartment in the new line "Graf Orlov" (LCD, St. Petersburg). There is a nice bonus. The amount in rubles per apartment is fixed at the time of signing the contract. The currency jump is not terrible for the buyer, who made a deal with the developer before the sale of the previous apartment.

The construction company appreciates its customers andrewards them for their help. So, if someone recommends a company to his friend, and he decides to sign a contract for the purchase of real estate, he will be able to earn an additional discount. So people who act as intermediaries, housing is provided almost twice cheaper.


The parking in the LCD deserves special attentionCount of the Eagles. Photos of these buildings are impressive. For each apartment there are two parking spaces, given that each tenant will move on his own transport. Already today, a huge two-storey parking lot has been built and partially operated, designed for 543 seats. It is heated and is guarded around the clock. Residents do not have to worry about where to leave the car at night.

Parking in the LCD Graf Orlov "erected withusing modern building technologies. The quality and reliability of engineering systems is guaranteed. The materials used on the construction site undergo rigorous testing and meet all GOST standards. The parking project provides a high-quality ventilation system, as well as a fire-extinguishing system. In addition there is a place for the guard post.

The residential complex is also planned for the dayparking in the open air. Here tenants, as well as their guests will be able to leave vehicles absolutely free. A fence of 500 cars is planned on the street.

What other facilities does the company "L1" offer?

To date, the construction companyis engaged in erection and other residential complexes in St. Petersburg. The object "Imperial", located near the metro station "Frunzenskaya", chills the attention. Like the LCD Graf Orlov (St. Petersburg), reviews "Imperial" is the most diverse. However, the majority of the buyers held a positive opinion on the transaction. The residential complex is represented by houses with different floors. Here you can buy a home with an area of ​​25 and 200 square meters. The most popular are the two-piece.

the count of eagles in St. Petersburg
The Imperial complex belongs to the categorybusiness class. Each house has a concierge and there is a big warm parking lot. The developed infrastructure makes it possible to feel like a real master of life for everyone who buys an apartment in the Imperial LCD.

Excellent reviews can also be heard about residentialcomplex "London Park", located in the Vyborgsky district. Beautiful landscaping of the territory, remoteness from the city center, the availability of kindergartens and schools makes "London Park" the most attractive for young families. This complex can be called the most environmentally friendly in the entire northern capital. Pleases also a large range of apartments at an attractive price.

LCD Graf Orlov. Reviews

St. Petersburg every year more and moreexpands. A new generation of young families seeks to live in improved conditions. The old Khrushchevka is not the best option. Moreover, excellent housing can be purchased today at an attractive price. It is not by chance that many of the indigenous inhabitants of St. Petersburg pay their attention to the "Count of the Eagles" LCD. The address of the object is St. Petersburg, Moskovsky district, Moskovskyi Avenue, house 181. Just 10 minutes walk are just two metro stations - Park Pobedy and Moskovskaya.

Until a certain time, the construction of housesThe housing complex was moving very slowly. Therefore, the company can meet a lot of negative feedback from investors. People invested money and had no idea when they could settle into a new apartment. Today the situation has radically changed. The first houses are already put into operation, and happy tenants are not satisfied with excellent conditions.

Many potential buyers are pleased with the place, inwhich is a residential complex. Well-developed infrastructure along with a good ecological situation - what could be better? LCD Graf Orlov is a great place for a measured life of a standard Russian family.