Семена, которыми посыпают любимый многими Borodino bread, traditionally called coriander, and fresh greens of the same plant - coriander. Historically, the first to use coriander, or coriander, were the ancient Greeks. Mediterranean grass is now cultivated around the world. In different countries it is called in its own way: hamem and kashchich, chilantro and kishnin, kolandra or kindizi, Mexican, Chinese, Arabian or Indian parsley, sour grapes and many more exotic names.
Not everyone likes the smell of cilantro
It is the fragrance of this spice that sometimes becomesan insurmountable obstacle to fall in love with coriander. In its immature greenery contains a substance - decyl aldehyde, reminiscent of the smell of bedbugs. No wonder the ancient Greeks called this plant a bug. Often it is also denoted today and representatives of the older generation. But when the leaves mature fully, this unpleasant accent in the ambre disappears. In order for the smell to be perceived not so negatively, the coriander is mixed with other greens, after which the notes of Chinese parsley become simply magical.
Cilantro as a medicinal plant in history
Initially cilantro healers of the East usedas a medicinal plant, very useful from many ailments. In the manuscripts extracted from the Egyptian tombs, and in the scrolls of the ancient Chinese sages, the miraculous taste and healing properties of coriander were described. Avicenna praised cilantro as a means of prolonging life. Not without reason the unique properties of this healing herb are used in modern conditions.
The chemical composition of unique herbs - cilantro
Богатый набор жизненно необходимых витаминов и trace elements for humans found in coriander. Huge benefit of cilantro for the body is due to provitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin PP (niacin), riboflavin, folic acid. Megaquantity of vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system, has a powerful rejuvenating effect, prevents seasonal diseases. Antioxidant properties of vitamin C contribute to the prevention of cancer.
GI and cilantro
The use of fresh green cilantro with parsley in salads and first, second dishes stimulates the appetite, cleanses from pathogenic bacteria, a positive effect on the digestive process as a whole.
Men's strength and coriander
If women have long used cilantro tincturefor the magical ritual of "soldering" the elect, then the Chinese healers a few thousand years ago became aware of the use of cilantro for men as a therapeutic agent for increasing potency. In fact, the composition of the spicy plant contains an analogue of testosterone - the natural hormone Androsterone.
The role of coriander in women's nutrition
Cilantro is also relevant in addressing many femaleproblems. Its oil is a natural stimulator of the synthesis of estrogen - female sex hormones, which contributes to the treatment and prevention of diseases of the reproductive organs. Aromatic oil coriander eliminates depression and improves mood. Cosmetic benefit of cilantro for women is also invaluable: washing with a decoction of the plant (crushed greens - 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water, which is drawn for 20-30 minutes) makes the skin surprisingly soft and velvety. Coriander aroma oil also contributes to the regeneration of the skin and eliminates its peeling.
Calorie coriander (cilantro)
100 g of dried ground cilantro contains 216kcal, in fresh greens - 23 kcal per 100 g of leaves. Low calorie content of this herb is one of the factors contributing to weight loss. In this case, the assimilation of heavy food is much better if cilantro is present in the dish. The benefits and harm to the health of this medicinal herb are due to its powerful cleansing effect, as well as the presence of contraindications to its use.
Interesting Facts
Celery juice and a mixture of greens, consisting ofwhich cilantro, parsley and dill are an excellent remedy for hangover men and for women to lose weight. Coriander is a great winner of insomnia, a source of optimism, high vitality, joy. An example is forever active Caucasians. In addition to its healing properties, cilantro has a cleansing power for air.
Consumption rate of cilantro
All good healing herbs cilantro. Health benefits and harm from its use not onlycontraindications, but also its quantity. Abuse of coriander in combination with the additional intake of vitamins A and C is threatened with poisoning. Hypervitaminosis can take place both in a mild form and in a rather severe one. Skin rashes - the first symptom of food intoxication of the body with coriander. Poisoning can also cause disruptions of female monthly cycles, violations of male potency, weakening of memory and problems with sleep.