/ / What types of bank cards can be issued by Russian banks?

What types of bank cards can be issued by Russian banks?

What types of bank cards do you know?It would seem that the question is quite simple and does not require “help from the hall”. However, the classification of this banking product is quite complicated. More precisely, it is not that complicated, but extensive. Let's look at each of the classification criteria in more detail.

types of bank cards
First, all types of bank cardsvary depending on the application: plastic international, domestic or private payment systems. In the first case, settlements can be made in any country of the world, in the second - only within the borders of one country, in the third - within the framework of the payment system, which belongs to the issuing bank.

By the way, any bank card, depending on who owns the card account, can be:

• personal - issued to individuals whoat the same time are both the owner of the account and the holder of plastic. However, this is not always the case. A loving father, for example, can open additional cards to his children, who will be tied to the main one. A good solution for families where there are students;
• corporate - is issued only to legal entities. Accordingly, the holders are employees of a particular organization who use its funds in accordance with the norms of domestic legislation;
• personalized - this includes all types of bank cards with information on them (name and surname of the holder, expiration date, bank logo, sign of the payment system).

types of bank cards
The second criterion is the type of account to which it receives.access holder. There are debit and credit card accounts. Everything is simple here: the first ones allow the plastic owner to make purchases and cash withdrawals only within the available funds on the account, while the latter give the opportunity to borrow money from the issuing bank (with all the ensuing interest, the need for redemption and other things). By the way, many citizens believe that the product in question can be either credit or debit - the other classification criteria are not discussed.

Bank card
В зависимости от использованных технологий There are the following types of bank cards - embossed, with a magnetic stripe, with a microprocessor (chip). This is the third classification criterion. Embossed is a map, on the surface of which information is represented by convex symbols. This is done to make it easier to transfer the holder data using special paper and a device called an imprinter. Magnetic stripe and chip (which is a microprocessor) - two sides of the same coin. In the sense that both of these elements contain all the information necessary for the operation. Only a microprocessor is considered more secure storage than a magnetic strip. Because chip plastic and is more expensive.

Finally, all existing types of bank cardscan be classified depending on the customer segment for which they are designed. Here we are talking about ordinary and premium products of financial institutions. It is clear that a citizen who receives a salary through a card, insurance, valid when traveling abroad, is completely useless. He is quite enough for the usual plastic. And now VIP clients cannot imagine their life without gold and platinum cards. This is not only a convenient financial instrument, which gives a lot of advantages, but also a detail that emphasizes a special social status.