/ / Lecho hot: recipes and ingredients

Lecho hot: recipes and ingredients

Lecho sharp - it's a simple and delicious appetizer,which will complement any lunch and dinner. It can also be used for cooking meat, fish or salads. From our article you will learn how to prepare this dish at home.

Lecho is sharp

Lecho with spicy peppers and tomatoes

This dish will appeal to those who prefer sharp, savory snacks.


  • Tomatoes are one kilogram.
  • Bulgarian sweet peppers - one kilogram.
  • Burnt red pepper - two pieces.
  • Onions are 400 grams.
  • Salt is a tablespoon.
  • Sugar is a third of a glass.
  • Vegetable oil - about 50 ml.
  • Black pepper - one small spoon.
  • Vinegar 7% - a teaspoon.

Delicious hot lecho is prepared as follows:

  • Vegetables wash, peel the onions from the husk, and pepper from the seeds.
  • Slice them into large slices.
  • Put on gloves and cut hot pepper rings (do not forget to remove the seeds).
  • Mix the prepared foods in a saucepan, add salt, sugar and ground pepper to them.
  • Put the dishes on a slow fire. Wait until the lecho boils, and then cook it for another half an hour.
  • At the end, add the vinegar and cook the dish for another five minutes.

Put the hot snack in sterilized jars and roll it up. Cover the workpieces with a thick blanket and wait until they cool down. After that, place the jars in the pantry or any suitable place.

 Lecho hot for the winter

Lecho with leeks, carrots and garlic

Before you is a very simple recipe, which even an inexperienced mistress can repeat in her kitchen. From the specified quantity of products it will turn out to roll up three jars on 750 grammes. You will need:

  • One and a half kilograms of sweet Bulgarian pepper.
  • Two hot chili peppers.
  • A kilogram of fresh juicy tomatoes.
  • Four medium bulbs.
  • Two or three carrots.
  • 50 grams of vegetable oil.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • One and a half spoons of 9% vinegar.
  • Three laurel leaves.
  • Three cloves of garlic.
  • Salt to taste.

On how to make an acute lecho, read below:

  • Tomatoes grind with a meat grinder.
  • Sweet peppers clear of seeds and peduncles, and then cut into strips.
  • Bulbs clean and cut into half rings.
  • Peel the carrots with straws.
  • Cut hot peppers into thin slices.
  • Put a pan on the fire, put the tomatoes in it and bring the mashed potatoes to a boil.
  • After that, add the carrots and cook it for a quarter of an hour on low heat.
  • Next, put the onion in a pan and cook the food for another seven minutes.
  • Add salt, sugar and sunflower oil to lecho. Stir foods and pepper.
  • After another 20 minutes, put the chopped garlic, bay leaf, salt, sugar and pepper.

Dispense the prepared dish in clean jars.After that, cover the dishes with covers and turn them upside down. Cover the blanks with something warm, and in a day, send them to storage in a cool and dark place.

recipe of acute lecho

Acute appetizer

The peculiarity of this recipe is that we will not use vinegar and oil for cooking dishes.


  • Tomatoes are three kilograms.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 700 grams.
  • Two heads of garlic.
  • Half a glass of sugar.
  • Two tablespoons of salt.
  • Half a teaspoon of hot pepper.

Lecho hot for the winter is prepared very simply:

  • Slice the vegetables with lobules.
  • Put into the pan the Bulgarian pepper and half the tomatoes.
  • Add to them chili powder, sugar and salt.
  • Bring the sauce to a boil, and then boil it on low heat for another ten minutes.
  • When the specified time has passed, lay the remaining tomatoes and cook the vegetables for another 20 minutes.
  • Seven minutes before the end, put in a pan grated garlic.

Spread the snack over the processed jars and cover it with clean lids.

 Lecho with spicy peppers and tomatoes

Lecho of hot pepper

This sharpened snack is something like adzhika. It consists of the following products:

  • Hot pepper - 500 grams.
  • One medium carrot.
  • Water - 700 ml.
  • Tomato paste - 250 grams.
  • Sunflower oil - 80 ml.
  • Sugar is 300 grams.
  • Salt - one tablespoon.
  • Vinegar (70%) is half a teaspoon.
  • Garlic - two slices.

A very sharp lecho is prepared according to this recipe:

  • Peppers wash, peel from seeds and cut into strips. Do not forget that you should work only with rubber gloves.
  • Scald the workpieces with boiling water at least twice.
  • Rub carrots on a grater for a Korean carrot.
  • Mix the water, tomato paste, salt and sugar.
  • Pour in the marinade the sunflower oil and boil it over medium heat for a couple of minutes.
  • Put the prepared vegetables in a saucepan and cook them for about half an hour. At the very end, add grated garlic and vinegar to them.

Spread the lecho on the banks and roll it up. Serve a snack with manti, dumplings, meat and vegetables.

how to draw a sharp lecho

Sharp harvest for the winter

Surprise guests with a bright and beautiful snack, which is great for strong drinks and meat dishes.

Required products:

  • Sweet pepper - three kilograms.
  • Tomatoes are two kilograms.
  • Garlic - 150 grams.
  • One chili pepper (can be more).
  • Fresh greens - one bunch.
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml.
  • Salt is 50 grams.
  • Vinegar - 100 ml.
  • Sugar is half a glass.

Cooking lecho hot for the winter:

  • Pepper and cut slices.
  • Grind with a meat grinder tomatoes, garlic, greens and chili.
  • Combine the products in a saucepan, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar to them.

