/ / How to get land for the construction of a residential house? How to choose a land for building a house?

How to get a plot of land for the construction of a dwelling house? How to choose a plot of land for building a house?

Probably in our country there is no person who does notI would have dreamed of my own housing. Of course, there are different ways of obtaining it, for example, you can buy an apartment that is already ready. However, many are dreaming about his house with a plot where you can create a garden or a vegetable garden. How to get one step closer to the dream? To do this, you need a land plot for the construction of a residential house.

Special purpose

land for construction of a residential house

Before construction, you need to figure out whether this will be legal. That is, not all sites are intended for construction. There are such types of land purpose:

  • for breeding animals;
  • agricultural;
  • for industry;
  • land for the construction of a residential house;
  • areas that are intended for forest plantations;
  • for gardening;
  • the area on which the cottage will be located.

If you acquire a land plot for construction of an office center, store or warehouse, then its intended purpose will be commercial use.

How to make the right choice?

plot of land for the construction of a residential house

Now let's look at the criteria that will allow you to build a house in the most suitable place. Land for the construction of a residential house should be chosen, taking into account the following factors:

1. The size of the site, the presence of entrances to it, the shape and geological quality (density of the soil, its fertility and composition).

2. Remoteness of utilities: electricity, gas, telephone line, water supply and sewerage.

3. The appearance of the neighborhood.

4. The presence and remoteness of operating companies, mail, organizations for garbage collection.

5. The proximity of the hospital, shops, playgrounds, kindergartens, schools, transport interchange.

6. Ecological conditions.

7. Purpose of the site.

8. The cost of the territory.

9. Availability of municipal engineering systems at the site.

Naturally, land for constructionresidential building must have an impeccable legal reputation. That is, it should not be controversial or pledged. He is also obliged to be the object of property rights and have the appropriate legal status. Now you know how to choose a land for the construction of a residential house.

How to get a plot from the state for free?

how to choose a land plot for construction of a residential house

In the article we will consider two options for obtainingthe territory under the construction of structures. First, you will learn how to get a plot of land for the construction of a dwelling house from local authorities. The right to this is available both for individuals and legal entities. In this case, the plot is allocated from the land fund, which is at the disposal of the municipal or state administration. Usually they are formed with the preliminary approval of the places where the objects will be placed. In the second case, the plot is provided by bidding or auctions.

The process of providing a person with a site consists of two steps:

  • deciding on the implementation of the process;
  • registration of rights to it by the owner.

The formation of the territory should include the definition of the permitted type of its use, cadastral registration, technical conditions.

Features of purchase

land for construction of office center

Plot of land for the construction of a residential building alsocan buy. This option is the most likely and fastest way to get it. You can buy a plot from an individual or from a real estate agency. In this case, there are great opportunities for you to choose from and it all depends on your financial position and preferences.

Before you buy, you need to find out not onlythe type of land use permitted, but also its category. It is better to give preference to sites for individual housing construction or personal subsidiary farming.

After the purchase, you must do with the territoryjust what it is meant for. Otherwise, you may be fined. With several plots, make sure that they have the same status, otherwise they will be difficult to combine.

What documents are required for official registration of the territory?

This question is very important.Before you buy a plot of land for the construction of a dwelling house, you need to prepare for the fact that you have to run around the state instances. For registration of the territory you will need the following documents:

  • cadastral number of the plot;
  • land inspection report;
  • land and technical plans;
  • personal documents of the future owner;
  • documents establishing the right to the site;
  • agreement confirming the purchase;
  • application filed with local administration.

Each region can supplement this list with other necessary papers.

Stages of registration

land for construction and maintenance of a residential house

Land for the construction of an office center or residential building must be properly registered. To do this, you will need to take a few steps:

1. Find and check out the plot.In this case, please note that you should carefully read the cadastral passport, which indicates all the information about the submitted territory. Must be carried out the removal of the boundaries of the site.

2. Buy land.

3Contact the administration with a registration application and provide a list of required documents. After checking all the papers in a period not exceeding twenty days, the State Register will issue you a paper confirming your ownership.

4. Get a building permit.To do this, you also have to contact the municipality or local administration. If all the documents are in order, then you can proceed to the construction of the building. At the same time, the construction project must be coordinated with the state authorities.

In such a simple way you can arrange land for the construction and maintenance of a residential house.

Features of the privatization of the territory

how to get land for the construction of a residential house

To not worry that the property can you havetake away, should privatize their land garden plots for construction. However, there is one nuance. If the plot is not privatized, then it cannot be sold. The purchase procedure is possible only if the former owner assigns you the right to privatize.

So, for the implementation of the procedure you will need to collect a list of documents, which includes:

  • property rights to the plot;
  • personal documents;
  • land and cadastral plans;
  • other papers (receipt of payment of state duty, etc.).

Все эти документы необходимо подать в municipal privatization department. It is there that you will be issued a certificate of your ownership after a complete check of all papers. Usually this procedure takes several weeks.

Helpful Tips

land garden plots for construction

Now you know how to get land for the construction of a residential house. It remains to consider some of the nuances of this procedure.

  1. It is not necessary to buy land, you can rent it for a long period with the right of construction. Subsequently, you will have the opportunity to extend the lease or buy out the plot.
  2. If you decide to purchase the selected territory,then keep in mind that at the stage of its execution, you must endure the boundaries on the ground. That is, the staff of the geodesic organization are required to put tags that will show exactly what part of the land belongs to you.
  3. Please note that owners of the plot can equallydegrees to become both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners. However, for the latter there are certain restrictions stipulated by law.
  4. In our country, a construction site can be obtained free of charge for the birth of a third child. You will provide 15 acres.

В принципе, это все нюансы приобретения the land on which the house will be built. If you are afraid that you will not be able to cope with the registration on your own, you can enlist the support of a specialist in land law.