/ / How best to cook stewed zucchini with eggplant and tomatoes?

What is the best way to cook stewed zucchini with eggplants and tomatoes?

You can make a lot of simple vegetables.interesting and very tasty dishes. Take, for example, stewed zucchini with eggplant and tomatoes. Depending on the use of additional ingredients, this set of products can be prepared in different ways.

A simple recipe

Приготовить тушеные кабачки с баклажанами и tomatoes easy. The most convenient way to make such a dish in the pan. For work you will need 4 tomatoes, 2 eggplants, 1 onion, 2 zucchini, salt, 2 sprigs of fresh parsley, 2 cloves of garlic, a little ground pepper and 35 g of any vegetable oil.

stewed zucchini with eggplants and tomatoes

The process of cooking this dish can be divided into several stages:

  1. First, the vegetables need to be cleaned and washed. Eggplants and zucchini skin must be cut.
  2. Then they should be carefully crushed into cubes.
  3. Grease the pan with oil.
  4. First pour the onion on it and pass it for 3 minutes.
  5. Add the zucchini with eggplants, stir and fry over low heat for another 5 minutes.
  6. Now you need to enter the tomatoes with spices. Heat the resulting mass until the products do not let the juice.
  7. Cover and simmer for about 25-30 minutes.
  8. 4 minutes before being ready, send chopped greens and chopped garlic cloves to the pan.

After that, stewed zucchini with eggplants and tomatoes should brew a little. To the table they can be served both hot and cold. It will be tasty in both cases.

Modern "ratatouille"

In cookbooks, ratatouem is calledFrench dish consisting of five baked vegetables: tomato, sweet pepper, zucchini, garlic and onions. Having added eggplants to the list of main products, modern chefs have created a new version that is not inferior in taste to the original.

To make advanced ratatouille,You will need the following ingredients: 3 tomatoes, 2 zucchini (preferably zucchini), 2 onions, 1 eggplant, 2 bell peppers, salt, 2 cloves of garlic, greens (dill, parsley), vegetable oil and ground pepper.

It usually takes a little over an hour to prepare such a dish. For this you need:

  1. Vegetables with greens thoroughly washed.
  2. Zucchini, peppers and eggplant cut into cubes. By the rules, the pieces should be big enough.
  3. Do the same with tomatoes. True, they must first remove the skin. To do this, tomatoes should be lowered for 1 minute in a pot of boiling water.
  4. Finely chop the onion and garlic, and just chop the greens randomly. Now you can proceed to the main process.
  5. First, fry the onion and garlic in the pan with boiling oil for 2 minutes.
  6. With an interval of 2-3 minutes, gradually add the eggplant, sweet peppers and zucchini. At the end, enter the tomatoes.
  7. Add spices and any aromatic herbs, mix and simmer under a lid for 25 minutes over low heat.
  8. Add the remaining garlic and greens.
  9. The flame can be extinguished, and the dish should then stand for about 10 more minutes.

It turns out juicy, fragrant and very tasty stewed zucchini with eggplants and tomatoes, which can be used both as a separate dish and with any side dish.

Blanks for the winter

By changing the composition of the vegetable mixture, you can cookcompletely new product. Its taste is easy to regulate, including in the recipe of one or another component. For example, it’s good to add carrots to zucchini stewed with eggplants, garlic and tomatoes. The result will be a tender stew that will surely appeal to supporters of vegetarian food.

For work, you will need 2 eggplants, 6 tomatoes, 2 zucchini, 2 medium carrots, salt, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 onions, 50 g of vegetable oil and some sugar.

stewed zucchini with eggplants garlic and tomatoes

Technology of preparation:

  1. Vegetables first need to wash well.
  2. After that, they need to be cleaned, not forgetting the tomatoes pre-pour boiling water.
  3. Eggplant with zucchini cut into half rings, andtomatoes and onions - diced. Carrots are better to crumble with straws, and garlic is just finely chopped. At the same time in a crushed form of eggplants, tomatoes and zucchini should be about the same amount.
  4. Paste onion in hot oil.
  5. Then alternately add vegetables in the following order: carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant.
  6. Salt, make the fire smaller and simmer under the lid for 2 hours.
  7. As soon as the vegetables are soft, add garlic, stir, reduce the flame and wait another 60 seconds.

After that, the fire can be turned off, and the ready-made stew can be laid out on the banks and immediately rolled up.

