/ / Shrimp salad with cheese, eggs and other ingredients

Shrimp salad with cheese, eggs and other ingredients

Shrimp salad with cheese, eggs or anyother ingredients always become a real decoration of any celebration. There are many variations on this topic. In different countries, they come up with their own answers to the question of how to make shrimp salad. In Italy, for example, they put lettuce leaves in it, these divine seafood and fill all with mayonnaise, garlic, sour cream and ketchup sauce. And in America they cook a light dish that includes cilantro, avocado, cherry tomatoes, strawberries and shrimps. Such a salad will remarkably brighten up life in hot weather. It is filled exclusively with lime juice and olive oil.

Shrimp salad in cheese - beloved by manydish, perfect for a festive table. But quite successfully combines these seafood and citrus. For example, if you add tangerines, celery, apple, lemon and shrimps to salad, seasoning everything with mayonnaise, you get a unique, original taste.

Before making shrimp salad with cheese,fruits or vegetables, it is worth talking about the benefits of these seafood. They are extremely low-calorie, which earned the love of those who care about their figure and prefer healthy food. Shrimps contain protein, omega-3 acids and other substances needed by the body. Their use favorably affects the work of the heart, contributes to child development and growth.

Shrimp salad with cheese - a dish thatwill help you to be known among famous notable cook. This recipe is taken from Italian cuisine, it is simple and original at the same time. You need: 300 grams of shrimp, 200 grams of pasta, 15 grams of tomatoes and cheese, half a cup of olives, one sweet pepper, as well as a pair of garlic cloves and a tablespoon of fresh parsley. Raw shrimps should be boiled until ready, cleaned and put into a bowl of sufficient depth. Next, you need to cook pasta, cool them and add to seafood. There also should be grated and cheese, tomatoes cut into cubes, and pepper - thin strips. In the bowl also need to put the olives, cut in half, and then squeeze the garlic. Salad served with dressing. It is a little harder to cook.

For refueling you need:80 grams of wine vinegar, half a teaspoon of mustard, black pepper, thyme, red pepper, a little salt, 250 milliliters of olive oil, a teaspoon of dried basil and origano. Garlic, mustard, vinegar are mixed, then, gradually introducing the oil, the contents of the bowl should be whipped with a whisk, then you can put pepper, salt, dried herbs. The sauce should be a homogeneous emulsion. He needs to brew a couple of hours, and only then you can enter it into a shrimp salad with cheese. Not too easy, but tasty.

Салат из креветок с яйцом готовится не так сложно.You will need a pound of shrimp (ice-cream, peeled), 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 100 grams of cheese, 4 eggs, half lemon juice and greens (onion, parsley, dill). First boiled eggs, finely chopped. The same must be done with shrimps. Cheese is grated and shredded. The salad is dressed with mayonnaise and lemon juice. It turns out nourishing and quite tasty.

But the recipe of the famous "Caesar" with the addition ofshrimp. You have to take olives, parmesan cheese, 100 grams of lettuce, 30 grams of garlic croutons, pepper, salt and, of course, 10 shrimps. In order to cook croutons, you must use ordinary white bread, garlic and olive oil. A branded sauce, which is seasoned with salad, will consist of lemon juice, mustard, egg yolks, spices, garlic, soy sauce.

The combination of seafood with fruit is not new, it isloved and honored by many. You can try and cook a delicious dish. Shrimp salad involves the use of white wine vinegar (2st. L), sesame oil (2 tbsp. L), a little fresh grated ginger, olive oil, half a kilogram of shrimp, green onions and canned pineapples (one can). So, all the ingredients you have to mix. Shrimps - boil, peel, chop, pineapple - dry, chop finely, onions - rings, ginger - grate. All this is placed in a bowl, season with sesame and olive oil.