/ / How to transfer money from "WebMani" to the card: instruction

How to transfer money from "WebMani" to the card: instruction

Increasingly, users are wondering howtransfer money from "WebMoney" to the card. It is quite a normal question, given that many now work online and use cashless payments. Bank cards and online wallets are gaining popularity. And each user should know about their interaction. In fact, unequivocally answering the question is difficult. After all, there are several scenarios. How to transfer money from "WebMoney" to the card of a bank? How long does it take? What features of this operation do you need to know for each user?

Is there a chance

The first thing many people are interested in, is it possiblein general, to embody the idea in life. It is likely that the electronic wallet "WebMani" does not work with modern bank cards. And then think about cashing is not worth it.

how to transfer money from webmoney to a card

В действительности каждый гражданин, у которого there is an electronic wallet and bank plastic (of any bank), able to withdraw money to the second component. True, there may be some difficulties. And they need to know. Especially when it comes to residents of Russia and Ukraine. Most recently they were affected by major changes.

Snap wallet to card

The first way, which allows you to quicklytransfer funds from the card to the account "WebMoney", and vice versa - this is a binding of plastic to a valid account. The process is not so difficult. You can tie a few cards.

What does this need it? Registered account in "WebMoney", as well as the profile that is identified. More precisely, in which there is a confirmed passport data. And nothing more.

How to transfer money from "WebMoney" to the card?First, the binding is carried out - for this purpose there is a corresponding function on the official website of the wallet. Then the map appears in the user profile. And there will be an inscription: "Withdrawal". Click, then select the amount to transfer, confirmation of payment - and it's done! Nothing special! But this way is not so often used. It is not convenient for everyone.

WebMoney transfers money to a Sberbank card

It should be noted that withTied plastic is more convenient to transfer money from the card to the "WebMoney" wallet. Fast, no problem, reliable. This is the most common type of use of a linked bank card.


But this is only one of the options.After binding plastic, you can consider other methods proposed by users. For example, if a person is thinking how to transfer money from WebMoney to a card, then he can be offered to act through a specialized application. It is called Webmoney Keeper.

This software is installed on the computer.Then you need to go through authorization. Is it done? Then you can move on. Now the user has to find the "My WebMoney" section and select "Output WM" there.

In the window that appears, you need to select "Banktranslation "and then currency. For residents of Russia, this is WMR. After that, you will be asked to authorize in the system again. And then enter the verification code. Once these steps have been completed, WebMoney will allow you to specify the data to be transferred. Or rather, the amount which is planned to be transferred. For this you need to select the menu item "Withdraw". That's all. Payment is confirmed - you can wait until the money comes to the account. But do not think that everything will happen quickly.

transfer money from webmoney to Sberbank card

Via bank transfer site

And here is another pretty interesting and simplemethod of solving the problem. If you want to transfer money from "WebMoney" to the card of Sberbank or any other organization, the user can use the official wallet site. Namely, the service "Banking". It is available only to those whose profile is identified and has verified card details, as well as passports. Otherwise, this solution will not work.

Accordingly, when the formalcertificate, you can deal with the question. It's simple: the user is authorized in WebMoney. Then he needs to go to https://banking.guarantee.ru/payout/wizard.aspx and select the type of currency there for the transfer. Next, click on "Bank transfer".

The user will be asked to verify the correctness.details if this is not the first operation. Or you can re-enter the data for translation. The next step is to enter the amount to replenish the plastic and confirm the payment. A letter will be sent to the mail in WebMoney asking you to enter a confirmation code for the transaction. He will come at the command of the user on his mobile device, tied to the profile. Then you can wait for the payment.

Problems for Russia

Recently, "WebMoney" transfers money toSberbank card, as well as other financial companies in Russia with minor problems. In particular, the transfer to plastic has become difficult. And many in general began to believe that more in Russia, “WebMani” does not transfer finance to bank accounts.

WebMoney can transfer money to the card

In fact, it is not.Directly by bank transfer to transfer money is now problematic. After all, even the administration of the service indicates that this function is suspended in Russia. Nevertheless, there is a solution. Only required to show ingenuity and ingenuity. What is offered to residents of Russia in this regard? How to transfer money from "WebMoney" to the card?


To long not to think about the question,You can simply turn to the help of various exchangers. There are a lot of them. And they offer cash withdrawals to bank cards from WebMoney in a matter of days. This is the simplest solution for those who do not really want to upload photos of their own documents into an electronic wallet, as well as delve into the process of linking bank plastic to the profile.

How to be?We need to find a good mediation site that offers withdrawals from WebMoney. Next, a request is left with an indication of the purse from which it is necessary to debit funds, as well as the user's card. In this process is issued as a redemption site from the currency owner.

Very doubtful reception, but it works.With "WebMoney" you can transfer money to the card through the exchangers, but you need to contact only trusted services. Otherwise, there is a risk of being left without money in principle.

transfer money from card to webmoney wallet

For example, you should pay attention to the site "Beschendzh" or "SmartVM." They are recommended by many users. A decorated transfer is guaranteed to come on the card.

Why exchanger

Thus, if you need to transfer money to "WebMoney" from a bank card and back, it is best to use exchangers. But only proven. Why? It is fast and relatively convenient.

Among the shortcomings should be highlighted:

  • high risk of fraud (but only on suspicious exchangers);
  • taking the commission for the operation;
  • sometimes a long wait for a transfer;
  • withdrawal limits (everywhere)

Nevertheless, if you approach the issue responsibly, then this approach will help withdraw funds to WebMoney. With some monetary losses, but to do it will turn out fully.

How much to wait

And how long to wait for translations?This question does not have a definite answer. Nevertheless, users quite often indicate that when working through the WebMoney or Kiper website, they will have to wait about 5-7 business days for money.

But exchangers offer different waiting times. On average - 3 working days. There is a possibility of an urgent withdrawal - so you can replenish a bank card per day, but at the same time charge a high commission.

transfer money to webmoney from a bank card


What can be summed up? Briefly, the process of transferring money is described as follows:

  1. Registration on "WebMoney". Be sure to bind a personal phone number.
  2. Download on the special profile page: passports, bank account details, maps. We need to wait for the test results.
  3. Linking bank plastic to the profile "WebMoney". Not necessarily, but it will make life easier.
  4. Making a bank transfer via WebMoney Keeper or the official page of WebMoney Banking.
  5. Confirmation of payment and waiting for the result.

It is easier to work with exchangers, but, as already mentioned, this is far from the best method. Some users due to recent problems with the withdrawal of funds refused to "WebMoney".