/ How to make jam from cherry.

How to make jam from sweet cherry.

On the healing properties of sweet cherries, we actually know very little, and in fact it is not just delicious, but also a very useful berry!

Over two thousand years, more than fourthousands of species of this berry, they differ among themselves by the ratio of sugar and organic substances. The darker the cherry, the more useful, although light varieties are less likely to cause allergies. Dark berries contain a large number of bioflavonoids, which are very strong antioxidants. They strengthen the heart, the walls of blood vessels, stimulate blood formation, protect against cancer and rejuvenate the body. Varieties with sour taste are more useful than just sweet. After all, the acidic taste is cherished by organic acids, such as ascorbic (vitamin C) and folic (vitamin B9). The sweeter the sweet cherry, the more caloric, besides the sweet cherry causes the formation of a large number of gases in the intestine (flatulence). Therefore, sweet cherry varieties should be excluded from people with diabetes. In this berry contains iron, which positively affects the formation of blood cells and relieves joint pain.

Not only to enjoy a useful berryin the beginning of summer, but also all year round, it is possible to make various dishes from sweet cherry. This is a variety of jams, jams, julep (such a soft drink), drying or simple freezing of sweet cherries in the freezer.

For cherry jam, white varieties are recommendedsmall bones and large fruits. Cherries need to be rinsed well under the stream of water, remove the bones, without damaging the flesh. The berries should be placed in a saucepan and covered with sugar, soak for an hour and a half. After this, pour a glass of water into the pan and cook until ready, constantly removing the foam. As the jam thickens, you should periodically try it. Then add a few grams of citric acid, vanilla sugar or lemon juice. Remove the jam from the fire and wait for seven to eight hours. During this time, the jam will cool and will be well saturated with syrup.

Cherry jam with lemon and nuts

To make this jam, take onekilogram of white cherries, wash it thoroughly, take out the bones. In place of the removed bone, place a quarter of a walnut. Put the sweet cherries in an enamel bowl and cover with syrup. Prepare syrup from one kilogram of sugar, one glass of water, ten walnuts and half a lemon. In the same bowl cut the remains of lemon and nuts. You need to cook for five minutes three times, with intervals of five hours.

Sweet cherry jam with vanilla

In this jam for one kilogram of sweet cherries add one kilogram of sugar and half a glass of water. Vanillin is added at the end. You can add lemon slices.

Cherry and cherry jam

Тщательно вымойте ягоды, которые нужно взять в equal proportions. Split the berries equally: put one part in jars at once, and raise the bones from the second. Brew cherries and sweet cherries in a saucepan, adding one cup of honey. When the mass is ready, cool it and pour it into jars. Sterilize the jam and roll up.

Cherry jam with stones

Wash the cherries and put them down for two minutes.boiling water. After that, fill the berry with sugar syrup and cook in three doses, with a break of five hours. At the end of cooking, add four grams of citric acid, so that the jam is not candied.

Also tasty, useful and beautiful will lookCherry jam with strawberries and red currants. It is necessary to take for this by a pound of all the berries, one and a half kilograms of sugar and one cup of water. In a sugar syrup during boiling, lower the sweet cherry (after removing the seeds), peeled strawberries and currants. While stirring continuously, cook until ready. Use a sweet cherry not only as a summer berry, but also cook tasty dishes from it.