/ / What is electronic office work?

What is electronic office work?

What was 10 years ago seemed an exception to the rules, today it becomes the norm. This applies to so many areas of human life, especially the business sphere.

After all, no matter how fast progress progressed,documents were and remain very important, perhaps, even the most important part of economic and commercial activities, both of a large enterprise and a private entrepreneur, without even hired workers. Electronic office work - a term that is increasingly used in all areas of activity and no one is surprised.

Why? Because the documents literally step by step record the entire process of activity, the entire amount of information necessary for effective work.

Working with documents, especially with their large volumes, has long become a kind of stumbling block and an excuse for jokes, both cheerful and not so.

Loss of documents, hiccups and errors in theirdesign became a kind of sad traditions. In order to avoid the abovementioned problems as much as possible and speed up the process of document formation, most of the large and medium-sized enterprises have recently been actively moving to electronic document management and electronic records management as a whole.

These two concepts, although they flow from one another,but still are not the same. Office work is the process of directly creating a document and organizing work with it: further search, storage and control of movement.

Namely, the process of movement is what is usually called document circulation: from the moment of creation or receipt of the document to the end of the work with it.

This very work is controlled, as it were, by that process, which is called clerical work.

Officially, this terminology sounds a bitfrighteningly, and at large enterprises an abundance of paper documentation is exactly what it looks like, pulling along a lot of problems, both large and small. And this is what makes even the most conservative leaders to translate their records into electronic rails that cover the whole process of "from and to."

But, it turned out, do it in countriespost-Soviet space is not so easy! For a long time, electronic records management on the one hand was welcomed, on the other hand it did not have sufficient legal force. The situation was greatly facilitated by the introduction of an electronic signature, which became, as it were, a guarantee of the authenticity and correctness of the document.

Still, there are a lot of technical difficulties.Starting from software failures and ending with the internal policy of various (especially private) enterprises. After all, for the correct exchange of documents in electronic form, both counterparts should work in this way, which in practice does not always happen.

Because of this, and also because of the conservative desire"Secure" often electronic documents settle on the shelves in the form of their paper copies. But still, they are noticeably less. And this, along with the automation of creating a document and facilitating the control of its movement, makes the entire process of the proceedings much faster, and therefore effective. In addition, significantly saves space in the room.