/ / Accounting consulting: definition, features of the service

Accounting consulting: definition, service features

The activity of any enterprise is connected not onlydirectly with the production of goods, the provision of services and the execution of works. The manager has to solve a complex of organizational and managerial tasks.

accounting consulting

Not every enterprise has the means to support specialists in legal, accounting, investment and other issues. In such situations, consulting comes to the rescue. the company. Accounting consulting Today is considered one of the promising areas in business. Consider further what it is.

General information

Consulting - a set of activities foradvising management personnel and other staff on various issues. It includes analytics, a study of the prospects for the development of the company, the study of the resources and reserves of the organization.

There are many firms in the market that are engaged in business processes. The need to address them may be due to different reasons. For example, accounting consulting services are in demand if the company does not have a specialist or reporting department.

Historical reference

Companies involved accounting and consulting, in Russia began to appear at the end of the last century.This was due to changes that occurred not only in the economic but also the political system of the country. In the early 90s, there were about 20 consulting companies in the Russian Federation.

accounting consulting

With the transition to a market economic modelconsulting services have become very popular. However, their quality has improved significantly. Of course, the competition has increased; foreign companies appeared in the domestic market. Domestic companies, seeking to maintain their place in the market, began to actively improve their activities. As a result, the scope of consulting services has moved to a qualitatively new level.

Characteristics of companies

Firms providing consulting servicesThey are consultants of the company on the most urgent issues for him. It is worth saying that for the actions that the management of the organization will undertake, based on recommendations, these companies are not liable.

Areas of activity

In general, the following areas of work of consulting firms can be identified:

  • Assistance in solving management and organizational issues in problem areas.
  • Counseling.
  • Planning administrative and organizational measures.

There are several principles that guide consulting companies:

  • The use of evidence-based information.
  • Active use of information technology in their activities.

Specialists of a consulting firm can offer their idea if it helps to solve the problem that arose at the customer.

accounting consulting


It is conducted depending on the area in whichneed help consulting company. The range of services of modern firms is quite wide. In this case, the client can choose either one or several of them. In addition, it is possible to use the full range of works.

For example, it may be accounting, auditing and consulting. In this case, the consulting company is engaged in maintaining the documentation, its analysis and advice on reporting.

The closest focus is financialconsulting It may include various services. As a rule, a consulting company conducts an audit, identifies problems, identifies prospects, formulates recommendations for the manager of a profitable investment, and measures aimed at strengthening the financial position of an enterprise.

In addition, emit consulting:

  • Managerial.
  • Personnel.
  • Investment.
  • Expert.
  • Teaching

 accounting and tax consulting

Accounting and tax consulting

Its goal is not only to increase the efficiency of accounting for business operations in an enterprise, but also to control the correctness of their reflection.

Usually, accounting consulting Highly qualified specialists are engaged.The need to appeal to them is due to the fact that current legislation on accounting, taxes, payroll is quite voluminous. At the same time, its adjustments are constantly taking place, for which the management of the enterprise does not always have time to trace. In addition, there are quite a few gaps in the current legislation, and it is sometimes quite difficult for a non-expert to understand any controversial issues.

Accounting audit and consulting - popular services in the market.Not every manager is willing to spend his time and energy to deal with the provisions of the PBU or NK. At the same time finding a good accountant can be quite problematic.

Firms involved accounting consulting, help to solve topical issues related to accounting. In addition, they can recommend a trustworthy specialist.

accounting audit consulting

Accounting consulting - this is not just counseling.He assumes detailed analysis of the questions concerning the reporting, with references to the current legislation. It is important for the consulting company that the customer understands the information, that he receives reasonable and detailed answers to his concerns.

Special attention is paid to tax issues.As you know, violations of NK entail responsibility. However, quite often unlawful actions are carried out by economic entities because of the banal ignorance of the subtleties of the law. Consulting companies help to prevent problems and solve existing ones.


Accounting consulting includes:

  • Registration in IFTS.
  • Reporting, including special regimes.
  • Recovery of accounting.
  • Optimization of taxation.
  • Formation of reporting (tax, accounting).
  • The solution of accounting issues, including the maintenance of the activities of the accounting department in the enterprise.
  • Verification of compliance with the law in the commission of business transactions, analysis of their feasibility.
  • Control the availability and movement of property, use of financial, labor resources.
  • Assessment of the correctness and timeliness of settlements with suppliers and other counterparties, with employees for wages, with the budget for taxes / charges.
  • Consultation on issues of reporting under IFRS.

In addition, consulting company experts can analyze the correctness of accounting in the automated system "1C".

accounting consulting company

The beginning of the interaction

As can be seen, consulting companies decidequite challenging tasks. Accordingly, specialists must possess the necessary qualifications, experience and knowledge. Choosing the right company is quite difficult. Experts recommend consulting with business partners who have already applied to such firms.

Interaction with a consulting company begins with a primary consultation. According to the results of the contract. The parties to the document establish:

  • Terms in which consulting services will be provided.
  • List of events.
  • Size, order of payment.
  • Obligations of the parties to the transaction.
  • Conditions under which the amount of remuneration may vary.
  • The procedure for termination of the contract, including early.

The contract may be concluded for a short or long period. This will depend on the nature and complexity of the problem.

Work process

After signing the contract, the collection of information necessary to effectively accomplish the task. At this stage, consulting firm employees must assess the severity of the problem.

The next step is to develop a solution.You can consider this stage of the main work. The tasks of specialists include drawing up a plan to effectively solve the problem. In this case, as a rule, several options are formed, from which the most efficient and economical is chosen.

accounting audit consulting

The next stage is solution implementation and control.execution plan. To monitor the accuracy of compliance with the plan can employees or consulting companies, or employees of the customer company. In the latter case, employees of the organization are trained.

Result evaluation

It should be said that it is not always possible to immediatelyUpon completion of the activities, evaluate their effectiveness. It is often necessary to pass some time. However, in any case, the manager will work together with the employees of the consulting company to take stock.

If the production indicators have increased, the company's profit has increased, the final settlement with the contractor is made.