/ / Bank "Moscow Lights": reviews. Reliability of the bank "Moscow Lights"

Bank "Moscow Lights": reviews. Reliability of the bank "Moscow Lights"

Commercial bank "Moscow Lights" began itsactivities on the territory of the Russian Federation in 1993, when he received a license to conduct banking operations, and seven years later - to attract deposits from individuals. The high level of professionalism is evidenced by membership in SWIFT, the Association of Russian Banks and ARBK. For a long time, a financial institution has provided a wide range of services to businesses and individuals. But in February of this year, he started having problems.

bank lights moscow reviews

First problem information

In April of this year, it was announcedsuspension of accepting deposits at Moscow Lights. Bank problems explained technical difficulties. It was announced that a new deposit program was being developed, therefore, accepting deposits was temporarily suspended. Also, the credit institution did not carry out transactions between legal entities and individuals. Despite the official statement, even then there were rumors that the problems were associated with the ban of the Central Bank.

In February 2014, a scheduledverification of securities, which resulted in restrictions. 12 million rubles - the maximum allowable total amount of deposits attracted to the bank "Moscow Lights". Rating of the credit institution up to this point was quite low. The bank was in the second hundred (172nd place) in terms of assets. For the first quarter of 2013, he received 142 million profit, and for the same period of the current year - 57 million loss. As a result, two branches were closed - in Dubna and Podolsk - because of unprofitability. After this message, the reliability of the bank "Moscow Lights" in the eyes of many customers has decreased dramatically.

bank reliability moscow lights

License revocation

May 16, 2014 Bank of Russia announced the recalllicenses from two capital credit institutions. One of them - the bank "Moscow Lights". The license was withdrawn due to repeated non-compliance with the rules and regulations. At the same time, it was announced that deposits would be paid no later than May 27. This decision was made by the Agency for Insurance Contributions (DIA). For participants of the mentioned system, license revocation is an insured event. Under the contract, the investor is entitled to a 100% refund of the deposit, but the total amount of refunds should not exceed seven hundred thousand rubles. Former clients of a credit institution began to be actively interested in the register for insurance payments.

Problems with DIA when returning deposits

Далеко не все бывшие клиенты банка увидели себя в lists for compensation payments. Many claimed that they were denied payment because their names were not in the bank registry of deposits. As it turned out later, transactions were conducted without notifying customers about the closure of accounts. Responsible in these frauds - the bank "Moscow Lights". Customer reviews on forums confirm this. In the hands of investors, there are extracts that prove that they did not give consent to such operations.

Moscow lights trouble bank

There must always be a way out

Despite the termination of contracts in one-sidedorder, the bank accrued interest on deposits, so part of the funds can be withdrawn. The rest remains to wait for the decision of the DIA. The agency said that they are actively working to resolve this issue, and there should be no problems with compensation. Insurance claims may be submitted within two years. This is the average term for bank liquidation.

Those depositors who did not initially discoveredthemselves in the register of compensation payments, lawyers recommend sticking to the following procedure. To begin, write an application to the DIA for inclusion in the register of insurance payments. Then you need to write a statement to the police about the situation and file a lawsuit in court. If the DIA does not give an answer within 30 calendar days, then a second lawsuit should be filed - already against the agency. This procedure should not be neglected. This may be the only way to return the funds invested in the bank "Moscow Lights". Reviews of former depositors of Master Bank, whose license was revoked as early as December 2013, only confirm this. Many of the clients still can not get a response from the DIA.

bank lights moscow deposits

Bank "Moscow Lights": customer reviews on the money back procedure

Compensation can be obtained throughSberbank branch. The financial institution returns the money strictly according to the DIA register. The bank is also an intermediary between the client and the DIA in the event that your data is not in the registry. Directly in the branch of the organization, you can write an application and provide all the necessary documents for inclusion in the registry.

After checking the "Lights of Moscow" was discovered a numbertransactions that were not displayed in the balance sheet and are absent in the banking system. This scheme is very similar to the situation with Mosoblbank and Master-Bank. The first one after signing agreements with the client and depositing money to the account transferred the funds to the accounts of related companies at night of the same day. Clients could find out about such operations only by chance. The second bank had a separate group of VIP depositors, whose funds did not go through a common cash desk.

bank lights moscow license

What should customers do with the deposit amount of more than 700 thousand rubles

The requirements of customers, which made the bank "LightsMoscow’s deposits amounting to more than 700 thousand rubles should be satisfied first. After the revocation of the license, the Bank of Russia appoints a temporary administration that will manage the credit institution until the court decides to begin the liquidation procedure.

Lenders to present their claims(former depositors of the bank) must write a written statement, indicate in it the amount and details for the transfer of funds. Copies or originals of supporting documents must be attached to the application. It can be:

  • agreement with the bank;
  • a court decision that has entered into force;
  • documents that confirm transactions to an account in a credit institution;
  • account statement indicating the balance, preferably on the date the license was withdrawn;
  • other supporting documents.

 bank lights moscow rating

Terms of the procedure for the refund

Interim administration for thirty days fromthe moment of receipt of the application must notify the applicant about the inclusion of its requirements in the register (in whole or in part) or about the refusal. The latter can be closed no earlier than 60 days after the publication of the announcement of the liquidation of a credit institution in the Vesti Bank of Russia newspaper. The exact date of closure of the registry will be specified in the ad.

Customer satisfactionas follows. First of all, individuals who have entered into bank deposit agreements are served and obligations arising from damage to life or health are satisfied. Then - the requirements of the Bank of Russia, the obligation to pay severance payments, according to the employment contract. Each subsequent group of requirements is satisfied after the full fulfillment of obligations under the previous one.

bank reliability moscow lights


Earlier it was reported that the DIA could not findconfirmation that more than two thousand customers made deposits totaling one billion rubles to the bank "Moscow Lights". Reviews of clients who were former depositors of banks, which also revoked the license, confirm that the procedure for refund is quite long. First you need to collect all the documents confirming the fact of investment. With these papers, you need to contact Sberbank for an insurance payment. If your name is not found in the DIA register, then you can write a statement to the association directly through Sberbank and then wait for their decision.