Recipe for Multivariate

It is much easier for modern housewives to cookvegetable dishes. For this, a unique device called the multicooker has recently been created. With it, it is easy to cook almost any steamed vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes and others). To do this, the machine has special modes, which significantly saves time and simplifies the process itself.

Приготовление рагу в мультиварке начинается с selection of ingredients. You will need: 400 g of zucchini, 1 sweet pepper, onion, salt, 1 tomato, 2 cloves of garlic, 0.5 kg of eggplant, 20 ml of vegetable oil and ground pepper.

stewed vegetables eggplants zucchini tomatoes

Method of preparation:

  1. Washed and dried vegetables should be peeled and chopped. Tomatoes can be cut into slices.
  2. Zucchini with eggplants cut into cubes, and pepper - straws.
  3. Greens and onion finely crumble.
  4. Soak the eggplants for 5 minutes in cold salted water. This will help remove unpleasant bitterness.
  5. Pour oil into the bowl. Set the “Frying” mode, and turn on the timer for 5 minutes.
  6. Pour onion and lightly pass it.
  7. Add the remaining vegetables, salt and a little ground pepper.
  8. Set the program “Quenching” and note the time of 30 minutes on the timer.
  9. 5 minutes before the beep, enter the greens and garlic.

In parallel with the preparation of such a stew, you can perform any other work on the kitchen. The machine will do everything on its own and on time.

Meat with vegetables

How else can you cook stewed eggplants with zucchini and tomatoes? The recipe with the addition of meat allows you to quickly and without much difficulty to make a delicious and nutritious dinner.

The work will require a minimum set ofIngredients: 0.6 kg pork ham, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 zucchini, vegetable oil, 500 g of eggplants, salt, ground pepper and tomatoes (it is better to take half a glass of tomato juice instead).

stewed eggplants with zucchini and tomatoes recipe

Cooking mixed stew is best done step by step:

  1. Cut meat and washed vegetables into medium pieces.
  2. Pork fry in a pan in the oil on high heat, and then transfer it to the pan.
  3. Enter the remaining ingredients there and mix well.
  4. Simmer under the lid for about half an hour.

If you take tomatoes for a stew,they need to remove the skin. Fruits must first be dipped in a container of boiling water for several minutes. After this, the skin will come off very easily. An ideal side dish for such a dish would be a delicate mashed potato.

Stewing in pots

Sometimes the dish is much tastier ifcook in a special dish. For example, in the Balkans, steamed vegetables (zucchini, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, and others) are often made in clay pots. It is very convenient, because the dish is prepared in the same pot, in which it is served at the table.

Для такого рецепта понадобятся следующие продукты:2 sweet peppers, 1 eggplant, 4 tomatoes, 2 potatoes, onion, 1 zucchini, 3 cloves of garlic, 65-70 g vegetable oil, 3 sprigs of dill and parsley, and also salt, bay leaf, black pepper, thyme and 100 ml of dry white wine.

steamed vegetables zucchini eggplant pepper tomatoes

Cooking method:

  1. Before work the pot must be rinsed with water. After that, he should stand for a little so that the pottery absorbs moisture. In this dish the vegetables will always be juicy.
  2. Products must first be washed and thengrind. Potatoes, zucchini and eggplant is better to cut into cubes, pepper - slices, and onions - half rings. The size of the blanks can be arbitrary. But it is better not to diminish it here, so that after stewing the vegetables do not turn into a homogeneous mass. Tomatoes should definitely remove the skin.
  3. Fry onion in oil so that it does not slightly browned.
  4. Add pepper to the pan. Roast until soft.
  5. Processed foods fold to the bottom of the pot.
  6. Put potatoes on top and put zucchini on it.
  7. Salt, add dry thyme and ground pepper.
  8. Cover all with slices of tomatoes (without skin).
  9. Separate a little fry eggplant. Put them in a pot top coat.
  10. Sprinkle with chopped greens and chopped garlic.
  11. Pour all the wine and add half a glass of water.
  12. Cover the pot with a lid and place it in the cold oven.
  13. Bring the temperature to 230 degrees and simmer until the mass boils. This will take approximately 20 minutes.
  14. Lower the temperature to 200 degrees and cook another half hour.

After that, the fire can be turned off, and the potGet out of the oven, wrap a blanket and let it stand for another 15 minutes. The peculiarity of this dish is that the products are not mixed during stewing in dishes. Therefore, they should be laid out on plates, starting from the very bottom.