/ / Kebab - what is it? How to cook, what to serve?

Kebab - what is it? How to cook, with what to serve?

Who would refuse the fragrant piece of meat,fried over an open fire? It is difficult to resist such a delicacy, especially the real lovers of meat products. In the Middle Eastern countries, instead of kebabs prepare no less appetizing dish lula kebab. What it is and from what it makes sure many people know.

It should be noted that the eastern treat is solidstuck in Russian cooking. In almost all restaurants, the menu offers this dish in various interpretations, with the addition of vegetables and poultry. Of course, these variations are far from the traditional culinary dish, but all are very tasty and worthy of a festive feast.

Lyulya-kebab - what is it?

kebab what is it

No meat eater will refuse a good portion.grilled "sausage" cooked on the grill. Oriental food - a bright copy of sausages, only much more useful and more natural. Popular in Central Asian countries and in the North Caucasus. Honor delicacy in Armenia, Tatarstan, Ukraine and even Russia.

Traditionally, the dish is prepared mainly fromlamb, or rather, the back. For juiciness necessarily added fat tail. At the same time, the meat is not subjected to grinding, as for cutlets, it is cut with a special cooking hatchet. Then put the necessary ingredients and form tubes that are strung on skewers.

It’s not hard to recreate a dish at home,using a roaster or oven. Following the uncomplicated rules and subtleties, you will prepare a real culinary product, from which salivation will run. In the publication we present very tasty recipes that will delight fans of cooking.

Kebab from minced pork in the oven

pork kebab

It's hard for a city dweller to find in a store.lamb, in connection with this offer to use pork. Choose fresh meat that is not stale or frozen. Perfect hip or shoulder part. Product Set:

  • half a kilogram of pork;
  • lamb fat - 50 grams;
  • onions - 350 gr .;
  • lemon;
  • a bunch of fresh dill.

Spices: a pinch of coriander, a mixture of red and black pepper, also hops-suneli, zera and salt.


To make the pork kebab juicy, addin it fatty fat. Pre-freeze the slice and rub to the minced meat (take away from the film and bones). Shred onions with dill, you can chop the parsley. We shift the workpiece in the stuffing. In the total mass put the listed spices, squeeze the juice of lemon.

It remains to mix the stuffing by hand,so that it becomes viscous and uniform. Cover with cling film, put in the refrigerator for half an hour. After waiting for the time interval, we begin to form "sausages", periodically dipping hands into the water so that the meat does not stick and it is easier to stick together.

In the event that the stuffing turned out too liquid- add flour. We string each product on a bamboo skewer, we shift it to a baking sheet covered with foil. Set the oven at 180-200C, bake for about half an hour. When one side of the sausages is browned, it should be turned over for even baking.

A delicious dinner will delight your household or guests. In addition to the dish, serve chopped fresh vegetables, boiled potatoes, lots of greens. The treats go well with various sauces.

Kebab on beef skillet

kebab in the pan

Do not be afraid of such an unusual way of cooking, it is not inferior in taste. It remains juiciness, tenderness and nutritional value. It remains the case for the choice of products. We will need:

  • kilogram of beef (fillet);
  • about seven medium bulbs;
  • on a bunch of cilantro and parsley;
  • 10 grams of dried barberry, oregano and rosemary;
  • salt, pepper, lemon juice - to taste;
  • Armenian pita bread.

Optionally, you can add a variety of dry spices and seasonings, including basil, ginger and mint. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the taste of meat will be lost.

Preparation organization

Для начала подготовим все ингредиенты для lula kebab What it is and how to prepare it was described above. Remove the film from the fillet of beef, cut into portions (like shish kebab), add grated or shredded onions and all seasonings. Finely chop bunches of greens, spread in minced meat.

We take a chopping board, moisten with water,form rolls. Fry the products in the pan on both sides until a beautiful crust is formed. You do not need to keep the kebab for a long time, because the dish will become dry. It remains to wrap the "sausages" in pita bread, with onion rings. Serve with tomato sauce.

Chicken kebab on dill stick

chicken kebab

Over the years, the recipe has undergone manychange, but it did not make it worse. For those who prefer lean dishes, we suggest using chicken. White poultry is favored by nutritionists, it has a delicate flavor, low in cholesterol and calories. Before you cook kebab, you should visit the hypermarket and purchase the following products:

  • A pound of chicken fillet;
  • any cheese 50% fat - 100 gr .;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs .;
  • two heads of onions;
  • mineral water - 50 ml;
  • dill stalks.

For aroma and brightness of taste, take garlic salt, black pepper, oregano. Also do not forget about the stalks of dill, they will act as skewers.


Следует отметить, что филе не нужно перемалывать in the stuffing, because it falls apart when sculpting. Chop chicken in portions, add chopped onion, sweet pepper, grated cheese, seasonings. Then pour the specified amount of mineral water, knead like dough. Cover with a towel or foil - put in half an hour in the cold.

While our stuffing is “suitable”, we will wash the fennel stalks.Wet hands sculpt oblong cutlets of chilled chicken mince, gently strung on dill sticks. If desired, roll in semolina or bread crumbs. We lay out all the "skewers" at a distance from each other on a baking sheet. Bake for 20-30 minutes. When serving, decorate with fresh herbs and serve vegetables. A delicious dinner with notes of the east will conquer any gourmet.

Lamb kebab on the grill

 how to cook kebab

Kebab is not at all difficult to cookon your own, when you know all the culinary subtleties, and no matter what kind of meat you make it from. By the way, it is originally and unusually obtained from mixed minced meat. The dish is made on charcoal, convection oven, grill, oven and even a microwave. By showing patience and skill, you will be surprised how easy and simple it is to recreate an oriental treat in your own kitchen. Ingredients Required:

  • Half a kilo of mutton (back);
  • fat tail - 100 g;
  • three onions or red onions;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • green onion feathers;
  • two sprigs of basil;
  • black pepper, salt.

Cooking process

We rinse the lamb, separate from the bones, theysuitable for broth. Cut into small pieces, rub the rump there, season with black pepper and salt. We send "rest" in the fridge for half an hour. Take out the meat, add chopped parsley, onion, add seasoning.

 delicious dinner

It remains to strung on the brazier lula kebab.What is it and what does it eat? Surely no longer need to repeat. Tomim on hot coals, not forgetting to constantly turn over so that the meat does not burn. You can serve with baked vegetables or pita bread, so even more delicious. On the edge of Armenian lavash we put a little greens with onions, on top - fried "sausages", roll them up with a roll. Decorate with cherry, dill and cilantro. Only one odor will spit saliva. Enjoy your meal!

Filing rules, or what to eat

very tasty recipes

В странах Востока и на Кавказе принято подавать dish on the "pillow" of greens. To your taste, you can decorate with pomegranate seeds, lemon slices. Sauce is necessarily provided: tomato, mustard, tkemali. It is not forbidden to serve the table with vegetable platter, stewed peppers, baked eggplants, tomatoes. Boiled rice and potatoes are suitable as a side dish. In addition, on the table should be pita bread and bread. Very tasty recipes presented in the article will appeal to you. Cook in pleasure, to the joy of family and friends!