/ / Bake mackerel - tasty and easy!

Bake mackerel - tasty and simple!

The fact that the fish is useful, we all know from the very beginningchildhood. In addition, it is delicious, and you can cook from it a lot of different dishes. But spoil the fish is as simple as cooking, if you do not know the intricacies, and after all, every fish "loves" its way of cooking. Today we have mackerel.

bake mackerel

Если вы не знаете, как вкусно приготовить Mackerel, it is no reason to refuse such a wonderful fish - because there are few bones in it, it is prepared easily and quickly. And despite the fat content, it is less caloric than, say, fatty meat.

So, bake mackerel - the recipe is the first.On one fish you need: onion, large tomato (or two smaller ones), lemon, fish seasoning or your favorite. Mackerel beheaded, gutted, remove the fins and black film from the inside, cut into pieces across. Onion, tomato, lemon, cut into slices. Lightly grease the foil with butter, “gather” the fish on it, and put a cup of lemon, onion and tomato in between the pieces. Sprinkle with spices, wrap in foil. Bake mackerel for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees. Before serving, you can pour lemon juice.

how tasty to cook mackerel

We bake mackerel - the second recipe.Here we also prepare mackerel, but with a different filling, but the result is still excellent! Four fish will need a little chopped celery (but this is a product for an amateur, you can replace with other herbs), lemon, dill, pickled cucumber or capers, paprika, other spices. Fish clean, giblets, remove the head. Mix chopped greens, crumbled cucumbers / capers, dill, lemon zest, you can salt a little, if not enough, add spices, a little vegetable oil. With this mixture we fill the fish, we spread the remains on top, wrap it in foil, each fish separately. We bake a mackerel at 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Also mackerel can be baked in a sleeve, on the same principle. Invent, try your marinades, the main thing is not to overdry, the fish is enough for half an hour at 200 degrees and forty minutes at 180.

how to fry mackerel

Many housewives do not know how to fry mackerel -she's fat enough, will it be delicious? It will be if you know the right recipe! We clean the fish, gut, cut off the head, along the spine make a neat cut along the back, separate the top fillets, then remove the spine and ribs, cut the fillets into portions. On a plate mix flour and salt, it is possible to replace flour with bread crumbs, but they stick worse.

We put the lumps into the preheated piecesfrying pan without oil, fry until golden brown on both sides. Due to the fact that fish is oily, oil will not be needed. Ready mackerel can be put on a paper napkin to soak up excess fat, which will be drowned during cooking.

Помимо вышеперечисленных способов, скумбрию очень it is delicious to grill or grill. You will need spices for fish, salt, lemon juice - rub them with cleaned and gutted mackerel, fry until done. Mackerel never gets dry, like many other species of fish, but it always remains tender and fragrant. A specific smell, which many do not like, can be discarded marinades, the same lemon.

Regardless of whether we fry or bake mackerel, enjoy a delicious and healthy fish and do not be afraid to try new recipes!