/ / "Money League": customer reviews

"League of Money": customer reviews

Not all financial problems can be solved.with the help of banks. For example, when you urgently need money. In such cases, non-banking organizations come to the rescue, a vivid example of which is the League of Money MFI. Reviews of her work are the most controversial. But how true are they? What in reality is the "League of Money"?

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Brief description of the company

"League of Money" - a young and promising company,providing microcredit services. It was founded in April 2014. At the same time, the MFO passed the state registration and issued the first microloan. Initially, it was a small company with disabilities and a small team. A little later, "League of Money" (reviews about this company can be found below) has grown into a real retail network.

Currently, the company is widely represented in20 regions of Russia. But this figure, according to the founders of the MFI, is not the limit. It is planned to open over 50 new representative offices by the end of this year. Whether it will be possible to fulfill the promise or not is difficult to say. But it is absolutely clear that the ambitions of this company literally beat over the edge.

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What services does it provide?

League of Money (reviews about this organization,left by users, partially affect its reputation) provides microcredit services for individuals and legal entities. Currently, the MFI offers the three most popular programs:

  • loan "Bronze";
  • "Silver";
  • "Gold".

All three programs are non-targeted.consumer microloans issued from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles for a period of not more than 52 weeks. Issued such loans in national currency. And the size of the rate is 150.80-201.76% per year or from 0.42% per day.

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Variants of getting a microloan

If there is an approved application "League of Money" (customer reviews confirm this) offer the following options for obtaining a loan:

  • by crediting the loan amount to the bank account of the credited person;
  • by crediting the credit amount to the client card;
  • money transfer through partner banks and other organizations, terminals.

In short, you can choose any convenient option.

What do customers say about the company's service?

In order to understand how professionalThere are representatives of the company, it is enough to study the reviews. About the company "League of Money" is often said in a positive way. For example, some MFI clients confidently declare that they are fully satisfied with the quality of service. Others enthusiastically tell how quickly they managed to get a loan. According to them, all the paperwork took no more than 10-15 minutes.

Some talk about helpful and politemanagers who are always in touch. They so often help to find the answer to the sore questions. Some talk about the convenience of working with personal managers. In their opinion, it is very convenient that each client has his own credit assistant. Of course, there are also people who are dissatisfied with the service, who in this or that department were deprived of attention. But you can't please everyone. How many people, so many opinions.

money league customer reviews

Who can get a loan from Money League?

It is believed that everyone can contact the MFI.But this is far from the case. As with any financial organization, League of Money LLC (reviews about companies of this kind are often associated with a number of erroneous opinions) has its own rules for potential borrowers. Among them are the following:

  • age in the range of 18-75 years;
  • the presence of Russian citizenship;
  • the presence of permanent registration at the place of residence;
  • permanent registration in the area where the MFI office is located;
  • availability of an open bank account or card.

In addition, a potential non-bank borrowerorganization is obliged to inspire confidence in the League of Money microfinance company. Reviews of this company allow you to think about how seriously they approach customer evaluation. According to most borrowers, representatives of MFIs ask a number of questions, sometimes they test, and even make a visual assessment of potential clients. Ultimately, this allows them to reduce the risks of meeting an unscrupulous borrower.

ooo money league reviews

Lending conditions: Do borrowers like them?

Many borrowers who managed to solve theirfinancial problems with the help of the "League of Money", like credit conditions. According to them, the loan itself can be obtained on the passport. At the same time, it’s possible to submit an application in any convenient way, for example, to come to an MFI department or through a special form on the ligadeneg.ru website, call the hotline: 8 (800) 234-67-67.

Some borrower of the company "League of Money" (reviewsthey are often accompanied by a detailed description of the situation) like an individual approach. According to them, all applications of potential customers are considered individually. And after their approval, the borrower is waiting for a personal loan schedule and special conditions calculated exclusively for him.

reviews of the company league of money

How difficult is it to work in the "League of Money": employee reviews

In order to assess the quality of the company's work,Sometimes it is not enough to study only the opinions of users. It is believed that in this case the picture will not be complete. Consequently, the assessment made by the company "League of Money" will not be correct. Employee feedback in this situation will help resolve the dilemma and display MFIs in all their glory.

For example, former employees of this company oftenThey speak about the presence of the strictest discipline. They complain of an extremely short lunch break and stringent requirements for smoking workers. Others like the possibility of rapid career growth and the presence of an individual approach to each client.

Some of them are satisfied with the conditionsproviding microloans, namely short terms. According to them, such customers are easier to control, track payments and possible late payments. This is exactly the opinion of people who previously worked or still work in LLC “League of Money”. Employee reviews, as you can see, are connected with the internal schedule, features of the labor regime and other working moments.

ooo money league employee reviews

The nuances of microloan payment in MFI

Make scheduled payments for microloans at allnot difficult. To do this, go to the company's website, select the “Pay” tab and fill in the appropriate form. It is necessary to specify the following data:

  • loan agreement number;
  • amount of.

Then it remains only to choose the method of payment "Credit Card" and make a payment.

Is it profitable to apply to the "Money League"?

According to some customers, take a loan in the "LeagueMoney ”is very profitable if you follow the schedule and do not skip the dates of payments. According to others, the interest rate is high here, so it’s unprofitable to apply for a loan for a long time. Still others argue the opposite. In their opinion, in this company the rate is significantly lower than that of other MFIs.

How is the delay in payment?

Based on the rules of the MFI, if availablelate payment or delayed payment, the borrower must pay the penalty. Its size, as a rule, is indicated in the text of the loan agreement and is up to 20% per annum of the entire amount not paid in time or not received at all. If the debtor refuses to pay the bills, the MFI will hand over its credit to third parties for the purpose of further collection. However, the borrower itself has the right to prohibit the lender to contact third-party organizations, in this case, representatives of collection agencies. For this he needs to write an additional statement. It is his staff "League of Money" is usually attached to the personal business of the borrower. It is noteworthy that all this information is available in the loan agreement. But, as practice shows, the majority of citizens, if they read it, are very inattentive. How is it really?

What do users say about credit debts?

Обращаясь в микрофинансовую организацию, многие customers behave very imposingly. And all because the MFI is a non-bank organization. But this opinion turns out to be erroneous, since after several missed payments the borrower is charged penalties and fines.

When does the amount of non-payment reach a certainlimit, representatives of the "League of Money" simply transfer the case to the debtor collectors. And with them, as you know, a short conversation. That is why most of the negative reviews regarding MFIs are related to the work of collection companies. For example, some defaulters say that collectors call and threaten them by telephone. Others report the amount of debt by painting the walls at the entrance with paint. Still others talk about the damaged door, which specialists in knocking out debts, etc., were trying to enter.

Here are just one of them does not even thinkabout the fact that any life difficulties can be resolved peacefully, for example, by informing representatives of MFIs about them. They can revise the payment schedule, agree to a partial repayment of the loan, and even reduce the interest. But all this in case of real troubles of the client, which are easy to check and prove.