/ / Cocktail "Lightning": recipe, composition

Cocktail "Lightning": recipe, composition

В нашей статье мы хотим рассказать о том, как to make a cocktail "Lightning". Cooking recipe can be useful for organizing a celebration at home. It is always a pleasure to surprise guests with something interesting. There are several completely different options for making this unusual drink, we consider the most interesting.

Cocktail "Lightning"

The drink is simple enough to prepare, but for the hostesses inexperienced in this case, we offer a detailed recipe.

cocktail lightning

Ingredients for a drink:

  1. Cognac - 20 ml.
  2. Vodka - 15 ml.
  3. Liquor - 15 ml.
  4. Dessert wine - 15 ml.
  5. Ice.
  6. Lemon syrup - 15 ml.

We need a shaker to cookcocktail "Lightning". The composition of the drink, as you can see, is quite simple. There are no exotic and expensive components. So, everyone can pamper themselves with an original cocktail.

So, in a shaker wine, vodka, liqueur and brandy are mixed. Next, the resulting drink is poured into a glass with ice cubes and lemon juice is added. The drink is ready, it can be served to guests.

Another recipe

Cocktail "Lightning", as we have already mentioned, has noone and several cooking options. Of course, in order to evaluate and understand which of the drinks you like best, you just need to try each of them, and then draw conclusions.


  1. Water - 40 ml.
  2. Bitter orange tincture - 25 ml.
  3. Vodka - 40 ml.
  4. Lemon juice (preferably fresh) - 25 ml.
  5. Orange juice (can be fresh fresh) - 25 ml.
  6. Chopped ice.

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To prepare in the shaker first put the ice.Then there pour juice, tincture and vodka. The finished drink is filtered and poured into a glass with crushed ice, pouring water. Here is the cocktail "Lightning" is ready. Its preparation will not take you more than five minutes.


Slightly changing the recipe and composition of the cocktail "Lightning", you can make another interesting and wonderful drink. It is sometimes also called the beautiful name "Ball Lightning."

zipper cocktail recipe


  1. Orange juice (fresh) - 25 ml.
  2. Lemon juice (fresh) - 25 ml.
  3. Orange liqueur - 25 ml.
  4. Sugar syrup - 25 ml.
  5. Vodka - 40 ml.
  6. Cognac - 25 ml.
  7. Champagne (certainly dry) - 65 ml.
  8. Ice.

In order to prepare a cocktail "Lightning",need ice, in this case ice balls are used. To freeze them, you can use special bags that are widely available on the market, since in home refrigerators ice containers, as a rule, have the shape of cubes.

cocktail zipper composition

All ingredients are poured into a shaker, readythe drink is poured into a glass with ice balls. On top of the cocktail is decorated with a slice of lemon. As you can see, in this recipe, all components are sweet enough, for this reason they use dry champagne so as not to overdo it and create some kind of contrast.

Custom cocktail recipe

We want to offer you a completely different option.making a cocktail. You will get an incredibly spicy drink that combines the notes of cinnamon, the sweetness of rum and the sharpness of the unusual Tabasco sauce. To prepare the cocktail "Lightning" we need the following ingredients:

  1. Brown schnapps, but if you do not find such a drink, you can try to replace it with cinnamon and vodka - 20 ml.
  2. White rum, it is better to use "Bacardi" - 20 ml.
  3. Ice.
  4. Tabasco sauce.

zipper cocktail recipe and composition

This recipe has an unusual composition.The quality of the drink, of course, depends on the components. But if there are no such components, then you can replace them. You need to understand that the taste of the finished drink will also change. In principle, it is possible to take a simpler rum, and instead of the exotic Tabasco sauce, ordinary red pepper (hot).

Sauce, rum and schnapps are poured into a shaker with ice, then they are thoroughly shaken several times and, having strained, are poured into a glass.

Хотим предупредить, что данный напиток полностью corresponds to its name. Because he was not called any "sweet bunny." Sipping a cocktail, you will feel a real lightning inside. For those who lack sharpness, you can always increase the amount of Tabasco sauce.

Connoisseurs claim that in this version of the preparation, the cocktail “Lightning” is something amazingly spicy. This drink does not go to any comparison with others.

According to reviews of people, it can be concluded that suchnot everyone will like the cocktail. As they say, a drink for "lovers of spicy". It is characterized by one word - "fiery". It is better to refrain from the use of such a drink to those people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The recipe of a cocktail, decorated with icing sugar

Currently, vodka has become a majorcomponent for the preparation of alcoholic cocktails. Depending on the recipe, it can be completely invisible in the drink, and it can also dominate. Whatever it was, but in any case, vodka must be of good quality. Then it will be pleasant to taste the cocktail, and the head will not hurt the next day.

Cocktail "Lightning", ingredients:

  1. Orange Tincture - 20 ml.
  2. Fresh lemon juice - 25 ml.
  3. Powdered sugar.
  4. Water - 35 ml.
  5. Vodka - 20 ml.
  6. Ice.

To make a cocktail you need to mix inShaker ice, juices, tinctures and vodka. Next, the cooled drink is filtered and poured into a tall glass in the form of a wide cone, and water is also added. On top of the ready cocktail is sprinkled with powdered sugar. It is prepared right before serving and consumed without delay.

"Lightning Zeus"

To make a cocktail, you will need:

  1. "Cointreau" - 25 ml.
  2. Metaxa - 25 ml.
  3. "Limnocello" - 25 ml.

The drink is prepared in layers.In the glass at first poured limoncello, then Cointreau, and then - Metaksu. Drinks such a cocktail only in one gulp. In the opinion of people, it is very soft and good. In addition, the drink has a multifaceted and unusual taste. But he often amazes alcohol lovers suddenly, like a real lightning.

White Lightning

Kohl, we are talking about a cocktail "Lightning", then I want to tell you about another recipe.


  1. Light rum - 25 ml.
  2. Tequila - 25 ml.
  3. Gin - 25 ml.

The drink is also prepared in layers. In the shooter they first pour tequila, then rum, and finally - gin.

Instead of an afterword

We hope you find our recipes useful.Who knows, you may be attracted to one of the options for making an unusual drink that can become the highlight of the evening. Oh, surprise them guests you will certainly succeed.