/ / Bank account: concept and number assignment principles

Bank account: concept and principles of number assignment

To date, the banking system is widespread. Practically every physical as well as a legal entity has a bank account. However, not everyone understands what it is.

Bank account
In general, the concept of a "bank account" can beIt is described as a certain document, which is obligatory opened at the conclusion of the contract. It is characterized by the presence of the following properties:

- designed to account for the availability and movement of customer funds;

- reflects the existing obligations of the credit organization to the owner of the account.

In modern banking practice, a huge number of types of accounts are used. They can differ depending on the legal position of the owner, as well as on the range of operations.

We can distinguish the following types of bank accounts that can be opened to legal entities:

  1. Calculated, which is used for crediting revenues and other income, as well as transfers to various purposes.
  2. A temporary account is created for the new organization, usually used to pay the share capital in cash.
  3. This opens to non-profit organizations.
  4. For companies that, by the nature of their activities, funds are allocated from the state for their targeted use, a budget account is intended.
    types of bank accounts
  5. Correspondent - can be opened by a bank in another credit institution, their existence is due to the fact that the banking system in our country is multi-level.

Natural persons, unlike legal entities, can become owners of only two types of accounts: current and deposit. The first are intended for various calculations, the second - for the accumulation of funds.

An interesting feature that you can noticestudying the concept of a bank account, is that its number consists of twenty digits. And each of them is not chosen randomly. Today, when almost every person is periodically faced with the numbering of accounts (for example, when filling out receipts), it will be useful for many to find out what these mysterious numbers mean.

Bank account number
Bank account number can be divided into several blocks. Schematically it looks like this: AAAAA-BBB-V-YYYY-DDDDDDD, where:

- A is a block of numbers indicating which groupbanking plan of accounts belongs to the number. For example, the number 40702 indicates that it is a non-state commercial company, and 40802 is an individual entrepreneur. This information is considered in detail in a clause that regulates the accounting system in a bank (302-P).

- B - characterizes the currency in which the account is opened. Most often in the Russian practice there are rubles (810), dollars (840) and euros (978).

- B is the so-called key or check digit. It matters only at computer processing of information, it helps to check the correctness of the number input.

- G - bank branch number.

- D - each credit institution has the right to choose independently what information to indicate here. Most often, these numbers indicate the ordinal number of the personal account.

Understanding what a bank account is, andalso the principles of its numbering often helps to make life easier. After all, most of us, not even working in the field of finance, are daily confronted with this concept.