/ / Supplement E202 or potassium sorbate: health effects

Additive E202 or potassium sorbate: the effect on health

Modern food industry, unfortunately,can not do without dyes, flavorings and preservatives. According to the WHO, they are all safe and can not cause serious harm to health. However, some of them are still recommended to eat in limited quantities, while others are not. One of the most harmless is considered additive E202. The impact on the human body, according to the same WHO, is minimal. However, some scientists question this truth. But what confuses them so much in her?

What is E202?

E202 additive or potassium sorbate is a natural preservative derived from sorbic acid. From the point of view of chemists, this is simply a salt of the acid and has the formula C6X7KO2. It is obtained from seed and plant juice.(for example, mountain ash), less often synthesized. For the first time it was possible to do it in the second half of the 19th century. But only in the 20th century its antimicrobial properties were discovered. A little later, they began to produce potassium sorbate commercially.

Potassium sorbate: health effects

The effect on health was then still little studied inunlike the properties of this dietary supplement. Thus, it is known for certain that the addition of E202 slows down the growth of mold fungi and yeast, so it can be used to extend the shelf life of cheeses and sausages. In addition, it has neither taste nor smell. This makes it possible to add it as a preservative to various confectionery desserts, canned vegetables and fruits, and juices. Since it behaves well even in an acidic environment, potassium sorbate can often be found in spicy and spicy Asian sauces.

Но в основном, конечно, он получил свою popularity in the food industry, due to another property. E202 is an additive that dissolves well in water. So, in 1 liter of liquid it can be up to 138 grams. This is much more than is required for the preservation of products.

Where is it used?

E 202: effects on the body

Speaking of potassium sorbate, we can confidentlysay this is one of the most popular food additives. So, it is almost always added during industrial canning of vegetables and fruits. And this is all kinds of pickles, marinades, jams, compotes and juices. This prevents the appearance of mold in them, and therefore increases the shelf life. For every 100 kg of the finished product will be no more than 100-200 grams. It is believed that in this amount, potassium sorbate has no effect on health.

It is also almost always present inoil and fat products. And this is margarine, mayonnaise and all kinds of cheeses. In popular spicy sauces (mustard, ketchup, soy and others), E202 can also be used. Usually it is not more than 100 grams per 100 kilograms of product. And, of course, it is part of most smoked meats, canned fish and non-alcoholic carbonated drinks and wines. Less commonly, potassium sorbate is used to treat the surface of rye bread, as well as food packaging.

Is there any harm?

On the one hand, WHO says thatA dietary supplement, like potassium sorbate, has no effect on health within acceptable limits. It, by the way, should be no more than 0.2% of the total mass of the finished product. On the other hand, many scientists argue that the addition of E202 has not been sufficiently studied and there are cases of food poisoning with products. Who is right after all?

E202: additive

It has already been proven that potassium sorbate is completelyabsorbed by the human body, breaking down in the intestines into components. It is with this fact that its widespread use is connected. E202 is permitted as an additive in most countries: USA, Canada, Europe, Russia and the entire post-Soviet space. However, in some cases, potassium sorbate may cause an allergic reaction, manifested in the form of redness and pruritus. Otherwise, this dietary supplement can be considered absolutely harmless.

To be or not to be?

However, many today are concerned about the presence in foodadditives with the prefix "E". It is important to understand that this is just a classification. What effect potassium sorbate will have on health will also depend on many other factors. Including on what the whole eats and what kind of life a person leads.