One of the classic and beloved waysStorage of their savings are bank deposits. Despite the relatively low profitability, this option is chosen much more often than, say, investments in business or trade on stock exchanges. Commercial banks now advertise a wide variety of deposit offers, which are called beautifully, "packaging" the usual standard contract in a bright attractive wrapper.
To understand what is really a good and profitable proposal, and that only seems to be a profitable and profitable option, let us consider what types of deposits are now in the financial services market.
The main types of deposits, their characteristics and conditions
The types of bank deposits differ both in currency and inwhich they are accepted. Some banks, for example, Sberbank, offer almost all types of deposits in different currencies, and there are also multicurrency deposits. Depending on its choice, the interest rate also changes - the more reliable and stable the currency, the lower it is.
As for interest payments, here toooptions are possible: pay them monthly or at the end of the contract, or capitalization (addition to the principal amount of the deposit) every month or quarter. It is convenient when there is an opportunity to choose, or to report interest yourself through Internet banking. Such a service is offered by many leading Russian banks.
There are also exclusive offers from financialinstitutions. These are so-called indexed deposits, the profit from which is tied to a certain factor, for example, the price of precious metals or oil, the stock market indicator, etc. They already belong to the category of investment, and they have their own peculiarities and nuances.
Important to remember
When choosing the type of deposit, you need to pay attentionnot only on conditions, but also on additional payments, commissions and fines. Different types of deposits have their own nuances and features. For example, if the agreement is terminated prematurely, there may be a recalculation of interest for the entire period of its operation, and for charging the account, withdrawing interest and other banking services, they may charge a separate fee. It is also worth noting that only those deposits are insured, the amount of which does not exceed 700,000 rubles.