Cook lecho for half an hour, and then roll up the snack in jars and send for storage.

Hot sauce Lecho

A fragrant and beautiful snack will decorate your table not only on weekdays, but also on holidays.


  • Purified Bulgarian pepper - two and a half kilograms.
  • The tomato sauce is three liters. You can cook it yourself from eight kilograms of tomato.
  • Burnt red pepper - one piece.
  • Salt and sugar - three tablespoons.
  • Celery celery - three pieces.
  • Carnation - two pieces.
  • Crushed coriander - one tablespoon.

The recipe for an acute lecho read here:

  • Sweet peppers peel and cut into medium slices.
  • Sharp pepper, free from seeds and finely chop with a knife.
  • In a large cauliflower, pour three liters of tomato puree and put the Bulgarian peppers. Put the dishes on the fire and bring the contents to a boil.
  • After a quarter of an hour, add crushed celery, sugar, salt, spicy pepper and spices.
  • After ten minutes, taste the dish. If you are satisfied, then arrange lecho on the banks and roll up.

This universal snack can become a side dish to the main course or used as a sauce.

Lecho with carrots and garlic

Pepper in Bulgarian

Before you one more variant of preparation of a tasty acute snack from peppers and an onions.

The right ingredients:

  • Multicolored Bulgarian peppers - forty pieces.
  • Hot chili peppers are three.
  • Onion - one kilogram.
  • Tomato juice is two liters.
  • Sugar is one glass.
  • Sunflower oil - one glass.
  • Apple cider vinegar is half a glass.
  • Salt - one tablespoon.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

We will prepare a spicy salad-lecho for this recipe:

  • Process and clean the pepper from the seeds, and then cut it into strips.
  • Onion peel and cut into half rings.
  • Sharp chili with small knife.
  • Cut the peas of sweet-scented pepper in a mortar or mill.
  • Mix the tomato juice with salt, sugar and apple cider vinegar. Pour into it vegetable oil, then put on a fire and bring to a boil.
  • When the pepper becomes soft and begins to settle, add crushed chili to the pan. Cook the vegetables for ten minutes.
  • Put the onion and black pepper. Continue to cook lecho for another quarter of an hour.

Ready salad spread on sterilized jars and roll. Place the dishes on the covers and cover with a warm blanket. After a day, the workpieces can be sent to storage in a pantry or refrigerator.

 delicious hot lecho

Lecho with beans

This snack has a piquant taste, which your relatives and friends will surely celebrate.

Required products:

  • Dry beans - 500 grams.
  • Tomatoes - three and a half kilograms.
  • Sweet pepper - two kilograms.
  • One hot pepper.
  • Sugar is one glass.
  • Vegetable oil - one glass.
  • Salt - two tablespoons.
  • Vinegar - two tablespoons.

Lecho spicy with beans is prepared quite simply:

  • Pre-soak the beans in cold water. Best of all do it on the eve of the day that you plan to devote to the preparation of homemade preparations.
  • Crush tomatoes with a blender to a puree, and then combine it with salt and sugar.
  • Put the saucepan with the tomatoes on the fire and bring its contents to a boil.
  • Add thinly chopped pepper and simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  • After that, send the beans in a saucepan and cook another ten minutes.
  • At the very end, pour vinegar into the lecho and mix the products.

Pour the sauce over clean cans and close them with lids.

Cucumber and pepper lecho in a slow cooker

This seasonal recipe is useful to those who eachAutumn gathers in its garden a rich harvest of vegetables. At this time, for the preparation of homemade preparations, we will use the multicooker, indispensable for each experienced hostess.

What products need to prepare? Here is a list:

  • Bulgarian pepper - one and a half kilograms.
  • Garlic - 25 grams.
  • Hot pepper - two pieces (or to your taste).
  • Tomato juice - 500 ml.
  • Salt - half a tablespoon.
  • Table vinegar 9% - 45 grams.
  • Sugar - 100 grams.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 grams.
  • Cucumbers - two kilograms.

Spicy lecho of cucumbers and sweet pepper is prepared as follows:

  • In a deep bowl, mix tomato juice, salt, sugar and vegetable oil.
  • Pepper process, remove seeds and cut into thin slices.
  • Chilli, cucumbers and garlic cut into slices.
  • Stir the vegetables and put them in the multicooker bowl. Set the mode "Quenching" and cook food for at least 45 minutes. 30 minutes after the start of the process, pour tomato juice into the vegetables.
  • Sterilize the jars and boil the lids.

Hot lecho lay out in prepared jars and roll up. Store blanks as usual.

Hungarian lecho

The classic recipe for a delicious vegetable dish will not cause you any difficulty.

First, prepare the following products:

  • Sweet pepper, onions and tomatoes - one kilogram.
  • Hot peppers - five pieces.
  • Garlic - three heads.
  • Salt and sugar - two spoons.
  • Table vinegar - 100 ml.

The recipe for an acute lecho read here:

  • Cut the sweet peppers into strips and mix with the chopped onion.
  • Tomatoes free from the skin and wipe.
  • Garlic peel and wipe. After that, mix it with salt, chopped chili and sugar.
  • Put on the fire pan with tomatoes and peppers. Bring sauce to a boil.
  • After that, put garlic in a bowl and simmer the food for another quarter of an hour.

Spread lecho on clean banks.


Spicy lecho is an excellent warming snack that will make your regular diet varied. Serve it to the table along with meat, vegetable and fish dishes.