/ / Tips on how to carve chicken at home

Tips on how to carve chicken at home

Tired of the bustle of the city, many peopleThey move to live closer to nature and buy a house in the village or a cottage. Over time, having mastered all the tricks of growing different crops in their backyard plots, they begin to think about how to provide the family with ecologically clean food not only of vegetable but also of animal origin. Simply put, they decide to fatten chickens, ducks and rabbits to get homemade meat. Usually the first sample in the role of farmer begins with the cultivation of young broilers. Their meat is very tender, tasty and early (to gain weight up to three kilograms it takes no more than 60 days). But many, still not quite experienced "poultry" to the end do not know how to chop chicken. Of course, an experienced adviser will not interfere in this matter. But what to do, if all the same you had to meet one-on-one with the future “tobacco chicken”? In this article you will find useful tips on how to chop chicken. Photos of all stages will help you with this. Follow the directions and you will get neatly plucked and gutted poultry carcasses.

how to carve chicken

How to butcher the chicken. Stage One: From Fishing to Scalding

1. The bird that you plan to slaughter for meat is usually not fed in the evening of the previous day. This is to ensure that the goiter and entrails are not filled.

how to chop chicken

2. Select the largest individuals.If the bird is young, try not to damage the wings when catching, as the cartilage tissue is very delicate and you can simply twist the limbs. Such a carcass will not be completely "first-class".

how to carve chicken photo

3For greater convenience during the moment of cutting off the head, make a special device. To do this, roll up the dense tin with a funnel, leaving a hole with a diameter of 5-6 cm. Having lowered the chicken there, you can easily cut off the chicken head with an ax.

how to scald a chicken

4.After all the blood has gone from the carcass, and it will stop convulsing (after 15-20 minutes), proceed to scalding. Bring water to a boil, and the temperature should not be above 80 degrees. Otherwise, the chicken can peel off the skin. Take the carcass and, holding by one foot, dip into hot water for one and a half to two minutes.

How to butcher the chicken. Stage two: from plucking to scorching the carcass

  1. Pull the pelt around the neck and tie it with a cord.
  2. Remove the feathers from the chicken, placing it on the table legs in it. Move, grabbing a small bunch, from top to bottom.
  3. Carefully pluck the delicate wings.
  4. Scorch the bare carcass of the chicken with the help of a burner (or above the burner of a gas stove) This is necessary to remove excess fine hair.
    cutting chicken

How to butcher the chicken. Stage Three: Gutting

  1. Remove the thread from the neck and, making a small incision, remove the goiter, trying to pull the esophagus and the tube going to the lungs. Act with a sharp knife.
  2. Cut off the legs, moving in the phalanges.
  3. The abdomen is cut across from leg to leg above the rear opening. Try not to damage the intestines, so as not to smear the meat.
  4. Remove the chicken entrails, grabbing the hand, while at the same time try not to tear strongly and not to pull, so as not to damage the gallbladder, located near the liver.
  5. Cut off the stomach, heart and liver with whichcut away, a little way back, a dark green pouch. If you suddenly crush him, then you need to very quickly wash all the inside of the chicken with a stream of cold water so that the meat does not taste bitter from the bile that has fallen on it. The stomach is cut across into two meaty halves. Use a knife to scrape a thick yellow film along with the remnants of feed.
  6. Placing the hand or special device inside the chicken, remove the esophagus, lungs and remnants of the intestines.
    gutting chicken

How to butcher the chicken. Stage Four: from washing to packing for storage

  1. Wash the chicken well first with hot and then cold water.
  2. After draining the liquid, place the carcass in a plastic bag and then in the freezer.

But still the most common use of ready-cut birds is not freezing “until better times,” but roasting in the oven!